294 research outputs found

    Pertanggung Jawaban Pelaku USAha terhadap Kerugian Akibat Penggunaan Bahan Klorin terhadap Produk Pangan (Beras)

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    Food is a basic human need and its fulfill is a part of human rights. The food must always be available every time, and it should be in good quality, nutritious and the price should be affordable to the community. Certain system, which protect the producers and the consumers. is needed for reaching the fulfillment. In fact, there are some producers who conduct fraud in food business, namely by adding the chlorine to the food. This additive contain may harm the human health, so that food does not meet food quality standards. Based on above mentioned problems, this article will focus on the impact of the contaminated food for the health of consumers and the responsibility of the producers against loss suffered by consumers due to consumption of food (rice ) chlorine-containing materials. The impact of consuming food (rice), may cause cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, anemia, high blood pressure. The producers shall take responsibility by paying restitution to the consumer and the consumers do not need to prove the faul

    Analisis Kemampuan Siswa Kelas V SD Gugus I Kecamatan Sukajadi Kota Pekanbaru dalam Menganalisis Unsur Intrinsik Cerpen

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    This research is motivated by the problem of the student in analyzing elements. Many of students have problems in analyzing because of lack of understanding about intrinsic elements, where the students just read without understanding the content of the reading text. Besides the lack of the students understanding, the researcher also found information that lack of exercises in analyzing intrinsic elements, so that it is difficul for the students to analyzing intrinsic elements of short story. The objective of the research is to describe the fifth grade student\u27s ability at SD Gugus I Sukajadi subdistrict Pekanbaru analyzing intrinsic elemets of short story. This research is descriptive quantitative research. The method of the reaserch is survey method by collecting the data using test in the from of essay as much 6 questions that have been validated use judgment validation expert. The population of the reaserch are 242 students. The sample of the research was taken 5% so the sample of the reaserch are 142 students. Based on the result of the reaserch, it can be concluded that the fifth garde struden\u27s ability at SD Gugus I Sukajadi subdistrict Pekanbaru in analyzing intrinsict elements of short story by 142 students as a sample in this reaserch who could reach an axcellent level are 31 students, good level are 102 student, average level are 8 students and the student who get poor level is 1 student with an average rating score is 76,6 by the following indicators as follows: 1) on the theme indicator whit everage level is 61,25. 2) on the fugure indicator whit exellent level is 97,75. 3) on the setting indicator whit good level is 84,5. 4) on the caracter indicator whit everage level is 64,75. 5) on the plot indicator whit excellent level is 90,25. 6) on the message indcatore whit average level is 62,25. Overall, the student\u27s ability get an everage score 76,6 with good level. It is shows that the fifth grade student\u27s ability SD Gugus I Sukajadi subdisrtict Pekanbaru in analizyng intrinsict elements of short story are in good level

    Promosi Pelaku USAha yang Merugikan Konsumen

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    Promosi memiliki posisi paling penting. Setiap Perusahaan selalu mengalokasikan dana khusus untuk keperluan promosinya. Dewasa ini berbagai macam cara penjualan dilakukan untuk mencapai target penjualan atau mengutamakan mampu meraih pangsa pasar serta keuntungan, dilakukan oleh pelaku USAha dengan mengupayakan produk yang ditampilkan menarik dengan harga yang terjangkau. Kegiatan-kegiatan pelaku USAha untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dan meraih pangsa pasar terkadang tidak dilakukan dengan cara melakukan penjualan yang baik, menipulasi dan kegiatan yang sifatnya mengelabui konsumen sering dilakukan, hal ini yang banyak menimbulkan kerugian bagi konsumen. Beberapa cara untuk memikat konsumen, antara lain dilakukan melalui pemberian hadiah Cuma-Cuma, obral, undian dengan maksud ingin mendapatkan perhatian dari produk atau USAha yang dilakukan. Pada kesempatan ini penulis mencoba mengemukakan beberapa permasalahan dengan menggunakan identifikasi masalah yaitu mengenai tanggung jawab pelaku USAha terhadap konsumen apabila konsumen dirugikan oleh pelaku USAha akibat promosi produknya dan mengenai upaya hukum yang dapat ditempuh oleh konsumen apabila konsumen dirugikan oleh pelaku USAha. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif analisis dan pendekatan yuridis normati

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Terhadap International Brand Image Serta Dampaknya Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Pembeli Dan Pengguna Laptop Lenovo Di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the Quality Product of the International Brand Image as well as the impact on the purchase decision. In this study the variables used are product quality while International Brand Image and Purchase Decision as an endogenous variable. This type of research is explanatory research with a quantitative approach. This research was conducted at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences UB Malang on the purchasers and users of Lenovo, involving respondents as many as 88 respondents where 35 male respondents and 53 female respondents. The sampling technique using the formula of Machin and Campbell (1987). Based on the analysis show that the variable Product Quality positive effect on the variable International Brand Image and Purchase Decisions

    Research experiences on materials science in space aboard Salyut and Mir

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    From 1980 through 1991 approximately 500 materials processing experiments were performed aboard the space stations Salyut 6, Salyut 7 and Mir. This includes work on catalysts, polymers, metals and alloys, optical materials, superconductors, electronic crystals, thin film semiconductors, super ionic crystals, ceramics, and protein crystals. Often the resulting materials were surprisingly superior to those prepared on earth. The Soviets were the first to fabricate a laser (CdS) from a crystal grown in space, the first to grow a heterostructure in space, the first super ionic crystal in space, the first crystals of CdTe and its alloys, the first zeolite crystals, the first protein crystals, the first chromium disilicide glass, etc. The results were used to optimize terrestrial materials processing operations in Soviet industry. The characteristics of these three space stations are reviewed, along with the advantages of a space station for materials research, and the problems encountered by the materials scientists who used them. For example, the stations and the materials processing equipment were designed without significant input from the scientific community that would be using them. It is pointed out that successful results have been achieved also by materials processing at high gravity in large centrifuges. This research is also continuing around the world, including at Clarkson University. It is recommended that experiments be conducted in centrifuges in space, in order to investigate the acceleration regime between earth's gravity and the microgravity achieved in orbiting space stations. One cannot expect to understand the influence of gravity on materials processing from only two data points, earth's gravity and microgravity. One must also understand the influence of fluctuations in acceleration on board space stations, the so-called 'g-jitter.' This paper is presented in outline and graphical form

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Tax Compliance Penyetoran dan Pelaporan SPT Masa PPN (Survei pada PKP yang Terdaftar di KPP Pratama Tampan Pekanbaru)

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    The study was conducted using a survey method. With the aim to analyze the factors that affect the remittance of tax compliance and reporting PERIOD VAT returns on PFM STO Registered in Tampan Pekanbaru.Population in this study were all entrepreneurs taxable entity registered with the tax office (LTO) Primary Tampan Pekanbaru. Samples taken amounted to 74 respondents. The type of data used is primary data by using questionnaire method of data collection. Data analysis method used is partial least squares (PLS) with the help of the program SmartPLS 2.0.These results indicate that (1) the attitude of taxpayers to comply has a significant influence on the intention of the taxpayer to comply, (2) subjective norm does not have a significant effect on the taxpayers intention to comply, (3) perceived behavioral control have significant influence on taxpayers intention to comply, (4) the financial condition does not have a significant influence on tax compliance and (5) the taxpayers intention to adhere to have a significant influence on tax compliance.Keywords: Attitudes of taxpayer to comply, Subjective norm, Perceived behavioral control, Financial condition, The taxpayers intention to comply and Tax complianc

    Dominasi Ilokusi Dan Perlokusi Dalam Transaksi Jual Beli

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    The domination of Illocutionary and Perlocutionary in Buying and Selling Process was choosen as a title of this research. One of the biggest traditional market in Semarang, Pasar Johar was selected as a place to take the data because of its heterogeneity. Many buyers and sellers come from different cities, different ethnic groups, social strata, languages, dialects and diversity of cultural traditions that will produce complex utterance. Descriptive qualitative method was used in this research, which had purposes to provide in developing linguistic studies, especially in pragmatic speech acts. Result of the research shows tha ilocutionary and perlocutionary are dominant in the process of buying and selling

    Common law in legal authorities system

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    The article examines common law role in legal authorities system. Special attention is attached to alteration of law apprehension and modern notions stipulation

    Akuisisi Bahasa Anak Umur 5 Tahun Dari Sebuah Tayangan Serial Televisi

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    Maraknya tayangan serial televisi dari negara India membuat penikmat televisi tidak inginmelewatkan cerita per episodenya, dari tayangan anak-anak sampai dewasa semuanya ada. Judulserial “ BALVEER” dipilih sebagai sumber data karena serial ini banyak diminati oleh anakanak.Tujuan penelitian ini antara lain untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pemerolehan bahasaterhadap tayangan serial “Balveer”, baik dilihat dari segi kebahasaan phonology, Sintaksis,Semantik dan Pragmatik berdasarkan metode kualitatif dengan metode pendukung studi kasus.Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu; dari segi phonolgy anak-anak sudah lancar melafalkan /r/dengan jelas. Secara sintaksis mereka sudah mampu menghasilkan frasa adjekif, nomina danadverbia, dari jenis kalimat, mereka sudah bisa membuat kalimat sederhana bahkan kalimatmajemuk. Dari segi semantik, anak-anak sangat mampu membuat generalisasi dan memaknaisebuah kata dengan tepat, mereka tidak mengalami kesulitan dalm menggenarilasasi sebuahmakna kata. secara pragmatik anak-anak telah mampu menggunakan deikses dalam penggunaanpercakapan sehari-hari. Mereka mampu menerapkan dalam percakapan formal dan non formal,percakapan dengan orang tua ataupun dengan teman sebaya.
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