529 research outputs found

    Glioma invasion and its interplay with the nervous tissue: a multiscale model

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    A multiscale mathematical model for glioma cell migration and proliferation is proposed, taking into account a possible therapeutic approach. Starting with the description of processes taking place on the subcellular level, the equation for the mesoscopic level is formulated and, thus, the macroscopic model is derived, using a parabolic limit and the Hilbert expansions in the moment system. After the model set up and the study of the well-posedness of this macroscopic setting, we investigate the functions involved in the equations that highlight the role of the fibers in the tumor dynamics. In particular, we focus on the fiber density function, with the aim of comparing different possible choices present in literature and understanding which approach could better describe the actual fiber density and orientation. Finally some numerical simulations, based on real data, show the role of each modelled process in the evolution of the solution

    Millimeter and Submillimeter Survey of the R Corona Australis Region

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    Using a combination of data from the Antarctic Submillimeter Telescope and Remote Observatory (AST/RO), the Arizona Radio Observatory Kitt Peak 12m telescope and the Arizona Radio Observatory 10m Heinrich Hertz Telescope, we have studied the most active part of the R CrA molecular cloud in multiple transitions of Carbon Monoxide, HCO+^+ and 870\micron continuum emission. Since R CrA is nearby (130 pc), we are able to obtain physical spatial resolution as high as 0.01pc over an area of 0.16 pc2^2, with velocity resolution finer than 1 km/s. Mass estimates of the protostar driving the mm-wave emission derived from HCO+^+, dust continuum emission and kinematic techniques point to a young, deeply embedded protostar of ∌\sim0.5-0.75 M⊙_\odot, with a gaseous envelope of similar mass. A molecular outflow is driven by this source that also contains at least 0.8 M⊙_\odot of molecular gas with ∌\sim0.5 L⊙_\odot of mechanical luminosity. HCO+^+ lines show the kinematic signature of infall motions as well as bulk rotation. The source is most likely a Class 0 protostellar object not yet visible at near-IR wavelengths. With the combination of spatial and spectral resolution in our data set, we are able to disentangle the effects of infall, rotation and outflow towards this young object.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Photochemical Energy Conversion with Artificial Molecular Machines

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    The exploitation of sunlight as a clean, renewable, and distributed energy source is key to facing the energetic demand of modern society in a sustainable and affordable fashion. In the past few decades, chemists have learned to make molecular machines, that is, synthetic chemical systems in which energy inputs cause controlled movements of molecular components that could be used to perform a task. A variety of artificial molecular machines operated by light have been constructed by implementing photochemical processes within appropriately designed (supra)molecular assemblies. These studies could open up new routes for the realization of nanostructured devices and materials capable to harness, convert, and store light energy

    Direct electrification of Rh/Al2O3 washcoated SiSiC foams for methane steam reforming: An experimental and modelling study

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    Electrified methane steam reforming (eMSR) is a promising concept for low-carbon hydrogen production. We investigate an innovative eMSR reactor where SiSiC foams, coated with Rh/Al2O3 catalyst, act as electrical resistances to generate the reaction heat via the Joule effect. The novel system was studied at different temperatures, space velocities, operating pressures and catalyst loadings. Thanks to efficient heating, active catalyst and optimal substrate geometry, complete methane conversions were observed even at a high space velocity of 200000 Nl/h/kgcat. A specific energy demand as low as 1.24 kWh/Nm3H2, with an unprecedented energy efficiency of 81%, was achieved on a washcoated foam with catalyst density of 86.3 g/L (GHSV = 150000 Nl/h/kgcat, S/C = 4.1, ambient pressure). A mathematical model was validated against measured performance indicators and used to design an intensified eMSR unit for small scale H2 production.(c) 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Star Formation in the Northern Cloud Complex of NGC 2264

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    We have made continuum and spectral line observations of several outflow sources in the Mon OB1 dark cloud (NGC 2264) using the Heinrich Hertz Telescope (HHT) and ARO 12m millimeter-wave telescope. This study explores the kinematics and outflow energetics of the young stellar systems observed and assesses the impact star formation is having on the surrounding cloud environment. Our data set incorporates 12CO(3-2), 13CO(3-2), and 12CO(1-0) observations of outflows associated with the sources IRAS 06382+1017 and IRAS 06381+1039, known as IRAS 25 and 27, respectively, in the northern cloud complex. Complementary 870 micron continuum maps were made with the HHT 19 channel bolometer array. Our results indicate that there is a weak (approximately less than 0.5%) coupling between outflow kinetic energy and turbulent energy of the cloud. An analysis of the energy balance in the IRAS 25 and 27 cores suggests they are maintaining their dynamical integrity except where outflowing material directly interacts with the core, such as along the outflow axes.Comment: 28 pages including 6 figures, to be published in ApJ 01 July 2006, v645, 1 issu

    Advanced documentation methodologies combined with multi-analytical approach for the preservation and restoration of 18th century architectural decorative elements at Palazzo Nuzzi in Orte (Central Italy)

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    This contribution reports the documentation of the conservation status and the pictorial technique of a wall painting and a stucco arch at Palazzo Nuzzi in Orte, central Italy (Viterbo district), achieved using a wide combination of non-invasive and micro-invasive diagnostic techniques. Specifically, a photogrammetric approach has been used for 2D and 3D ultraviolet fluorescence (UVF) acquisitions. Moreover, the conservation status of the wall painting has been also investigated by a non-invasive active infrared thermograghy technique, i.e. Pulse Compression Thermography (PuCT), used here for the first time on a wall painting to map the surface and sub-surface cracks in the first layers. Pigments, grounds and organic binders were characterised by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, micro-stratigraphic analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The results of this unique combination of advanced tools corroborated the historical-artistic attribution to the school of the architect Andrea Pozzo

    Radioisotopic purity and imaging properties of cyclotron-produced 99mTc using direct 100Mo(p,2n) reaction

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    Evaluation of the radioisotopic purity of technetium-99m (99mTc) produced in GBq amounts by proton bombardment of enriched molibdenum-100 (100Mo) metallic targets at low proton energies (i.e. within 15\u201320 MeV) is conducted. This energy range was chosen since it is easily achievable by many conventional medical cyclotrons already available in the nuclear medicine departments of hospitals. The main motivation for such a study is in the framework of the research activities at the international level that have been conducted over the last few years to develop alternative production routes for the most widespread radioisotope used in medical imaging. The analysis of technetium isotopes and isomeric states (9xTc) present in the pertechnetate saline Na99mTcO4 solutions, obtained after the extraction/purification procedure, reveals radionuclidic purity levels basically in compliance with the limits recently issued by European Pharmacopoeia 9.3 (2018 Sodium pertechnetate (99mTc) injection 4801\u20133). Moreover, the impact of 9xTc contaminant nuclides on the final image quality is thoroughly evaluated, analyzing the emitted high-energy gamma rays and their influence on the image quality. The spatial resolution of images from cyclotron-produced 99mTc acquired with a mini-gamma camera was determined and compared with that obtained using technetium-99m solutions eluted from standard 99Mo/99mTc generators. The effect of the increased image background contribution due to Compton-scattered higher-energy gamma rays (E \u3b3 \u2009\u2009>\u2009\u2009200\u2009keV), which could cause image-contrast deterioration, was also studied. It is concluded that, due to the high radionuclidic purity of cyclotron-produced 99mTc using 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc reaction at a proton beam energy in the range 15.7\u201319.4 MeV, the resulting image properties are well comparable with those from the generator-eluted 99mTc

    X-ray Emission from the FU Orionis Star V1735 Cygni

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    The variable star V1735 Cyg (= Elias 1-12) lies in the IC 5146 dark cloud and is a member of the class of FU Orionis objects whose dramatic optical brightenings are thought to be linked to episodic accretion. We report the first X-ray detections of V1735 Cyg and a deeply-embedded class I protostar lying 24 arcsecs to its northeast. X-ray spectra obtained with EPIC on XMM-Newton reveal very high-temperature plasma (kT > 5 keV) in both objects, but no large flares. Such hard X-ray emission is not anticipated from accretion shocks and is a signature of magnetic processes. We place these new results into the context of what is presently known about the X-ray properties of FU Orionis stars and other accreting young stellar objects.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Determination of ethyl glucuronide in hair samples by liquid chromatography/electrospray tandem mass spectrometry

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