222 research outputs found

    Enumerating Colorings, Tensions and Flows in Cell Complexes

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    We study quasipolynomials enumerating proper colorings, nowhere-zero tensions, and nowhere-zero flows in an arbitrary CW-complex XX, generalizing the chromatic, tension and flow polynomials of a graph. Our colorings, tensions and flows may be either modular (with values in Z/kZ\mathbb{Z}/k\mathbb{Z} for some kk) or integral (with values in {k+1,,k1}\{-k+1,\dots,k-1\}). We obtain deletion-contraction recurrences and closed formulas for the chromatic, tension and flow quasipolynomials, assuming certain unimodularity conditions. We use geometric methods, specifically Ehrhart theory and inside-out polytopes, to obtain reciprocity theorems for all of the aforementioned quasipolynomials, giving combinatorial interpretations of their values at negative integers as well as formulas for the numbers of acyclic and totally cyclic orientations of XX.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures. Final version, to appear in J. Combin. Theory Series

    Detection of capillovirus-like particles in a grapevine affected with rugose wood

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    Comparison of RNA extracts from in vitro shoot tip cultures of leafroll-affected and leafroll-free grapevine cultivars

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    The RNA content of in vitro shoot tip cultures from grapevine leafroll (GLR) disease-affected grapevines was analyzed and compared to that of similar cultures from GLR-free grapevines. A previously unreported low-molecular-weight single-stranded RNA (LMWssRNA) was detected in in vitro shoot tip cultures of 65 % (11 out of 17) of GLR-affected cultivars. This LMWssRNA was absent from disease-free cultivars and may be associated with a virus or a strain of a virus responsible for GLR. Numerous high-molecular-weight (HMW) dsRNA bands were also detected in GLR-affected grapevine cultivars. The intensities and mobilities (apparent molecular weights) of these dsRNA bands varied considerably from one GLR-affected cultivar to the next, but were reproducible for each cultivar. The detection of multiple distinctive RNA banding patterns is consistent with the possibility that more than one agent can cause grapevine leafroll disease

    Double-stranded RNA from rupestris stem pitting-affected grapevines

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    Nucleic acids were extracted from in vitro shoot tip cultures of 31 grapevine cultivars affected with rupestris stem pitting (RSP) disease and from cultures of 11 RSPfree cultivars, 4 of which were disease-free, 2 of which were fleck-affected and 5 of which were grapevine leafroll disease-affected. Analysis of the extracts by polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis showed that 21 of the 31 RSP-affected cultivars contained a previously unreported nucleic acid which was absent from the RSP-free controls. Nuclease digestions showed that the nucleic acid was double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). The apparent size of the dsRNA was inconsistent with that expected for either a viroid or a closterovirus. The observation that 10 of the 31 RSP-affected cultivars lacked this dsRNA is consistent with the view that there may be more than one 'RSP-like' disease. The dsRNA detected in this investigation may be associated with one of these diseases

    Mechanical sap transmission of a closterovirus from in vitro shoot tip cultures of a leafroll-affected grapevine to Nicotiana benthamiana

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    Transmission manuelle d'un clostérovirus au Nicotiana benthamiana à partir de cultures in vitro d'une vigne atteinte de l'enroulementDes cultures in vitro d'une vigne de Vitis vinifera Limberger atteinte de l'enroulement ont été broyées dans une solution tampon contenant de la nicotine. Les extraits ont été inoculés sur des feuilles de Nicotiana benthamiana et de 6 autres espèces de plantes herbacées. 3 semaines plus tard, seuls les plants de N. benthamiana ont démontré des symptômes. Ceux-ci consistaient d'un nanissement systémique accompagné d'un éclaircissement des nervures qui se transformait en chlorose interveinale. Les feuilles de ces N. benthamiana contenaient le virus A de la vigne (GVA), démontré par la méthode ISEM

    A longitudinal study of multicultural curriculum in medical education

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate impact a multicultural interclerkship had on students\u27 perception of knowledge, interview skills, and empathy towards serving culturally diverse populations and role student demographics played in learning. METHODS: Data extracted from students\u27 self-reported course evaluations and pre/post questionnaires during multiculturalism interclerkship across 11 academic years. Inquired students\u27 opinion about four areas: effectiveness, small group leaders, usefulness, and overall experience. Subscale and item ratings were compared using trend tests including multivariate analyses. RESULTS: During studied years, 883 students completed course evaluation with high overall mean rating of 3.08 (S = 0.45) and subscale mean scores ranging from 3.03 to 3.30. Trends in three of four subscales demonstrated clear uptrend (p \u3c 0.0001). Positive correlations between ratings of leaders and usefulness were observed (p \u3c 0.0001). Pre/post matched dataset (n = 967) indicated majority of items (19/23) had statistically significant higher post interclerkship ratings compared to pre scores with nine of 19 having statistically significant magnitudes of change. Questionnaire had high overall reliability (Cronbach alpha = 0.8), and item-to-group correlations ranged from 0.40 to 0.68 (p \u3c 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: By increasing students\u27 exposure and interaction with diverse patients, their knowledge, attitude, and skills were increased and expanded in positive manner. These findings might inform those who are interested in enhancing this important competence. This is especially true given increasing scrutiny this global topic is receiving within and across healthcare professions around the world

    Herd characteristics and cow-level factors associated with Prototheca mastitis on dairy farms in Ontario, Canada

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    Prototheca spp. are algae that cause incurable acute or chronic mastitis in dairy cows. The aim of this case-control study was the identification of cow- and herd-level risk factors for this unusual mastitis pathogen. Aseptically collected composite milk samples from 2,428 milking cows in 23 case and 23 control herds were collected between January and May 2011. A questionnaire was administered to the producers, and cow-level production and demographic data were gathered. In 58 of 64 isolates, Prototheca spp. and Prototheca zopfii genotypes were differentiated using PCR and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. All isolates were identified as Prototheca zopfii genotype 2. The mean within-herd prevalence for Prototheca spp. was 5.1% (range 0.0-12.5%). Case herds had a significantly lower herd-level prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus and a higher prevalence of yeasts than did control herds. The final logistic regression model for herd-level risk factors included use of intramammary injections of a non- intramammary drug [odds ratio (OR) = 136.8], the number of different injectable antibiotic products being used (OR = 2.82), the use of any dry cow teat sealant (external OR = 80.0; internal OR = 34.2), and having treated 3 or more displaced abomasums in the last 12 mo OR = 44.7). The final logistic regression model for cow-level risk factors included second or greater lactation (OR = 4.40) and the logarithm of the lactation-average somatic cell count (OR = 2.99). Unsanitary or repeated intramammary infusions, antibiotic treatment, and off-label use of injectable drugs in the udder might promote Prototheca udder infection

    Weaving The Threads of Multiculturalism Throughout Medical Education

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    How do medical students learn about the healthcare impact of essential multiculturalism issues in an increasingly diverse population? This study gauges student participation in a variety of multiculturalism curricula and student assessment of curriculum time devoted to multiculturalism at school versus national levels

    Outcomes from an Interprofessional Educational Model for Teaching Community Health

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    Interprofessional team work is widely recognized as an essential component of our health care delivery system. At UMass, an interprofessional educational partnership was established with the goal of promoting interprofessional teaching to medical and nursing students in the area of community health. Presented at the UMMS Commonwealth Medicine Academic Conference, Worcester, Mass. in 2006