2,394 research outputs found

    The Sweat Lodge Ceremony as Experienced by Nurses A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study

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    Nursing must reconnect with its roots found in the teachings of Florence Nightingale and be open to ancient indigenous wisdom, focusing on caring, healing and being present. To practice as culturally competent healers, nurses must grow in self awareness and an ability to understand cultural and spiritual practices, as well as communicate with and show respect to people from all walks of life. A Hermeneutic Phenomenological study was done by interviewing three participants to explore what it was like for Master in Arts nursing students participating in an Augsburg College Department of Nursing Immersion to experience a Sweat Lodge Ceremony; with data being analyzed in the context of nurse as healer. Seven major themes were found in analysis of the data: 1) Importance of being open, 2) Experienced elements of a therapeutic relationship/healing environment, 3) Sense of being connected,4) Healing experience, 5) Gained personal and cultural insights and growth, 6) Application to nursing practice, 7) Sweat Lodge Ceremony was a meaningful experience on a deeply personal level. Jean Watson\u27s Human Caring Theory served to guide, guard, connect and ground this study

    Deep flaws in weldments of aluminum and titanium

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    Surface flawed specimens of 2219-T87 and 6Al-4V STA titanium weldments were tested to determine static failure modes, failure strength, and fatigue flaw growth characteristics. Thicknesses selected for this study were purposely set at values where, for most test conditions, abrupt instability of the flaw at fracture would not be expected. Static tests for the aluminum weldments were performed at room, LN2 and LH2 temperatures. Titanium static tests for tests were performed at room and LH2 temperatures. Results of the static tests were used to plot curves relating initial flaw size to leakage- or failure-stresses (i.e. "failure" locus curves). Cyclic tests, for both materials, were then performed at room temperature, using initial flaws only slightly below the previously established failure locus for typical proof stress levels. Cyclic testing was performed on pairs of specimens, one with and one without a simulated proof test cycle. Comparisons were made then to determine the value and effect of proof testing as affected by the various variables of proof and operating stress, flaw shape, material thickness, and alloy

    Effect of thermal profile on cyclic flaw growth in aluminum

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    Surface flawed and single edge notch tension specimens of 2219-T851 and -T87 aluminum were tested to determine static fracture characteristics and base line (constant amplitude, constant temperature) cyclic flaw growth behavior. Subsequent testing was then conducted in which flawed specimens were subjected to a thermal profile in which the applied stress was varied simultaneously with the temperature. The profile used represents a simplified space shuttle orbiter load/temperature flight cycle. Test temperatures included the range from 144K (-200 F) up to 450K (350 F). The measured flaw growth rates obtained from the thermal profile tests were then compared with rates predicted by assuming linear cumulative damage of base line rates

    Buckling without bending: a new paradigm in morphogenesis

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    A curious feature of organ and organoid morphogenesis is that in certain cases, spatial oscillations in the thickness of the growing "film" are out-of-phase with the deformation of the slower-growing "substrate," while in other cases, the oscillations are in-phase. The former cannot be explained by elastic bilayer instability, and contradict the notion that there is a universal mechanism by which brains, intestines, teeth, and other organs develop surface wrinkles and folds. Inspired by the microstructure of the embryonic cerebellum, we develop a new model of 2d morphogenesis in which system-spanning elastic fibers endow the organ with a preferred radius, while a separate fiber network resides in the otherwise fluid-like film at the outer edge of the organ and resists thickness gradients thereof. The tendency of the film to uniformly thicken or thin is described via a "growth potential". Several features of cerebellum, +blebbistatin organoid, and retinal fovea morphogenesis, including out-of-phase behavior and a film thickness amplitude that is comparable to the radius amplitude, are readily explained by our simple analytical model, as may be an observed scale-invariance in the number of folds in the cerebellum. We also study a nonlinear variant of the model, propose further biological and bio-inspired applications, and address how our model is and is not unique to the developing nervous system.Comment: version accepted by Physical Review

    Recruitment responses of benthic infauna to manipulated sediment geochemical properties in natural flows

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    Recent studies have shown that local variation in surface sediment geochemistry can have significant effects on recruitment rates of benthic invertebrates. Experiments presented here tested (1) the utility of manipulating surface porewater concentrations using spiked polyacrylamide gels and (2) the recruitment responses of the polychaete Arenicola cristata and the bivalve Mercenaria mercenaria to manipulated ammonium concentrations in realistic flows provided by a straight flume and an annular flume. Data show that successful manipulation of sediment porewater ammonium concentration is feasible in flowing waters, i.e., overlying waters remained relatively free of ammonium while manipulated concentration levels were maintained within the upper sediment layers where new recruits explore. Thus, over short experimental periods, ammonium signals can be independently modified while variables such as grain size, organic content and flow are held constant. Responses of new recruits varied as a function of experimental condition. In straight flume trials, the manipulation of ammonium concentration was successful, and within the range of concentrations tested, retention of Mercenaria was significantly reduced at the highest ammonium level. However, retention of Arenicola was uniformly low among all treatments and no significant ammonium response was detected. In annular flume runs, overall ammonium concentrations were higher than in straight flume runs, but were consistent with the intended manipulation. Mercenaria retention was uniformly low, and no differences in retention, as a function of ammonium concentration, were found. However, for Arenicola, significant differences were observed, with highest retention in lower ammonium environments. These results suggest that ammonium, isolated from other cues, plays a significant role in determining recruitment patterns, with variation in recruit responses related to signal strength

    Crack Growth of D6 Steel in Air and High Pressure Oxygen

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    Fracture and subcritical flaw growth characteristics were experimentally determined for electroless nickel plated D6 steel in dry air and high pressure oxygen environments as applicable to the Lunar Module/Environmental Control System (LM/ECS) descent gaseous oxygen (GOX) tank. The material tested included forgings, plate, and actual LM/ECS descent GOX tank material. Parent metal and TIG (tungsten inert gas) welds were tested. Tests indicate that proof testing the tanks at 4000 pounds per square inch or higher will insure safe operation at 3060 pounds per square inch. Although significant flaw growth can occur during proofing, subsequent growth of flaws during normal tank operation is negligible

    Shadowing practices: Ethnographic accounts of private eyes as entrepreneurs

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    In recent years, entrepreneurship studies scholars have begun studying entrepreneurship from a process-oriented philosophy and with an interest in the prosaic, everyday practices of entrepreneurs. In keeping with these new movement approaches, I have tried to catch entrepreneurship as it is happening within the field of private investigations. An in-depth, two-year field study of private investigators engaged in the entwined practices of investigating and entrepreneuring was conducted. Methodologically, I shadowed five private investigators and interviewed an additional 25. Because shadowing is an emergent methodology, an in-depth discussion of conducting and writing shadowing research is provided. As noted in this discussion, it is important that writing remain primarily descriptive yet linked to dominant contemporary discourses. Consequently, an overview of dominant narrative themes in popular and academic discourses about private investigating and entrepreneurship are included. Based on the framework of this methodology, dominant narrative themes, and field notes, various culturally-situated accounts of private investigator practices are offered. The findings of this research project suggest that private investigators use various rhetorical and practical strategies to successfully and simultaneously complete investigative and business-related tasks, such as planting suspicions, using gender and race to strategically position themselves in relation to others in opportunistic ways, and incorporating contemporary technology into their work routines. Drawing on actor-network-theory, I argue that opportunities are enacted through a series of taken-for-granted and everyday interactions among subjects and objects. This research privileges descriptive accounts over theory-building. However, the descriptive accounts of the practices of subjects and objects suggest pragmatic solutions for private investigators to create and manage entrepreneurial opportunities. For example, I propose that private investigators should collectively engage in practices that further professionalize their field. Such professionalizing activities would include, among other things, engaging in knowledge accumulation through academic and professional research activities and professional association public relations campaigns. Insights are also provided regarding the role of rhetoric and technology in opportunity creation and destruction. Readers interested in organization communication and theory will find many of the descriptions to be empirically rich examples of ethno-methods used by actors in highly institutionalized contexts. Similarly, these scholars may also find the descriptions to validate recent arguments regarding organizing as hybridized actions (or action nets) occurring in multiple spaces, places, and times. The examples herein demonstrate the usefulness of shadowing as an approach to understanding organizing practices, especially in fields where actors are always on the move. Readers interested in private investigating will find many of the examples rich in techniques that will enhance profitability. Finally, readers interested in entrepreneurship studies will undoubtedly find many novel potential research projects that are embedded in the various thick descriptions throughout the document
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