35 research outputs found

    An estuarine tide-scape of production: terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) of fixed fishing structures and a tidal mill in the Léguer Estuary, Brittany, France

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    Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) provides a means of rapid and highly accurate survey of archaeological excavations and structures at landscape scales, and is particularly valuable for documenting tidal environments. Here, the authors use TLS to record tidal fixed fishing structures and a tide mill within the Léguer Estuary at Le Yaudet, in north-west France. As part of a comprehensive resource-exploitation system, the early medieval (sixth to eighth centuries AD) structures lie within, and exploit different parts of, the tidal frame. The results are used to quantify production within an estuarine landscape associated with seignorial or monastic control of environmental resources

    Combination of novel and public RNA-seq datasets to generate an mRNA expression atlas for the domestic chicken

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    Background: The domestic chicken (Gallus gallus) is widely used as a model in developmental biology and is also an important livestock species. We describe a novel approach to data integration to generate an mRNA expression atlas for the chicken spanning major tissue types and developmental stages, using a diverse range of publicly-archived RNA-seq datasets and new data derived from immune cells and tissues. Results: Randomly down-sampling RNA-seq datasets to a common depth and quantifying expression against a reference transcriptome using the mRNA quantitation tool Kallisto ensured that disparate datasets explored comparable transcriptomic space. The network analysis tool Graphia was used to extract clusters of co-expressed genes from the resulting expression atlas, many of which were tissue or cell-type restricted, contained transcription factors that have previously been implicated in their regulation, or were otherwise associated with biological processes, such as the cell cycle. The atlas provides a resource for the functional annotation of genes that currently have only a locus ID. We cross-referenced the RNA-seq atlas to a publicly available embryonic Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE) dataset to infer the developmental time course of organ systems, and to identify a signature of the expansion of tissue macrophage populations during development. Conclusion: Expression profiles obtained from public RNA-seq datasets - despite being generated by different laboratories using different methodologies - can be made comparable to each other. This meta-analytic approach to RNA-seq can be extended with new datasets from novel tissues, and is applicable to any species


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    Les études des spectres d'excitation de la phosphorescence et de la fluorescence que l'on a pu séparer expérimentalement, suivant le mode de préparation, la concentration de plomb et la température montrent que ces excitations correspondent à deux processus distincts et même concurrentiels ; elles permettent aussi de préciser la nature des transitions électroniques : transition bande de valence-bande de conduction lors de l'excitation de la phosphorescence et transitions excitoniques lors de l'excitation de la fluorescence. Alors que le dopage par le plomb n'influence pas l'excitation de la phosphorescence de CdI2, celle de la fluorescence jaune est fortement influencée : on a pu mettre en évidence une substitution du cadmium par le plomb lors de la cristallisation des produits dopés et préciser la nature des centres d'excitation.The lead concentration, the temperature and the preparation are important for studying the excitation spectra. The fluorescence and phosphorescence excitation spectra are fundamentaly different : the phosphorescence excitation is attributed to a band to band transition and the fluorescence excitation to an excitonic transition. Doping by lead does not modify the phosphorescence excitation but modifies the fluorescence excitation. We show cadmium substitution by lead

    Saturation de l'émission des substances fluorescentes

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    Calculation of the intensity of luminescence versus the intensity of excitation, even near saturation, makes it possible to evaluate the absorption coefficient. Experimental corroboration is given.Après un calcul des lois de variation de l'intensité de luminescence en fonction de l'intensité de la lumière excitatrice, montrant un effet de saturation, on donne un moyen de calculer les coefficients d'absorption. Un premier exemple de vérification est finalement cité

    La datation du passé: la mesure du temps en archéologie

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    Rôle de l'émission stimulée dans la fluorescence

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    Stimulated light can play an important part in luminescence, not only in the resonant cavities of masers and lasers, but generally. We try to establish here new differential equations for simple fluorescence and for resonance.L'existence d'une émission stimulée modifie profondément les équations différentielles de la luminescence, non seulement dans le cas des cavités résonnantes, mais d'une façon générale. On cherche ici à établir les nouvelles équations relatives aux fluorescences simples et aux résonances

    Un porte-échantillon assurant l'uniformité de température des poudres luminescentes

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    Description of a sample-holder for researches in thermoluminescence of crystalline powders ; it assures good uniformity of temperature at the upper surface of the powder, giving a better précision than cylindrical holders.On décrit un porte-échantillon, destiné aux recherches sur la thermoluminescence des poudres cristallines qui, en assurant l'uniformité de la température à la surface de l'échantillon, permet d'obtenir une meilleure précision que par l'emploi de cavités cylindriques