134 research outputs found

    Ownership Structures

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    In this paper, we analyse the effects of the massive Russian privatisation programme on the ownership of Russian firms and on the behaviour of formerly state owned enterprises. A large random sample of Russian firms is used to investigate the emerging ownership structures, patterns of control and enterprise behaviour. We find that workers have become the dominant owners in a majority ig Russian private firms; 65% of the total as against 19% being manager owned and 16% of being outsider owned. Higher- ownership appears to confer significantly more influence over decision-making on managers and outsiders, but not on workers. Most importantly however, we find no evidence that privatisation affects any major area of enterprise behaviour or performance.

    Technologies for remote lidar sensing of the surface to detect low concentrations of hydrocarbons in Siberia and the far north

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    The results of research in the field of remote sensing using the technologies of radar and laser detection of hydrocarbons raw materials aimed at the search, localization and topographic location of discovered oil and gas field, the determination of leaks and atmospheric pollution by hydrocarbon gases (e.g. methane) are presented. The main problems with sounding are revealed. To determine the extremely low concentrations of methane in the atmosphere, the main constraining factors were determined and the need to suppress side interference arising on the probing path of the laser beam was shown. To formulate requirements for the sensitivity of equipment and the accuracy of software calculations, the choice of a mathematical model of the path of the laser beam is justified. A modification of the known model is proposed to represent the lidar path based on the differential absorption method taking into account correction coefficients of molecular and aerosol absorption and scattering. Thus, the presented model is a set of methods for providing more accurate and localized data for the implementation of a hardware-software complex. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    The urgency of the chosen topic, which is related to the need to study the potential of police officers of both sexes, has been outlined. The latest research on the chosen issues of Ukrainian and foreign scholars has been analyzed, and the objective of the article was to present the results of an empirical study of gender characteristics of psychological potential of police officers. According to the results of the study, the authors have revealed a lack of gender differences in the level of psychological potential within studied persons: 68% of future patrol police officers have a high level of potential; 27% has the studied persons with the average level of psychological potential of sample group; and the smallest – about 5% – is the group with low level of psychological potential. The gender features of potential have been revealed: formed with psychological resources in the group of women are “work on themselves” and “love”, in the group of men – “success”. The most developed psychological resources in both groups of the studied persons were “self-realization in the profession”, “self-confidence”, “help to others” and “responsibility”, which can be considered as a factor of changes in both professional development and personal self-development. The relationships between the components of psychological potential and decision-making factors in the groups of studied persons have been established: the ability of women to update their own resources and the desire to creatively work on them increases their tendency to rationality, moderation and procrastination, and the presence of such gender-colored features as sensitivity, empathy and openness to people, predetermine the probability of implementing such decision-making factor as “avoidance”. Actualization of the ability to use own resources of men and the desire for self-realization strengthens their ability to take responsibility and diligence, allows to choose the most appropriate options for behavior and rational decisions, decreasing conformism; in a situation of decision-making they are prone to productive coping “vigilance”. The obtained data allow to study sources of potential of police officers (both men and women), to determine the ways to optimize their psychological potential and provide an opportunity to more effectively organize the psychological support of their professional activities.Актуальність теми пов’язана з потребою вивчення ресурсності працівників поліції обох статей. Представлено результати емпіричного вивчення гендерних особливостей психологічної ресурсності працівників поліції, серед яких виявлено такі: у групі жінок сформованими психологічними ресурсами є «робота над собою» та «любов», у групі чоловіків – «успіх». Установлено взаємозв’язки між компонентами психологічної ресурсності та факторами прийняття рішень у групах досліджуваних: чоловіки схильні до продуктивного копінгу «пильність», жінки частіше орієнтуються на копінг «уникнення»

    Carbenoxolone does not cross the blood brain barrier: an HPLC study

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    BACKGROUND: Carbenoxolone (CBX) is a widely used gap junctional blocker. Considering several reports indicating that transient gap junctional blockade could be a favourable intervention following injuries to central nervous tissue, and some current enthusiasm in studies using systemic injections of CBX, it is imperative to consider the penetration of CBX into central nervous tissue after systemic administrations. So far, only very indirect evidence suggests that CBX penetrates into the central nervous system after systemic administrations. We thus determined the amounts of CBX present in the blood and the cerebrospinal fluid of rats after intraperitoneal administration, using high performance liquid chromatography RESULTS: CBX was found in the blood of the animals, up to 90 minutes post-injection. However, the cerebrospinal fluid concentration of CBX was negligible. CONCLUSION: Thus, we conclude that, most likely, CBX does not penetrate the blood brain barrier and therefore recommend careful consideration in the manner of administration, when a central effect is desired

    Polycystic ovary syndrome - 80 years of research and new directions in the study (literature review)

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    The article presents the current data of history of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) study. It contains studies of genetic susceptibility of PCOS, PCOS symptoms and connection with development of anxiety and depressive disorders. The article covers ethnic differences in the phenotypic manifestations of PCOS. The papers describes the study of endocrine causes of infertility in Russian and Buryat women. Several theories of PCOS, including the theory of PCOS connection with intestinal bacterial flora disorders ("dysbiotic intestinal microbiota") are being discussed. The article also provides an overview of various scientific research in this area and the data of the relationship of PCOS and the risk of cardiometabolic disorders, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, obesity and sleep apnea. It highlights modern aspects in the study of PCOS etiology - studies of adipose tissue as an endocrine organ. The article reflects study of PCOS relationship with the level of the gastrointestinal tract hormones: leptin, insulin, ghrelin, cholecystokinin, peptide YY. The effect of short-term low-dose hormonal contraceptives on appetite levels in PCOS is covered. The scientific articles on the severity of hypertension in menopausal women with PCOS history and the presence of overweight are reviewed. The scientific work determines molecular genetic markers of PCOS in the aspect of the influence of environmental factors on the expression of genes

    Profile of a patient with tubal peritoneal infertility with unsuccessful attempts of IVF

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    Tubal-peritoneal infertility ranks first among the reasons for carrying out IVF in the Irkutsk region. The effectiveness of assisted reproductive technologies programs in particular, programs of in vitro fertilization depends on many factors. In addition to the quality of embryos - factor that is almost impossible to influence, the effectiveness of IVF depends on the presence of persistent foci of infection in women with infertility. A retrospective analysis of 83 patients with an established diagnosis of primary infertility, tubal-peritoneal factor, the average age of 35.8 ± 1.5years, the duration of infertility averaged 4.5 ± 1.3 years, the level of Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMG) is not lower than 1 ng/ml (sufficient ovarian reserve), after unsuccessful attempts of application of methods of assisted reproductive technologies (one or more inefficient IVF program). Mostly, patients had normal indices of body mass index. We preformed a retrospective analysis of 83 cases histories of patients of "Mother and child" clinic, Irkutsk, with established diagnosis of primary infertility with tubal-peritoneal factor and composed a clinical profile of a patient. All patients were examined for genital tuberculosis, which was diagnosed in 12 women (14.4 %). Genital tuberculosis as a hidden source of infection has no pathognomonic symptoms and difficult to diagnose, so the presence of indirect signs should alert the obstetrician-gynecologist for early diagnosis of this disease. For early and timely detection of genital tuberculosis in women with reproductive disorders, active implementation of an expanded list of risk factors in the outpatient stage is necessary

    Процедурная седация и/или анальгезия: обзор литературы

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    АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ: За последние десятилетия процедурная седация и/или анальгезия (ПС/ПСА) стала широко применяться с целью проведения диагностических исследований и малоинвазивных хирургических вмешательств во внеоперационных условиях. Представленные данные в литературе по ПС/ПСА содержат противоречивую информацию в отношении показаний, противопоказаний, рисков осложнений, базового уровня мониторинга и целевого уровня седации (ЦУС). ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: Провести анализ существующих практических рекомендаций, рандомизированных клинических исследований (РКИ), обзор данных литературы и систематизировать данные о возможностях использования седативных препаратов и наркотических анальгетиков в рамках процедурной седации. МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: Проведен поиск в электронных базах PubMed, Medline, Embase, eLibrary рекомендаций по ПС/ПСА, РКИ и статей. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: В обзоре литературы описаны уровни седации в порядке возрастания сложности и потенциального риска развития осложнений. Представлена сравнительная характеристика препаратов первой и второй линии для седации и обезболивания. Сформулированы минимальные требования к периоперационному мониторингу жизненно важных показателей, уровня седации и боли. ВЫВОДЫ: ПС/ПСА в плановом или неотложном порядке обеспечивает безопасное, комфортное и успешное выполнение диагностических исследований и малоинвазивных хирургических вмешательств. Принципы взаимодействия и введения седативных препаратов с наркотическими анальгетиками лежат в основе применения схем седации. Использование шкал имеет важное практическое значение для мониторинга динамики уровня седации и более тонкого управления дозами седативных препаратов. Абсолютных противопоказаний для ПС/ПСА нет. ПС/ПСА является востребованным направлением в современной практике анестезиолога-реаниматолога. Отсутствие в Российской Федерации регламентирующих документов по ПС/ПСА диктует необходимость разработки методических рекомендаций


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    Diagnosis of urogenital tuberculosis presents great difficulties. The article shows the main methods of diagnosing disease in modern conditions. For the early and timely detection of tuberculosis of female genital mutilation it is necessary to restore the interaction, of TB doctors and. gynecologists

    Perturbed Rotations of a Rigid Body Close to the Lagrange Case under the Action of Unsteady Perturbation Torques

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    Perturbed rotations of a rigid body close to the Lagrange case under the action of perturbation torques slowly varying in time are investigated. Conditions are presented for the possibility of averaging the equations of motion with respect to the nutation angle and the averaged system of equations of motion is obtained. In the case of the rotational motion of the body in the linear-dissipative medium the numerical integration of the averaged system of equations is conducted


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    The article presents the results of analysis of statistical data and medical cases of women with urogenital tuberculosis, examined at the Republic's clinical TB dispensary in Ulan-Ude (Buryat Respublic) in the 2008-2012. It was shown that in accordance with hospital register the genital TB incidence and the rate of infertility associated with tuberculosis in Buryats and Russian patients are similar