23 research outputs found

    Клінічно-імунологічні можливості своєчасної діагностики раку носоглотки

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    An increase of the incidence rate of pharyngeal carcinoma over the last few years and its delayed diagnostics, deteriorating a prognosis of the disease, stipulate the topical character of this particular topic. Present-day investigations demonstrate the presence of Epstein-Barr’s virus in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The paper has studied the parameters of Ig G titers to VCA and NA of Epstein-Barr’s virus in patients with chronic pharyngitis and has demonstrated a correlation between the high titers of the parameters and the presence of preclinical malignization in the nasopharynx. The obtained findings may help, when forming risk groups, based on nasopharyngeal carcinoma in patients with chronic pharyngitis that will improve the value of a timely diagnosis of the disease.Актуальность темы, изложенной в статье, обусловлена ростом заболеваемости раком носоглотки, поздней диагностикой болезни, что объясняет низкий процент излечения. Исследования, которые проводились в последние годы, демонстрируют присутствие вируса Эпштейн-Барра у пациентов с раком носоглотки. В статье изучались показатели титров Ig G к VCA и NA Эпштейн-Барр вируса у пациентов с хроническим фарингитом и продемонстрирована корреляционная связь между высокими титрами показателей и наличием доклинической малигнизации в носоглотке. Эти данные могут помочь при формировании груп риска по РН у больных с хроническим фарингитом, что может способствовать своевременной диагностике болезни.Протягом останніх років ріст захворюваності на рак носоглотки та його запізніла діагностика, що погіршує прогноз хвороби, зумовлюють актуальність даної теми. Сучасні дослідження демонструють наявність вірусу Епштейн-Барра у пацієнтів, хворих на рак носоглотки. У статті вивчалися показники титрів Ig G до VCA і NA вірусу Епштейн-Барра у пацієнтів із хронічним фарингітом, і продемонстрований кореляційний зв'язок між високими титрами показників та наявністю доклінічної малігнізації в носоглотці. Отримані дані можуть допомогти при формуванні групи ризику по раку носоглотки у хворих на хронічний фарингіт, що покращить показники своєчасної діагностики хвороби

    Competency-Based Time-Variable Anesthesiology Residency Training: Identification of Problems and Solutions

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    BACKGROUND: Global medical education is gradually moving toward more comprehensive implementations of a competency-based education (CBE) model. Elimination of standard time-based training and adoption of time-variable training (competency-based time-variable training [CB-TVT]) is one of the final stages of implementation of CBE. While CB-TVT has been implemented in some programs outside the United States, residency programs in the United States are still exploring this approach to training. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) are encouraging member boards and residency review committees to consider innovative ways programs could implement CB-TVT. The goals of this study were to (1) identify potential problems with the implementation of CB-TVT in anesthesiology residency training, (2) rank the importance of the problems and the perceived difficulty of solving them, and (3) develop proposed solutions to the identified problems. METHODS: Study participants were recruited from key stakeholder groups in anesthesiology education, including current or former program directors, department chairs, residents, fellows, American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) board members, ACGME residency review committee members or ACGME leaders, designated institutional officials, residency program coordinators, clinical operations directors, and leaders of large anesthesiology community practice groups. This study was conducted in 2 phases. In phase 1, survey questionnaires were iteratively distributed to participants to identify problems with the implementation of CB-TVT. Participants were also asked to rank the perceived importance and difficulty of each problem and to identify relevant stakeholder groups that would be responsible for solving each problem. In phase 2, surveys focused on identifying potential solutions for problems identified in phase 1. RESULTS: A total of 36 stakeholders identified 39 potential problems, grouped into 7 major categories, with the implementation of CB-TVT in anesthesiology residency training. Of the 39 problems, 19 (48.7%) were marked as important or very important on a 5-point scale and 12 of 19 (63.2%) of the important problems were marked as difficult or very difficult to solve on a 5-point scale. Stakeholders proposed 165 total solutions to the identified problems. CONCLUSIONS: CB-TVT is a promising educational model for anesthesiology residency, which potentially results in learner flexibility, individualization of curricula, and utilization of competencies to determine learner advancement. Because of the potential problems with the implementation of CB-TVT, it is important for future pilot implementations of CB-TVT to document realized problems, efficacy of solutions, and effects on educational outcomes to justify the burden of implementing CB-TVT


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