675 research outputs found

    Small for Gestational Age Babies After 37 Weeks: An Impact Study of a Risk Stratification Protocol.

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    OBJECTIVES: Although no clear evidence exists, many international guidelines advocate early term delivery of small for gestational age (SGA) fetuses. The aim of this study was to determine whether a protocol that included monitoring SGA fetuses beyond 37 weeks affected perinatal and maternal outcomes. METHODS: The impact of the introduction in 2014 of a protocol for management of SGA, which included risk stratification with surveillance and expectant management after 37 weeks for lower risk babies (Group 2), was compared with the previous strategy, which recommended delivery at around 37 weeks (Group 1). Data from all referred SGA babies over a 39 month period were analyzed. RESULTS: In group 1 there were 138 SGA babies; in group 2 there were 143. The mean gestation at delivery was 37 + 4 and 38 + 2 weeks respectively (p = 0.04). The incidence of neonatal composite adverse outcomes was lower in Group 2 (9% v 22% v; p < 0.01) as was neonatal NNU admission (13% v 42%; p < 0.01). Induction of labour and caesarean section rates were lower, and vaginal delivery (83% v 60%; p < 0.01) was higher in group 2. Most of the differences were due to delayed delivery of SGA babies that were stratified as low risk. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that protocol-based management of SGA babies may improve outcomes and that identification of moderate SGA should not alone prompt delivery. Larger numbers are required to assess any impact on perinatal mortality

    Line versus Flux Statistics -- Considerations for the Low Redshift Lyman-alpha Forest

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    The flux/transmission power spectrum has become a popular statistical tool in studies of the high redshift (z>2z > 2) Lyman-alpha forest. At low redshifts, where the forest has thinned out into a series of well-isolated absorption lines, the motivation for flux statistics is less obvious. Here, we study the relative merits of flux versus line correlations, and derive a simple condition under which one is favored over the other on purely statistical grounds. Systematic errors probably play an important role in this discussion, and they are outlined as well.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in "The IGM/Galaxy Connection: The Distribution of Baryons at z=0", eds. J. L. Rosenberg and M. E. Putma

    Vitamin D supplementation does not improve human skeletal muscle contractile properties in insufficient young males

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    Vitamin D may be a regulator of skeletal muscle function, although human trials investigating this hypothesis are limited to predominantly elderly populations. We aimed to assess the effect of oral vitamin D3 in healthy young males upon skeletal muscle function

    HI Properties of Low Luminosity Star-Forming Galaxies in the KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey

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    New HI observations are presented for a complete sample of 109 low luminosity star-forming galaxies taken from the KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey (KISS), the first CCD-based wide-field objective-prism survey for emission-line galaxies. This sample consists of all star-forming galaxies with M_B > -18.0 and cz < 11,000 km/s from the first Halpha-selected survey list. Overall, 97 out of 109 galaxies have been detected in HI. We confirm the weak trend of increasing gas richness with decreasing luminosity found by previous authors. Gas richness is also shown to be weakly anti-correlated with metallicity. The dependence of star formation rates (SFRs) and HI gas depletion timescales on metallicity is examined. The median solar metallicity based SFR and gas depletion timescale are 0.1639 M_sun/yr and 5 Gyrs, respectively. Corrections for variations in metallicity decreases SFRs by about 0.5 dex and increases gas depletion timescales by an average of about 8 Gyrs. The majority of galaxies in this sample still have large reservoirs of HI gas, and despite their large current star formation rates, could have formed stars in a quasi-continuous manner for a Hubble time. Finally, we present the first HI mass function for low luminosity star-forming galaxies and show that this subpopulation contributes 10-15% of the overall HI density in the local universe. We conclude that if the HI mass function of the Universe does indeed have a steeply rising low-mass slope as suggested by previous authors, it is not due to the population of low luminosity star-forming galaxies.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Nilpotent normal form for divergence-free vector fields and volume-preserving maps

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    We study the normal forms for incompressible flows and maps in the neighborhood of an equilibrium or fixed point with a triple eigenvalue. We prove that when a divergence free vector field in R3\mathbb{R}^3 has nilpotent linearization with maximal Jordan block then, to arbitrary degree, coordinates can be chosen so that the nonlinear terms occur as a single function of two variables in the third component. The analogue for volume-preserving diffeomorphisms gives an optimal normal form in which the truncation of the normal form at any degree gives an exactly volume-preserving map whose inverse is also polynomial inverse with the same degree.Comment: laTeX, 20 pages, 1 figur

    Teach Astronomy A Comprehensive Online Astronomy Education and Outreach Resource

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    A web site called Teach Astronomy (http://www.teachastronomy.com) has been created to serve astronomy instructors and their students, amateur astronomers, and members of the general public interested in astronomy. The content includes astronomy articles from an introductory level textbook and from the online resource Wikipedia, short video clips, astronomical images, podcasts, and recent news stories. This article describes the technology behind the delivery of those learning resources, which is relevant to the capabilities and limitations of the web site. One key innovation is the Wikimap, a Flash-based tool that presents the visual results of a real-time clustering analysis of hundreds or thousands of text items, displaying the item that best matches the search term and most closely related items. The clustering is carried out in a Lucene index, and it can operate on any database containing items of text. The astronomy content is routinely updated, in some cases daily. Due to the prevalence of smartphones, tablets, and other handheld devices, a simplified non-graphical version of the interface was developed using custom style sheets. Teach Astronomy has a large following of students taking introductory astronomy classes and members of the public with a recreational interest in astronomy. In the past year, there have been 250,000 unique visitors. Currently we are developing a new interface that uses HTML5 instead of Flash to display the Wikimap, an app version of the website for use on smartphones and tablets, and tool to support an instructor and learner community

    Particle distribution, film formation and wear performance of brush plated Ni/WC

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    Nickel-matrix composite coatings with tungsten carbide particles were produced by brush electroplating using different current densities and materials of the brush. Non-abrasive materials and high current densities produce coatings with high particle content and non-uniform dispersion. Abrasive wear testing showed premature coating failure in areas with high particle concentrations (>21.3 at.% of W). Changes to the solution flow direction were undertaken to decrease ‘solution pooling’, as it was related to areas with excessive particle content. This, together with the use of abrasive brushes at lower current densities, gives Ni/WC coatings with a low and narrow composition range (from 13.2 ± 4.8 to 2.8 ± 0.8 at.% of W). Such optimized coatings minimized premature coating failure and improved the wear resistance to 1.8–4.4 times that of the original nickel matrix, achieving values similar to hard chrome coatings tested under the same conditions. Unlike other brush plated composite coatings, changes in coating morphology are not heavily influenced by processing parameters, but are sensitive to the presence of WC particles

    Integral-field spectroscopy of the quadruple QSO HE 0435-1223: Evidence for microlensing

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    We present the first spatially resolved spectroscopic observations of the recently discovered quadruple QSO and gravitational lens HE0435-1223. Using the Potsdam Multi-Aperture Spectrophotometer (PMAS), we show that all four QSO components have very similar but not identical spectra. In particular, the spectral slopes of components A, B, and D are indistinguishable, implying that extinction due to dust plays no major role in the lensing galaxy. While also the emission line profiles are identical within the error bars, as expected from lensing, the equivalent widths show significant differences between components. Most likely, microlensing is responsible for this phenomenon. This is also consistent with the fact that component D, which shows the highest relative continuum level, has brightened by 0.07 mag since Dec 2001. We find that the emission line flux ratios between the components are in better agreement with simple lens models than broad band or continuum measurements, but that the discrepancies between model and data are still unacceptably large. Finally, we present a detection of the lensing galaxy, although this is close to the limits of the data. Comparing with a model galaxy spectrum, we obtain a redshift estimate of z_lens=0.44+-0.02.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Multiband optical polarimetry of BL Lac objects with the Nordic Optical Telescope

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    Optical polarization of seven selected BL Lac objects in UBVRI bands was studied with the Nordic Optical Telescope from December 10-14, 1999. Two of them, 3C 66A and PKS 0735+178, were monitored for 4 nights for a total integration time of 4.75 and 5.5 hours, respectively. Other objects (1Jy 0138-097, H 0414+009, PKS 0823-223, OJ287 and BL Lac) were observed sparsely during the run. Apart from PKS 0823-223 (more polarized than observed in the past), the sources show levels of flux and polarization consistent with results at previous epochs. 3C 66A and PKS 0735+178 were intensively observed during December 11 and 12 and exhibited variability of polarization, both on internight and intranight time scales. Wavelength dependence of polarization has been investigated, as well as circular polarization. The results are discussed within the standard model for BL Lacs.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysic