140 research outputs found

    High-dimensional wave atoms and compression of seismic datasets

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    Wave atoms are a low-redundancy alternative to curvelets, suitable for high-dimensional seismic data processing. This abstract extends the wave atom orthobasis construction to 3D, 4D, and 5D Cartesian arrays, and parallelizes it in a shared-memory environment. An implementation of the algorithm for NVIDIA CUDA capable graphics processing units (GPU) is also developed to accelerate computation for 2D and 3D data. The new transforms are benchmarked against the Fourier transform for compression of data generated from synthetic 2D and 3D acoustic models.National Science Foundation (U.S.); Alfred P. Sloan Foundatio

    Wavelets on the sphere : Implementation and approximations

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    We continue the analysis of the continuous wavelet transform on the 2-sphere, introduced in a previous paper. After a brief review of the transform, we define and discuss the notion of directional spherical wavelet, i.e., wavelets on the sphere that are sensitive to directions. Then we present a calculation method for data given on a regular spherical grid . This technique, which uses the FFT, is based on the invariance of under discrete rotations around the z axis preserving the sampling. Next, a numerical criterion is given for controlling the scale interval where the spherical wavelet transform makes sense, and examples are given, both academic and realistic. In a second part, we establish conditions under which the reconstruction formula holds in strong Lp sense, for 1p<. This opens the door to techniques for approximating functions on the sphere, by use of an approximate identity, obtained by a suitable dilation of the mother wavelet

    Conditioning bounds for traveltime tomography in layered media

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    This paper revisits the problem of recovering a smooth, isotropic, layered wave speed profile from surface traveltime information. While it is classic knowledge that the diving (refracted) rays classically determine the wave speed in a weakly well-posed fashion via the Abel transform, we show in this paper that traveltimes of reflected rays do not contain enough information to recover the medium in a well-posed manner, regardless of the discretization. The counterpart of the Abel transform in the case of reflected rays is a Fredholm kernel of the first kind which is shown to have singular values that decay at least root-exponentially. Kinematically equivalent media are characterized in terms of a sequence of matching moments. This severe conditioning issue comes on top of the well-known rearrangement ambiguity due to low velocity zones. Numerical experiments in an ideal scenario show that a waveform-based model inversion code fits data accurately while converging to the wrong wave speed profile

    On the spectral properties of L_{+-} in three dimensions

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    This paper is part of the radial asymptotic stability analysis of the ground state soliton for either the cubic nonlinear Schrodinger or Klein-Gordon equations in three dimensions. We demonstrate by a rigorous method that the linearized scalar operators which arise in this setting, traditionally denoted by L_{+-}, satisfy the gap property, at least over the radial functions. This means that the interval (0,1] does not contain any eigenvalues of L_{+-} and that the threshold 1 is neither an eigenvalue nor a resonance. The gap property is required in order to prove scattering to the ground states for solutions starting on the center-stable manifold associated with these states. This paper therefore provides the final installment in the proof of this scattering property for the cubic Klein-Gordon and Schrodinger equations in the radial case, see the recent theory of Nakanishi and the third author, as well as the earlier work of the third author and Beceanu on NLS. The method developed here is quite general, and applicable to other spectral problems which arise in the theory of nonlinear equations

    Spectral Analysis for Matrix Hamiltonian Operators

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    In this work, we study the spectral properties of matrix Hamiltonians generated by linearizing the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation about soliton solutions. By a numerically assisted proof, we show that there are no embedded eigenvalues for the three dimensional cubic equation. Though we focus on a proof of the 3d cubic problem, this work presents a new algorithm for verifying certain spectral properties needed to study soliton stability. Source code for verification of our comptuations, and for further experimentation, are available at http://www.math.toronto.edu/simpson/files/spec_prop_code.tgz.Comment: 57 pages, 22 figures, typos fixe

    Scattering in flatland: Efficient representations via wave atoms

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    This paper presents a numerical compression strategy for the boundary integral equation of acoustic scattering in two dimensions. These equations have oscillatory kernels that we represent in a basis of wave atoms, and compress by thresholding the small coefficients to zero. This phenomenon was perhaps first observed in 1993 by Bradie, Coifman, and Grossman, in the context of local Fourier bases \cite{BCG}. Their results have since then been extended in various ways. The purpose of this paper is to bridge a theoretical gap and prove that a well-chosen fixed expansion, the nonstandard wave atom form, provides a compression of the acoustic single and double layer potentials with wave number kk as O(k)O(k)-by-O(k)O(k) matrices with O(k1+1/∞)O(k^{1+1/\infty}) nonnegligible entries, with a constant that depends on the relative ℓ2\ell_2 accuracy \eps in an acceptable way. The argument assumes smooth, separated, and not necessarily convex scatterers in two dimensions. The essential features of wave atoms that enable to write this result as a theorem is a sharp time-frequency localization that wavelet packets do not obey, and a parabolic scaling wavelength ∼\sim (essential diameter)2{}^2. Numerical experiments support the estimate and show that this wave atom representation may be of interest for applications where the same scattering problem needs to be solved for many boundary conditions, for example, the computation of radar cross sections.Comment: 39 page

    Global dynamics above the ground state for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation without a radial assumption

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    We extend our previous result on the focusing cubic Klein-Gordon equation in three dimensions to the non-radial case, giving a complete classification of global dynamics of all solutions with energy at most slightly above that of the ground state.Comment: 40 page

    A Centre-Stable Manifold for the Focussing Cubic NLS in R1+3R^{1+3}

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    Consider the focussing cubic nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in R3R^3: iψt+Δψ=−∣ψ∣2ψ. i\psi_t+\Delta\psi = -|\psi|^2 \psi. It admits special solutions of the form eitαϕe^{it\alpha}\phi, where ϕ\phi is a Schwartz function and a positive (ϕ>0\phi>0) solution of −Δϕ+αϕ=ϕ3. -\Delta \phi + \alpha\phi = \phi^3. The space of all such solutions, together with those obtained from them by rescaling and applying phase and Galilean coordinate changes, called standing waves, is the eight-dimensional manifold that consists of functions of the form ei(v⋅+Γ)ϕ(⋅−y,α)e^{i(v \cdot + \Gamma)} \phi(\cdot - y, \alpha). We prove that any solution starting sufficiently close to a standing wave in the Σ=W1,2(R3)∩∣x∣−1L2(R3)\Sigma = W^{1, 2}(R^3) \cap |x|^{-1}L^2(R^3) norm and situated on a certain codimension-one local Lipschitz manifold exists globally in time and converges to a point on the manifold of standing waves. Furthermore, we show that \mc N is invariant under the Hamiltonian flow, locally in time, and is a centre-stable manifold in the sense of Bates, Jones. The proof is based on the modulation method introduced by Soffer and Weinstein for the L2L^2-subcritical case and adapted by Schlag to the L2L^2-supercritical case. An important part of the proof is the Keel-Tao endpoint Strichartz estimate in R3R^3 for the nonselfadjoint Schr\"odinger operator obtained by linearizing around a standing wave solution.Comment: 56 page
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