34 research outputs found

    Terrestrial locomotion imposes high metabolic requirements on bats

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    The evolution of powered flight involved major morphological changes in Chiroptera. Nevertheless, all bats are also capable of crawling on the ground and some are even skilled sprinters. We asked if a highly derived morphology adapted for flapping flight imposes high metabolic requirements on bats when moving on the ground. We measured the metabolic rate during terrestrial locomotion in mastiff bats, Molossus currentium, a species that is both a fast-flying aerial-hawking bat and an agile crawler on the ground. Metabolic rates of bats averaged 8.0±4.0 ml CO2 min–1 during a 1-min period of sprinting at 1.3±0.6 km h–1. With rising average speed, mean metabolic rates increased, reaching peak values that were similar to those of flying conspecifics. Metabolic rates of M. currentium were higher than those of similar-sized rodents that sprinted at similar velocities under steady-state conditions. When M. currentium sprinted at peak velocities, its aerobic metabolic rate was 3–5 times higher than those of rodent species running continuously in steady-state conditions. Costs of transport (J kg–1 m–1) were more than 10 times higher for running than for flying bats. We conclude that at the same speed bats experience higher metabolic rates during short sprints than quadruped mammals during steady-state terrestrial locomotion, yet running bats achieve higher maximal mass-specific aerobic metabolic rates than non-volant mammals such as rodents

    Rain increases the energy cost of bat flight

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    Similar to insects, birds and pterosaurs, bats have evolved powered flight. But in contrast to other flying taxa, only bats are furry. Here, we asked whether flight is impaired when bat pelage and wing membranes get wet. We studied the metabolism of short flights in Carollia sowelli, a bat that is exposed to heavy and frequent rainfall in neotropical rainforests. We expected bats to encounter higher thermoregulatory costs, or to suffer from lowered aerodynamic properties when pelage and wing membranes catch moisture. Therefore, we predicted that wet bats face higher flight costs than dry ones. We quantified the flight metabolism in three treatments: dry bats, wet bats and no rain, wet bats and rain. Dry bats showed metabolic rates predicted by allometry. However, flight metabolism increased twofold when bats were wet, or when they were additionally exposed to rain. We conclude that bats may not avoid rain only because of sensory constraints imposed by raindrops on echolocation, but also because of energetic constraints

    Nathusius’ bats, Pipistrellus nathusii, bypass mating opportunities of their own species, but respond to foraging heterospecifics on migratory transit flights

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    In late summer, migratory bats of the temperate zone face the challenge of accomplishing two energy-demanding tasks almost at the same time: migration and mating. Both require information and involve search efforts, such as localizing prey or finding potential mates. In non-migrating bat species, playback studies showed that listening to vocalizations of other bats, both con-and heterospecifics, may help a recipient bat to find foraging patches and mating sites. However, we are still unaware of the degree to which migrating bats depend on con-or heterospecific vocalizations for identifying potential feeding or mating opportunities during nightly transit flights. Here, we investigated the vocal responses of Nathusius’ pipistrelle bats, Pipistrellus nathusii, to simulated feeding and courtship aggregations at a coastal migration corridor. We presented migrating bats either feeding buzzes or courtship calls of their own or a heterospecific migratory species, the common noctule, Nyctalus noctula. We expected that during migratory transit flights, simulated feeding opportunities would be particularly attractive to bats, as well as simulated mating opportunities which may indicate suitable roosts for a stopover. However, we found that when compared to the natural silence of both pre-and post-playback phases, bats called indifferently during the playback of conspecific feeding sounds, whereas P. nathusii echolocation call activity increased during simulated feeding of N. noctula. In contrast, the call activity of P. nathusii decreased during the playback of conspecific courtship calls, while no response could be detected when heterospecific call types were broadcasted. Our results suggest that while on migratory transits, P. nathusii circumnavigate conspecific mating aggregations, possibly to save time or to reduce the risks associated with social interactions where aggression due to territoriality might be expected. This avoidance behavior could be a result of optimization strategies by P. nathusii when performing long-distance migratory flights, and it could also explain the lack of a response to simulated conspecific feeding. However, the observed increase of activity in response to simulated feeding of N. noctula, suggests that P. nathusii individuals may be eavesdropping on other aerial hawking insectivorous species during migration, especially if these occupy a slightly different foraging niche

    Unravelling the Stability of Nightingale Song Over Time and Space Using Open, Citizen Science and Shared Data

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    Open science approaches enable and facilitate the investigation of many scientific questions in bioacoustics, such as studies on the temporal and spatial evolution of song, as in vocal dialects. In contrast to previous dialect studies, which mostly focused on songbird species with a small repertoire, here we studied the common nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos), a bird species with a complex and large repertoire. To study dialects on the population level in this species, we used recordings from four datasets: an open museum archive, a citizen science platform, a citizen science project, and shared recordings from academic researchers. We conducted the to date largest temporal and geographic dialect study of birdsong including recordings from 1930 to 2019 and from 13 European countries, with a geographical coverage of 2,652 km of linear distance. To examine temporal stability and spatial dialects, a catalog of 1,868 song types of common nightingales was created. Instead of dialects, we found a high degree of stability over time and space in both, the sub-categories of song and in the occurrence of song types. For example, the second most common song type in our datasets occurred over nine decades and across Europe. In our case study, open and citizen science data proved to be equivalent, and in some cases even better, than data shared by an academic research group. Based on our results, we conclude that the combination of diverse and open datasets was particularly useful to study the evolution of song in a bird species with a large repertoire

    How Citizen Science Projects Contribute to Urban Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Frameworks—A German Case Study

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    Urban ecosystems provide diverse habitats for plants and animals. Policies can protect these ecosystems. To do this, policy frameworks need robust datasets to monitor and report on trends. Citizen science (CS) projects can make a valuable contribution by helping to build, refine, and supplement datasets. The overall aim of this study was to identify and characterize the contribution of CS projects to urban biodiversity monitoring and conservation frameworks in Germany. To gain an overview of the CS landscape in relation to urban biodiversity, we first examined German project platforms and were able to identify a geographical concentration in Berlin. We then focused on the contribution of CS to biodiversity monitoring in Berlin. We created an online questionnaire and conducted interviews with 22 Berlin-based CS project coordinators. In particular, we asked: How does their CS project contribute to the monitoring and conservation of urban biodiversity? What is the type of citizen engagement? What are the objectives of their CS projects, and what are their challenges? What are the outputs of their CS projects, and how do they publish their data? Finally, what is their knowledge of global, national, and local conservation frameworks? Our findings show that CS projects in Berlin are making a meaningful contribution to biodiversity monitoring. However, there is considerable potential for development, particularly in terms of awareness of policy frameworks and the sharing of data. We recommend increasing opportunities for exchange between policymakers and practitioners, and creating interfaces for data sharing to unlock the potential of CS projects for urban biodiversity conservation

    Metabolic costs of bat echolocation in a non-foraging context support a role in communication

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    The exploitation of information is a key adaptive behavior of social animals, and many animals produce costly signals to communicate with conspecifics. In contrast, bats produce ultrasound for auto-communication, i.e., they emit ultrasound calls and behave in response to the received echo. However, ultrasound echolocation calls produced by non-flying bats looking for food are energetically costly. Thus, if they are produced in a non-foraging or navigational context this indicates an energetic investment, which must be motivated by something. We quantified the costs of the production of such calls, in stationary, non-foraging lesser bulldog bats (Noctilio albiventris) and found metabolic rates to increase by 0.021 ± 0.001 J/pulse (mean ± standard error). From this, we estimated the metabolic rates of N. albiventris when responding with ultrasound echolocation calls to playbacks of echolocation calls from familiar and unfamiliar conspecific as well as heterospecific bats. Lesser bulldog bats adjusted their energetic investment to the social information contained in the presented playback. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that in addition to orientation and foraging, ultrasound calls in bats may also have function for active communication

    Community engagement and data quality: best practices and lessons learned from a citizen science project on birdsong

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    Citizen Science (CS) is a research approach that has become popular in recent years and offers innovative potential for dialect research in ornithology. As the scepticism about CS data is still widespread, we analysed the development of a 3-year CS project based on the song of the Common Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) to share best practices and lessons learned. We focused on the data scope, individual engagement, spatial distribution and species misidentifications from recordings generated before (2018, 2019) and during the COVID-19 outbreak (2020) with a smartphone using the ‘Naturblick’ app. The number of nightingale song recordings and individual engagement increased steadily and peaked in the season during the pandemic. 13,991 nightingale song recordings were generated by anonymous (64%) and non-anonymous participants (36%). As the project developed, the spatial distribution of recordings expanded (from Berlin based to nationwide). The rates of species misidentifications were low, decreased in the course of the project (10–1%) and were mainly affected by vocal similarities with other bird species. This study further showed that community engagement and data quality were not directly affected by dissemination activities, but that the former was influenced by external factors and the latter benefited from the app. We conclude that CS projects using smartphone apps with an integrated pattern recognition algorithm are well suited to support bioacoustic research in ornithology. Based on our findings, we recommend setting up CS projects over the long term to build an engaged community which generates high data quality for robust scientific conclusions.Gesellschaftliches Engagement und DatenqualitĂ€t: BewĂ€hrte Praktiken und Erfahrungen aus einem bĂŒrgerwissenschaftlichen Projekt zum Vogelgesang Citizen Science (CS) ist eine Forschungsmethode, die in den letzten Jahren an Bedeutung gewonnen hat und innovatives Potenzial fĂŒr die Dialektforschung in der Ornithologie bietet. Da die Vorbehalte gegenĂŒber CS-Daten immer noch weit verbreitet sind, haben wir die Entwicklung eines dreijĂ€hrigen CS-Projekts zum Gesang der Nachtigall (Luscinia megarhynchos) analysiert, um bewĂ€hrte Praktiken und gewonnene Erfahrungen darzustellen. Wir fokussierten uns auf den Datenumfang, das individuelle Engagement von Teilnehmenden, die rĂ€umliche Verteilung und die Fehlbestimmungen von Arten aus Aufnahmen, die vor (2018, 2019) und wĂ€hrend des COVID-19-Ausbruchs (2020) mit einem Smartphone unter Verwendung der "Naturblick" App erstellt wurden. Die Anzahl der Aufnahmen von NachtigallgesĂ€ngen und das individuelle Engagement stiegen stetig an und erreichten ihren Höhepunkt in der Saison wĂ€hrend der Pandemie. 13.991 Aufnahmen von NachtigallgesĂ€ngen wurden von anonymen (64%) und nicht-anonymen Teilnehmenden (36%) erstellt. Im Laufe des Projekts weitete sich die rĂ€umliche Verteilung der Aufnahmen aus (von Berlin auf bundesweit). Die Rate der Fehlbestimmungen war gering, ging im Laufe des Projekts zurĂŒck (von 10% auf 1%) und wurde hauptsĂ€chlich von gesanglichen Ähnlichkeiten mit anderen Vogelarten beeinflusst. Unsere Studie zeigte außerdem, dass das gesellschaftliche Engagement und die DatenqualitĂ€t nicht direkt von den durchgefĂŒhrten DisseminationsaktivitĂ€ten beeinflusst wurden, sondern dass erstere von externen Faktoren abhingen und letztere von der App profitierte. Wir schließen daraus, dass CS-Projekte, die Smartphone-Apps mit einem integrierten Mustererkennungsalgorithmus verwenden, gut geeignet sind, um die bioakustische Forschung in der Ornithologie zu unterstĂŒtzen. Auf der Grundlage unserer Ergebnisse empfehlen wir, CS-Projekte langfristig zu etablieren, um eine aktive Teilnehmergemeinschaft (Community) aufzubauen, die qualitativ hochwertige Daten fĂŒr fundierte wissenschaftliche Schlussfolgerungen generiert

    Improving attitudes and knowledge in a citizen science project about urban bat ecology

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    In order to deal with the current, dramatic decline in biodiversity, the public at large needs to be aware of and participate in biodiversity research activities. One way to do this is citizen science projects, in which researchers collaborate with volunteering citizens in scientific research. However, it remains unclear whether engaging in such projects has an impact on the learning outcomes of volunteers. Previous research has so far presented mixed results on the improvement of citizens’ attitudes and knowledge, mostly because such research has focused only on single aspects of citizen science projects in case studies. To address these limitations, we investigated the impact of an urban bat ecology project on citizens’ attitudes and knowledge about bats, and on their engagement with citizen science. We also examined whether the degree of citizen participation (i.e., collecting data vs. collecting and analyzing data) had an influence on the outcomes. We conducted four field studies and used a survey-based, experimental, pre-/post-measurement design. To vary the degree of participation, we assessed the post measurement in one group directly after data collection, whereas, in a second group, we assessed it after data collection and analysis, at the end of the project. Across all studies, the results demonstrated that citizens’ content knowledge of urban bat ecology increased, and their attitudes toward bats and toward their engagement in citizen science improved during their participation. Citizens’ degrees of participation did not influence these outcomes. Thus, our research illustrates that citizen science can increase awareness of urban bat conservation, independently of citizens’ degree of participation. We discuss the implications of our findings for the citizen science community. © 2022 by the author(s)

    Citizen science’s transformative impact on science, citizen empowerment and socio-political processes

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    Citizen science (CS) can foster transformative impact for science, citizen empowerment and socio-political processes. To unleash this impact, a clearer understanding of its current status and challenges for its development is needed. Using quantitative indicators developed in a collaborative stakeholder process, our study provides a comprehensive overview of the current status of CS in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Our online survey with 340 responses focused on CS impact through (1) scientific practices, (2) participant learning and empowerment, and (3) socio-political processes. With regard to scientific impact, we found that data quality control is an established component of CS practice, while publication of CS data and results has not yet been achieved by all project coordinators (55%). Key benefits for citizen scientists were the experience of collective impact (“making a difference together with others”) as well as gaining new knowledge. For the citizen scientists’ learning outcomes, different forms of social learning, such as systematic feedback or personal mentoring, were essential. While the majority of respondents attributed an important value to CS for decision-making, only few were confident that CS data were indeed utilized as evidence by decision-makers. Based on these results, we recommend (1) that project coordinators and researchers strengthen scientific impact by fostering data management and publications, (2) that project coordinators and citizen scientists enhance participant impact by promoting social learning opportunities and (3) that project initiators and CS networks foster socio-political impact through early engagement with decision-makers and alignment with ongoing policy processes. In this way, CS can evolve its transformative impact