1,946 research outputs found

    Neutrino-electron scattering in noncommutative space

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    Neutral particles can couple with the U(1)U(1) gauge field in the adjoint representation at the tree level if the space-time coordinates are noncommutative (NC). Considering neutrino-photon coupling in the NC QED framework, we obtain the differential cross section of neutrino-electron scattering. Similar to the magnetic moment effect, one of the NC terms is proportional to 1T\frac 1 T, where TT is the electron recoil energy. Therefore, this scattering provides a chance to achieve a stringent bound on the NC scale in low energy by improving the sensitivity to the smaller electron recoil energy.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Constraining noncommutative field theories with holography

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    An important window to quantum gravity phenomena in low energy noncommutative (NC) quantum field theories (QFTs) gets represented by a specific form of UV/IR mixing. Yet another important window to quantum gravity, a holography, manifests itself in effective QFTs as a distinct UV/IR connection. In matching these two principles, a useful relationship connecting the UV cutoff ΛUV\Lambda_{\rm UV}, the IR cutoff ΛIR\Lambda_{\rm IR} and the scale of noncommutativity ΛNC\Lambda_{\rm NC}, can be obtained. We show that an effective QFT endowed with both principles may not be capable to fit disparate experimental bounds simultaneously, like the muon g2g-2 and the masslessness of the photon. Also, the constraints from the muon g2g-2 preclude any possibility to observe the birefringence of the vacuum coming from objects at cosmological distances. On the other hand, in NC theories without the UV completion, where the perturbative aspect of the theory (obtained by truncating a power series in ΛNC2 \Lambda_{\rm NC}^{-2}) becomes important, a heuristic estimate of the region where the perturbative expansion is well-defined E/ΛNC1E/ \Lambda_{\rm NC} \lesssim 1, gets affected when holography is applied by providing the energy of the system EE a ΛNC\Lambda_{\rm NC}-dependent lower limit. This may affect models which try to infer the scale ΛNC\Lambda_{\rm NC} by using data from low-energy experiments.Comment: 4 pages, version to be published in JHE

    Direct Integration and Non-Perturbative Effects in Matrix Models

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    We show how direct integration can be used to solve the closed amplitudes of multi-cut matrix models with polynomial potentials. In the case of the cubic matrix model, we give explicit expressions for the ring of non-holomorphic modular objects that are needed to express all closed matrix model amplitudes. This allows us to integrate the holomorphic anomaly equation up to holomorphic modular terms that we fix by the gap condition up to genus four. There is an one-dimensional submanifold of the moduli space in which the spectral curve becomes the Seiberg--Witten curve and the ring reduces to the non-holomorphic modular ring of the group Γ(2)\Gamma(2). On that submanifold, the gap conditions completely fix the holomorphic ambiguity and the model can be solved explicitly to very high genus. We use these results to make precision tests of the connection between the large order behavior of the 1/N expansion and non-perturbative effects due to instantons. Finally, we argue that a full understanding of the large genus asymptotics in the multi-cut case requires a new class of non-perturbative sectors in the matrix model.Comment: 51 pages, 8 figure

    Twisted supersymmetric 5D Yang-Mills theory and contact geometry

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    We extend the localization calculation of the 3D Chern-Simons partition function over Seifert manifolds to an analogous calculation in five dimensions. We construct a twisted version of N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory defined on a circle bundle over a four dimensional symplectic manifold. The notion of contact geometry plays a crucial role in the construction and we suggest a generalization of the instanton equations to five dimensional contact manifolds. Our main result is a calculation of the full perturbative partition function on a five sphere for the twisted supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with different Chern-Simons couplings. The final answer is given in terms of a matrix model. Our construction admits generalizations to higher dimensional contact manifolds. This work is inspired by the work of Baulieu-Losev-Nekrasov from the mid 90's, and in a way it is covariantization of their ideas for a contact manifold.Comment: 28 pages; v2: minor mistake corrected; v3: matches published versio

    Exact Results in ABJM Theory from Topological Strings

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    Recently, Kapustin, Willett and Yaakov have found, by using localization techniques, that vacuum expectation values of Wilson loops in ABJM theory can be calculated with a matrix model. We show that this matrix model is closely related to Chern-Simons theory on a lens space with a gauge supergroup. This theory has a topological string large N dual, and this makes possible to solve the matrix model exactly in the large N expansion. In particular, we find the exact expression for the vacuum expectation value of a 1/6 BPS Wilson loop in the ABJM theory, as a function of the 't Hooft parameters, and in the planar limit. This expression gives an exact interpolating function between the weak and the strong coupling regimes. The behavior at strong coupling is in precise agreement with the prediction of the AdS string dual. We also give explicit results for the 1/2 BPS Wilson loop recently constructed by Drukker and TrancanelliComment: 18 pages, two figures, small misprints corrected and references added, final version to appear in JHE

    TeV Scale Implications of Non Commutative Space time in Laboratory Frame with Polarized Beams

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    We analyze e+eγγe^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow \gamma\gamma, eγeγe^{-}\gamma \rightarrow e^{-}\gamma and γγe+e\gamma\gamma \rightarrow e^{+}e^{-} processes within the Seiberg-Witten expanded noncommutative scenario using polarized beams. With unpolarized beams the leading order effects of non commutativity starts from second order in non commutative(NC) parameter i.e. O(Θ2)O(\Theta^2), while with polarized beams these corrections appear at first order (O(Θ)O(\Theta)) in cross section. The corrections in Compton case can probe the magnetic component(ΘB\vec{\Theta}_B) while in Pair production and Pair annihilation probe the electric component(ΘE\vec{\Theta}_E) of NC parameter. We include the effects of earth rotation in our analysis. This study is done by investigating the effects of non commutativity on different time averaged cross section observables. The results which also depends on the position of the collider, can provide clear and distinct signatures of the model testable at the International Linear Collider(ILC).Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, new comments and references added, few typos corrected, Published in JHE

    Noncommutative quantum mechanics and Bohm's ontological interpretation

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    We carry out an investigation into the possibility of developing a Bohmian interpretation based on the continuous motion of point particles for noncommutative quantum mechanics. The conditions for such an interpretation to be consistent are determined, and the implications of its adoption for noncommutativity are discussed. A Bohmian analysis of the noncommutative harmonic oscillator is carried out in detail. By studying the particle motion in the oscillator orbits, we show that small-scale physics can have influence at large scales, something similar to the IR-UV mixing

    Partition Functions for Maxwell Theory on the Five-torus and for the Fivebrane on S1XT5

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    We compute the partition function of five-dimensional abelian gauge theory on a five-torus T5 with a general flat metric using the Dirac method of quantizing with constraints. We compare this with the partition function of a single fivebrane compactified on S1 times T5, which is obtained from the six-torus calculation of Dolan and Nappi. The radius R1 of the circle S1 is set to the dimensionful gauge coupling constant g^2= 4\pi^2 R1. We find the two partition functions are equal only in the limit where R1 is small relative to T5, a limit which removes the Kaluza-Klein modes from the 6d sum. This suggests the 6d N=(2,0) tensor theory on a circle is an ultraviolet completion of the 5d gauge theory, rather than an exact quantum equivalence.Comment: v4, 37 pages, published versio

    D3-instantons, Mock Theta Series and Twistors

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    The D-instanton corrected hypermultiplet moduli space of type II string theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold is known in the type IIA picture to be determined in terms of the generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants, through a twistorial construction. At the same time, in the mirror type IIB picture, and in the limit where only D3-D1-D(-1)-instanton corrections are retained, it should carry an isometric action of the S-duality group SL(2,Z). We prove that this is the case in the one-instanton approximation, by constructing a holomorphic action of SL(2,Z) on the linearized twistor space. Using the modular invariance of the D4-D2-D0 black hole partition function, we show that the standard Darboux coordinates in twistor space have modular anomalies controlled by period integrals of a Siegel-Narain theta series, which can be canceled by a contact transformation generated by a holomorphic mock theta series.Comment: 42 pages; discussion of isometries is amended; misprints correcte