169 research outputs found

    A Language and Toolset for the Synthesis and Efficient Simulation of Clock-Cycle-True Signal-Processing Algorithms

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    Optimal simulation speed and synthesizability are contradictory requirements for a hardware description language. This paper presents a language and toolset that enables both synthesis and fast simulation of fixed-point signal processing algorithms at the register-transfer level using a single system description. This is achieved by separate code generators for different purposes. Code-generators have been developed for fast simulation (using ANSI-C) and for synthesis (using VHDL). The simulation performance of the proposed approach has been compared with other known methods and turns out to be comparable in speed to the fastest among them

    Implementation of a Combined OFDM-Demodulation and WCDMA-Equalization Module

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    For a dual-mode baseband receiver for the OFDMWireless LAN andWCDMA standards, integration of the demodulation and equalization tasks on a dedicated hardware module has been investigated. For OFDM demodulation, an FFT algorithm based on cascaded twiddle factor decomposition has been selected. This type of algorithm combines high spatial and temporal regularity in the FFT data-flow graphs with a minimal number of computations. A frequency-domain algorithm based on a circulant channel approximation has been selected for WCDMA equalization. It has good performance, low hardware complexity and a low number of computations. Its main advantage is the reuse of the FFT kernel, which contributes to the integration of both tasks. The demodulation and equalization module has been described at the register transfer level with the in-house developed Arx language. The core of the module is a pipelined radix-23 butterfly combined with a complex multiplier and complex divider. The module has an area of 0.447 mm2 in 0.18 ¿m technology and a power consumption of 10.6 mW. The proposed module compares favorably with solutions reported in literature

    MOD/R : A knowledge assisted approach towards top-down only CMOS VLSI design

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    MOD/R models all views on the design space in relations. This is achieved by eliminating the package constraints, as are apparent in PCB oriented hardware description languages. Assisted by knowledge engineering it allows for a top-down, mostly hierarchical decomposition, virtually eliminating the need for bottom-up assembly

    Adjuvancy and reactogenicity of N-acetylglycosaminyl-N-acetylmuramyl-dipeptide (GMDP) orally administered just prior to trivalent influenza subunit vaccine. A double-blind placebo-controlled study in nursing home residents.

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    One hundred and fifty-three nursing home residents received 0, 5, 25 or 50 mg N-acetylglucosaminyl-N-acetylmuramyl-dipeptide (GMDP) orally, and trivalent influenza subunit vaccine intramuscularly. One day after intervention, there was a strong increase of total leucocytes, monocytes and neutrophils in the groups receiving 25 or 50 mg GMDP. A GMDP dose dependent increase in systemic, but not in local, vaccine side-effects was observed. No significant differences in post-vaccination haemagglutination inhibiting serum antibody titres were observed between the four groups, indicating that oral administration of GMDP together with influenza vaccination, does not lead to a higher vaccine efficacy

    Gene discovery in Triatoma infestans

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    Background: Triatoma infestans is the most relevant vector of Chagas disease in the southern cone of South America. Since its genome has not yet been studied, sequencing of Expressed Sequence Tags ( ESTs) is one of the most powerful tools for efficiently identifying large numbers of expressed genes in this insect vector. Results: In this work, we generated 826 ESTs, resulting in an increase of 47% in the number of ESTs available for T. infestans. These ESTs were assembled in 471 unique sequences, 151 of which represent 136 new genes for the Reduviidae family. Conclusions: Among the putative new genes for the Reduviidae family, we identified and described an interesting subset of genes involved in development and reproduction, which constitute potential targets for insecticide development

    Uso de de almidón de papa andina nativa y deshidratada (chuño) como estabilizantes en la elaboración de yogur firme reducido en grasa

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    El yogur es el alimento lácteo fermentado de mayor consumo a nivel internacional, debido tanto a sus propiedades nutricionales y sensoriales distintivas como por su impacto positivo en la salud del consumidor. Así, el mercado de yogur es uno de los más dinámicos del sector lácteo, con propuestas novedosas, entre las cuales se destaca las variedades con contenido reducido en grasas. Sin embargo, la omisión de la grasa introduce problemas de calidad que conducen al rechazo por el consumidor. La principal estrategia empleada para superar estas limitaciones es el agregado de hidrocoloides (HC) como estabilizantes. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la influencia del agregado de almidón de papa andina nativa y de "chuño" (papa andina congelada y deshidratada) como estabilizantes en la elaboración de yogur firme bajo en grasas. Se prepararon tres formulaciones de yogures a partir de leche descremada reconstituida (10%, p/v) añadida con almidón de papa nativo (AN) o "chuño" (ACH) [2,5% (p/v) final en producto]. Los HC previamente disueltos en leche (en proporción 1:10) se agregaron previo al tratamiento térmico (90°C, 5 min con agitación). La fermentación de la leche se llevo a cabo a 45ºC en baño de agua hasta pH 4,5. El grado de sinéresis, propiedades de flujo y viscoelásticas de los yogures fueron evaluados y comparados con los de un yogur control preparado sin almidón, en los días 1, 7, 14 y 28 de almacenamiento. Para la obtención de las curvas de flujo y las medidas oscilatorias se utilizó un reómetro (AR 2000; TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, EE. UU.) geometría plato-plato de 40 mm. El agregado de almidones de AN y ACH modificó significativamente los parámetros evaluados en relación al yogur control. En relación a la sinéresis, los mayores valores se observaron en el YC, efecto que incrementó significativamente con el tiempo de almacenamiento. Se observa que las formulaciones con almidones no mostraron diferencias significativas entre ellas hasta el día 7. Sin embargo, el YCH incrementó paulatinamente los valores de sinéresis luego del día 14, mientras que en la formulación YN no se observaron diferencias hasta el final del ensayo. Además, las muestras mostraron claras diferencias en cuanto a sus propiedades reológicas. En términos generales, los yogures que contienen almidones exhibieron valores de viscosidad aparente más altos que los observados en el YC después de 1 día de almacenamiento, tendencia que se mantuvo hasta el final del ensayo. Por otra parte, los valores de los módulos viscoso (G'), elástico (G'') y complejo (G*) incrementaron proporcionalmente a la frecuencia angular, siendo G' superior a G'' en todos los casos. G* también mostró diferencias entre las muestras, siendo significativamente mayores en las muestras con AN, seguida de ACH, en relación al control para todos los tiempos evaluados. Nuestros resultados demostraron que la incorporación de almidones de papa andina y chuño en la formulación de yogur firme reducido en grasas permitió reducir el grado de sinéresis proporcionando mejores características reológicas al producto final.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento

    Probabilistic risk assessment of the Space Shuttle. Phase 3: A study of the potential of losing the vehicle during nominal operation. Volume 4: System models and data analysis

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    In this volume, volume 4 (of five volumes), the discussion is focussed on the system models and related data references and has the following subsections: space shuttle main engine, integrated solid rocket booster, orbiter auxiliary power units/hydraulics, and electrical power system

    Probabilistic risk assessment of the Space Shuttle. Phase 3: A study of the potential of losing the vehicle during nominal operation, volume 1

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    This document is the Executive Summary of a technical report on a probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) of the Space Shuttle vehicle performed under the sponsorship of the Office of Space Flight of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration. It briefly summarizes the methodology and results of the Shuttle PRA. The primary objective of this project was to support management and engineering decision-making with respect to the Shuttle program by producing (1) a quantitative probabilistic risk model of the Space Shuttle during flight, (2) a quantitative assessment of in-flight safety risk, (3) an identification and prioritization of the design and operations that principally contribute to in-flight safety risk, and (4) a mechanism for risk-based evaluation proposed modifications to the Shuttle System. Secondary objectives were to provide a vehicle for introducing and transferring PRA technology to the NASA community, and to demonstrate the value of PRA by applying it beneficially to a real program of great international importance

    Probabilistic risk assessment of the Space Shuttle. Phase 3: A study of the potential of losing the vehicle during nominal operation. Volume 5: Auxiliary shuttle risk analyses

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    Volume 5 is Appendix C, Auxiliary Shuttle Risk Analyses, and contains the following reports: Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Space Shuttle Phase 1 - Space Shuttle Catastrophic Failure Frequency Final Report; Risk Analysis Applied to the Space Shuttle Main Engine - Demonstration Project for the Main Combustion Chamber Risk Assessment; An Investigation of the Risk Implications of Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster Chamber Pressure Excursions; Safety of the Thermal Protection System of the Space Shuttle Orbiter - Quantitative Analysis and Organizational Factors; Space Shuttle Main Propulsion Pressurization System Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Final Report; and Space Shuttle Probabilistic Risk Assessment Proof-of-Concept Study - Auxiliary Power Unit and Hydraulic Power Unit Analysis Report

    Probabilistic risk assessment of the Space Shuttle. Phase 3: A study of the potential of losing the vehicle during nominal operation. Volume 2: Integrated loss of vehicle model

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    The application of the probabilistic risk assessment methodology to a Space Shuttle environment, particularly to the potential of losing the Shuttle during nominal operation is addressed. The different related concerns are identified and combined to determine overall program risks. A fault tree model is used to allocate system probabilities to the subsystem level. The loss of the vehicle due to failure to contain energetic gas and debris, to maintain proper propulsion and configuration is analyzed, along with the loss due to Orbiter, external tank failure, and landing failure or error