7,201 research outputs found

    High-Reynolds-Number Test of a 5-Percent-Thick Low-Aspect-Ratio Semispan Wing in the Langley 0.3-Meter Transonic Cryogenic Tunnel: Wing Pressure Distributions

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    A high Reynolds number test of a 5 percent thick low aspect ratio semispan wing was conducted in the adaptive wall test section of the Langley 0.3 m Transonic Cryogenic Tunnel. The model tested had a planform and a NACA 64A-105 airfoil section that is similar to that of the pressure instrumented canard on the X-29 experimental aircraft. Chordwise pressure data for Mach numbers of 0.3, 0.7, and 0.9 were measured for an angle-of-attack range of -4 to 15 deg. The associated Reynolds numbers, based on the geometric mean chord, encompass most of the flight regime of the canard. This test was a free transition investigation. A summary of the wing pressures are presented without analysis as well as adapted test section top and bottom wall pressure signatures. However, the presented graphical data indicate Reynolds number dependent complex leading edge separation phenomena. This data set supplements the existing high Reynolds number database and are useful for computational codes comparison

    The delayed rectifier potassium conductance in the sarcolemma and the transverse tubular system membranes of mammalian skeletal muscle fibers.

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    A two-microelectrode voltage clamp and optical measurements of membrane potential changes at the transverse tubular system (TTS) were used to characterize delayed rectifier K currents (IK(V)) in murine muscle fibers stained with the potentiometric dye di-8-ANEPPS. In intact fibers, IK(V) displays the canonical hallmarks of K(V) channels: voltage-dependent delayed activation and decay in time. The voltage dependence of the peak conductance (gK(V)) was only accounted for by double Boltzmann fits, suggesting at least two channel contributions to IK(V). Osmotically treated fibers showed significant disconnection of the TTS and displayed smaller IK(V), but with similar voltage dependence and time decays to intact fibers. This suggests that inactivation may be responsible for most of the decay in IK(V) records. A two-channel model that faithfully simulates IK(V) records in osmotically treated fibers comprises a low threshold and steeply voltage-dependent channel (channel A), which contributes ∟31% of gK(V), and a more abundant high threshold channel (channel B), with shallower voltage dependence. Significant expression of the IK(V)1.4 and IK(V)3.4 channels was demonstrated by immunoblotting. Rectangular depolarizing pulses elicited step-like di-8-ANEPPS transients in intact fibers rendered electrically passive. In contrast, activation of IK(V) resulted in time- and voltage-dependent attenuations in optical transients that coincided in time with the peaks of IK(V) records. Normalized peak attenuations showed the same voltage dependence as peak IK(V) plots. A radial cable model including channels A and B and K diffusion in the TTS was used to simulate IK(V) and average TTS voltage changes. Model predictions and experimental data were compared to determine what fraction of gK(V) in the TTS accounted simultaneously for the electrical and optical data. Best predictions suggest that K(V) channels are approximately equally distributed in the sarcolemma and TTS membranes; under these conditions, >70% of IK(V) arises from the TTS

    Disjointly homogeneous Banach lattices and applications

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    This is a survey on disjointly homogeneous Banach lattices and their applicactions. Several structural properties of this class are analyzed. In addition we show how these spaces provide a natural framework for studying the compactness of powers of operators allowing for a unified treatment of well-known results.Comment: 20 pages, to appear in Proceedings Positivity VII Conference (2013

    Optimal security-constrained power scheduling by Benders decomposition

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    This paper presents a Benders decomposition approach to determine the optimal day-ahead power scheduling in a pool-organized power system, taking into account dispatch, network and security constraints. The study model considers the daily market and the technical constraints resolution as two different and consecutive processes. The daily market is solved in a first stage subject to economical criteria exclusively and then, the constraints solution algorithm is applied to this initial dispatch through the redispatching method. The Benders partitioning algorithm is applied to this constraints solution process to obtain an optimal secure power scheduling. The constraints solution includes a full AC network and security model to incorporate voltages magnitudes as they are a critical factor in some real power systems. The algorithm determines the active power committed to each generator so as to minimize the energy redispatch cost subject to dispatch, network and security constraints. The solution also provides the reactive power output of the generators, the value of the transformers taps and the committed voltage control devices. The model has been tested in the IEEE 24-bus Reliability Test System and in an adapted IEEE 118-bus Test System. It is programmed in GAMS mathematical modeling language. Some relevant results are reported.Publicad

    More information isn’t always better: the case of voluntary provision of environmental quality

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    This paper adds to the literature on the voluntary provision of public goods by showing that the warm glow that individuals gain depends on the perceived relative effectiveness of contributions. We use a new survey on pro-environment behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge and find that individuals act in accordance with their beliefs, regardless of whether or not these beliefs are accurate, and engage more frequently in activities that have a higher perceived impact on environmental quality. We find that low provision of the public good is greater among people who believe they cannot do much for the environment and do not consider themselves environmentalists.warm glow; environmental quality; public goods contributions

    Identity and environmentalism: the influence of community characteristics

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    This paper examines the influence of community characteristics on self-proclaimed environmentalism. We find that the composition of a community affects the likelihood that a person claims to be a strong environmentalist, even after controlling for individual characteristics and pro-environment behaviors. Individuals are more likely to definitely agree they are strong environmentalists if they live in areas where a large share of the population has post-graduate degrees and if they live in heavily Democratic areas or heavily Republican areas. These community effects occur only when individuals are predisposed to take on an environmental identity.identity; environmentalism; communicty effects

    Do all countries follow the same growth process?

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    We estimate a finite mixture model in which countries are sorted into groups based on the similarity of the conditional distributions of their growth rates. We strongly reject the hypothesis that all countries follow a common growth process in favor of a model in which there are two classes of countries, each with its own distinct growth process. Group membership does not conform to the usual categories used to control for parameter heterogeneity such as region or income. However, we find strong evidence that one country characteristic that helps to sort countries into different regimes is the quality of institutions, specifically, the degree of law and order. Once institutional features of the economy are controlled for, we find no evidence that geographic characteristics play a role in determining the country groupings.finite mixture models; multiple equilibria; institutional quality
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