613 research outputs found

    Presidential Succession and Delegation in Case of Disability

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    Memo issued four days after the Reagan assassination attempt.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/twentyfifth_amendment_executive_materials/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Telescoping cylindrical piezoelectric fiber composite actuator assemblies

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    A telescoping actuator assembly includes a plurality of cylindrical actuators in a concentric arrangement. Each cylindrical actuator is at least one piezoelectric fiber composite actuator having a plurality of piezoelectric fibers extending parallel to one another and to the concentric arrangement's longitudinal axis. Each cylindrical actuator is coupled to concentrically-adjacent ones of the cylindrical actuators such that the plurality of cylindrical actuators can experience telescopic movement. An electrical energy source coupled to the cylindrical actuators applies actuation energy thereto to generate the telescopic movement

    Tunable optical assembly with vibration dampening

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    An optical assembly is formed by one or more piezoelectric fiber composite actuators having one or more optical fibers coupled thereto. The optical fiber(s) experiences strain when actuation voltage is applied to the actuator(s). Light passing through the optical fiber(s) is wavelength tuned by adjusting the actuation voltage

    Thermal neutral format based on the step technology

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    The exchange of models is one of the most serious problems currently encountered in the practice of spacecraft thermal analysis. Essentially, the problem originates in the diversity of computing environments that are used across different sites, and the consequent proliferation of native tool formats. Furthermore, increasing pressure to reduce the development's life cycle time has originated a growing interest in the so-called spacecraft concurrent engineering. In this context, the realization of the interdependencies between different disciplines and the proper communication between them become critical issues. The use of a neutral format represents a step forward in addressing these problems. Such a means of communication is adopted by consensus. A neutral format is not directly tied to any specific tool and it is kept under stringent change control. Currently, most of the groups promoting exchange formats are contributing with their experience to STEP, the Standard for Exchange of Product Model Data, which is being developed under the auspices of the International Standards Organization (ISO 10303). This paper presents the different efforts made in Europe to provide the spacecraft thermal analysis community with a Thermal Neutral Format (TNF) based on STEP. Following an introduction with some background information, the paper presents the characteristics of the STEP standard. Later, the first efforts to produce a STEP Spacecraft Thermal Application Protocol are described. Finally, the paper presents the currently harmonized European activities that follow up and extend earlier work on the area

    Self-Contained Avionics Sensing and Flight Control System for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

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    A self-contained avionics sensing and flight control system is provided for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The system includes sensors for sensing flight control parameters and surveillance parameters, and a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. Flight control parameters and location signals are processed to generate flight control signals. A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is configured to provide a look-up table storing sets of values with each set being associated with a servo mechanism mounted on the UAV and with each value in each set indicating a unique duty cycle for the servo mechanism associated therewith. Each value in each set is further indexed to a bit position indicative of a unique percentage of a maximum duty cycle for the servo mechanism associated therewith. The FPGA is further configured to provide a plurality of pulse width modulation (PWM) generators coupled to the look-up table. Each PWM generator is associated with and adapted to be coupled to one of the servo mechanisms

    Interview with David L. Cohen

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    For a transcript of this interview, click on the Download button above. David L. Cohen (L \u2781) is the senior executive vice president of Comcast Corporation and chair of the University of Pennsylvania board of trustees. From 1992 to 1997 he served as chief of staff to Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell, and from 1997 to 2002 he was chair of Ballard Spahr

    Interview with Daniel L. Greenberg

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    For transcript, click the Download button above. For video index, click the link below. Daniel L. Greenberg oversees the pro bono program at Schulte Roth & Zable LLP. From 1987 to 1995 he directed clinical legal programs at Harvard Law School, and from 1995 to 2004 he was executive director of New York City\u27s Legal Aid Society. He has been named an honorary fellow of Penn Law School

    Laser fresnel distance measuring system and method

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    A method and system for determining range to a target are provided. A beam of electromagnetic energy is transmitted through an aperture in an opaque screen such that a portion of the beam passes through the aperture to generate a region of diffraction that varies as a function of distance from the aperture. An imaging system is focused on a target plane in the region of diffraction with the generated image being compared to known diffraction patterns. Each known diffraction pattern has a unique value associated therewith that is indicative of a distance from the aperture. A match between the generated image and at least one of the known diffraction patterns is indicative of a distance between the aperture and target plane

    The Non-Contested Divorce: Pleadings and Procedures

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    Description of proceedings and sample pleadings in a non-contested divorce

    Electromagnetic Transmission of Intellectual Property Data to Protect FPGA Designs

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    International audienceOver the past 10 years, the designers of intellectual properties(IP) have faced increasing threats including cloning, counterfeiting, andreverse-engineering. This is now a critical issue for the microelectronicsindustry. The design of a secure, efficient, lightweight protection scheme fordesign data is a serious challenge for the hardware security community. In thiscontext, this chapter presents two ultra-lightweight transmitters using sidechannel leakage based on electromagnetic emanation to send embedded IPidentity discreetly and quickl