68 research outputs found

    Field localization on a brane intersection in anti-de Sitter spacetime

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    We discuss the localization of scalar, fermion, and gauge field zero modes on a 33-brane that resides at the intersection of two 44-branes in six-dimensional anti-de Sitter space. This set-up has been introduced in the context of brane world models and, higher-dimensional versions of it, in string theory. In both six- and ten-dimensional cases, it has been shown that four-dimensional gravity can be reproduced at the intersection, due to the existence of a massless, localized graviton zero-mode. However, realistic scenarios require also the Standard Model to be localized on the 33-brane. In this paper, we discuss under which conditions a higher-dimensional field theory, propagating on the above geometry, can have a zero-mode sector localized at the intersection and find that zero modes can be localized only if masses and couplings to the background curvature satisfy certain relations. We also consider the case when other 4-branes cut the bulk at some distance from the intersection and argue that, in the probe brane approximation, there is no significant effect on the localization properties at the 33-brane. The case of bulk fermions is particularly interesting, since the properties of the geometry allow localization of chiral modes independently.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, the version to be published in PR

    A Kinematically Complete Analysis of the CLAS data on the Proton Structure Function F2F_2 in a Regge-Dual model

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    The recently measured inclusive electron-proton cross section in the nucleon resonance region, performed with the CLAS detector at the Thomas Jefferson Laboratory, has provided new data for the nucleon structure function F2F_2 with previously unavailable precision. In this paper we propose a description of these experimental data based on a Regge-dual model for F2F_2. The basic inputs in the model are nonlinear complex Regge trajectories producing both isobar resonances and a smooth background. The model is tested against the experimental data, and the Q2Q^2- dependence of the moments is calculated. The fitted model for the structure function (inclusive cross section) is a limiting case of the more general scattering amplitude equally applicable to deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS). The connection between the two is discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, revtex style. Misprints in eqs. (15,17) are corrected. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum self-consistency of AdS×ΣAdS \times \Sigma brane models

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    Continuing on our previous work, we consider a class of higher dimensional brane models with the topology of AdSD1+1×ΣAdS_{D_1+1} \times \Sigma, where Σ\Sigma is a one-parameter compact manifold and two branes of codimension 1 are located at the orbifold fixed points. We consider a set-up where such a solution arises from Einstein-Yang-Mills theory and evaluate the one-loop effective potential induced by gauge fields and by a generic bulk scalar field. We show that this type of brane models resolves the gauge hierarchy between the Planck and electroweak scales through redshift effects due to the warp factor a=eπkra=e^{-\pi kr}. The value of aa is then fixed by minimizing the effective potential. We find that, as in the Randall Sundrum case, the gauge field contribution to the effective potential stabilises the hierarchy without fine-tuning as long as the laplacian ΔΣ\Delta_\Sigma on Σ\Sigma has a zero eigenvalue. Scalar fields can stabilise the hierarchy depending on the mass and the non-minimal coupling. We also address the quantum self-consistency of the solution, showing that the classical brane solution is not spoiled by quantum effects.Comment: 10 page

    Casimir effect of electromagnetic field in Randall-Sundrum spacetime

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    We study the finite temperature Casimir effect on a pair of parallel perfectly conducting plates in Randall-Sundrum model without using scalar field analogy. Two different ways of interpreting perfectly conducting conditions are discussed. The conventional way that uses perfectly conducting condition induced from 5D leads to three discrete mode corrections. This is very different from the result obtained from imposing 4D perfectly conducting conditions on the 4D massless and massive vector fields obtained by decomposing the 5D electromagnetic field. The latter only contains two discrete mode corrections, but it has a continuum mode correction that depends on the thicknesses of the plates. It is shown that under both boundary conditions, the corrections to the Casimir force make the Casimir force more attractive. The correction under 4D perfectly conducting condition is always smaller than the correction under the 5D induced perfectly conducting condition. These statements are true at any temperature.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Back Reaction to asymptotically AdS Black Holes

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    We analyze the effects of the back reaction due to a conformal field theory (CFT) on a black hole spacetime with negative cosmological constant. We study the geometry numerically obtained by taking into account the energy momentum tensor of CFT approximated by a radiation fluid. We find a sequence of configurations without a horizon in thermal equilibrium (CFT stars), followed by a sequence of configurations with a horizon. We discuss the thermodynamic properties of the system and how back reaction effects alter the space-time structure. We also provide an interpretation of the above sequence of solutions in terms of the AdS/CFT correspondence. The dual five-dimensional description is given by the Karch-Randall model, in which a sequence of five-dimensional floating black holes followed by a sequence of brane localized black holes correspond to the above solutions.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Explicit Model Realizing Parton-Hadron Duality

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    We present a model that realizes both resonance-Regge (Veneziano) and parton-hadron (Bloom-Gilman) duality. We first review the features of the Veneziano model and we discuss how parton-hadron duality appears in the Bloom-Gilman model. Then we review limitations of the Veneziano model, namely that the zero-width resonances in the Veneziano model violate unitarity and Mandelstam analyticity. We discuss how such problems are alleviated in models that construct dual amplitudes with Mandelstam analyticity (so-called DAMA models). We then introduce a modified DAMA model, and we discuss its properties. We present a pedagogical model for dual amplitudes and we construct the nucleon structure function F2(x,Q2). We explicitly show that the resulting structure function realizes both Veneziano and Bloom-Gilman duality.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Wightman function and vacuum densities for a Z_2-symmetric thick brane in AdS spacetime

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    Positive frequency Wightman function, vacuum expectation values of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor induced by a Z_{2}-symmetric brane with finite thickness located on (D+1)- dimensional AdS background are evaluated for a massive scalar field with general curvature coupling parameter. For the general case of static plane symmetric interior structure the expectation values in the region outside the brane are presented as the sum of free AdS and brane induced parts. For a conformally coupled massless scalar the brane induced part in the vacuum energy-momentum tensor vanishes. In the limit of strong gravitational fields the brane induced parts are exponentially suppressed for points not too close to the brane boundary. As an application of general results a special model is considered in which the geometry inside the brane is a slice of the Minkowski spacetime orbifolded along the direction perpendicular to the brane. For this model the Wightman function, vacuum expectation values of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor inside the brane are evaluated as well and their behavior is discussed in various asymptotic regions of the parameters. It is shown that for both minimally and conformally coupled scalar fields the interior vacuum forces acting on the brane boundaries tend to decrease the brane thickness.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, discussion adde