10,638 research outputs found

    Quark-Meson Coupling model based upon the Nambu-Jona Lasinio model

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    The NJL model for the octet baryons, using proper time regularization to simulate some of the features of confinement, is solved self-consistently in nuclear matter. This provides an alternative framework to the MIT bag model which has been used in the quark-meson coupling model. After fitting the parameters of the model to the saturation properties of symmetric nuclear matter the model is used to explore the equation of state of pure neutron matter as well as nuclear matter at densities relevant to heavy ion collisions. With a view to future studies of high mass neutron stars, the binding of hyperons is also explored.Comment: 7 pages and 4 figure

    Aspectos econômicos do cajueiro.

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    bitstream/item/90085/1/ADM13001.pdfCampo & Negócio

    High fidelity readout scheme for rare-earth solid state quantum computing

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    We propose and analyze a high fidelity readout scheme for a single instance approach to quantum computing in rare-earth-ion-doped crystals. The scheme is based on using different species of qubit and readout ions, and it is shown that by allowing the closest qubit ion to act as a readout buffer, the readout error can be reduced by more than an order of magnitude. The scheme is shown to be robust against certain experimental variations, such as varying detection efficiencies, and we use the scheme to predict the expected quantum fidelity of a CNOT gate in these solid state systems. In addition, we discuss the potential scalability of the protocol to larger qubit systems. The results are based on parameters which we believed are experimentally feasible with current technology, and which can be simultaneously realized.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Effects of type of emission and masking sound, and their spatial correspondence, on blind and sighted people’s ability to echolocate

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    Ambient sound can mask acoustic signals. The current study addressed how echolocation in people is affected by masking sound, and the role played by type of sound and spatial (i.e. binaural) similarity. We also investigated the role played by blindness and long-term experience with echolocation, by testing echolocation experts, as well as blind and sighted people new to echolocation. Results were obtained in two echolocation tasks where participants listened to binaural recordings of echolocation and masking sounds, and either localized echoes in azimuth or discriminated echo audibility. Echolocation and masking sounds could be either clicks or broad band noise. An adaptive staircase method was used to adjust signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) based on participants’ responses. When target and masker had the same binaural cues (i.e. both were monoaural sounds), people performed better (i.e. had lower SNRs) when target and masker used different types of sound (e.g. clicks in noise-masker or noise in clicks-masker), as compared to when target and masker used the same type of sound (e.g. clicks in click-, or noise in noise-masker). A very different pattern of results was observed when masker and target differed in their binaural cues, in which case people always performed better when clicks were the masker, regardless of type of emission used. Further, direct comparison between conditions with and without binaural difference revealed binaural release from masking only when clicks were used as emissions and masker, but not otherwise (i.e. when noise was used as masker or emission). This suggests that echolocation with clicks or noise may differ in their sensitivity to binaural cues. We observed the same pattern of results for echolocation experts, and blind and sighted people new to echolocation, suggesting a limited role played by long-term experience or blindness. In addition to generating novel predictions for future work, the findings also inform instruction in echolocation for people who are blind or sighted

    Proposal to study BsDˉsJB_s \to \bar D_{sJ} transitions

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    It is proposed to clear some of the puzzles of B decay to the broad Dˉ\bar{D}^{\ast\ast} states by studying the corresponding decay with strange states Bs0Ds0π+B_s^0 \to D_{s0}^{\ast -} \pi^+ at LHCb. Interpretation of the results should be easier due to the narrowness of the Ds0D_{s0}^{\ast -} state.Comment: 21 page

    Increased emission intensity can compensate for the presence of noise in human click-based echolocation

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    Echolocating bats adapt their emissions to succeed in noisy environments. In the present study we investigated if echolocating humans can detect a sound-refecting surface in the presence of noise and if intensity of echolocation emissions (i.e. clicks) changes in a systematic pattern. We tested people who were blind and had experience in echolocation, as well as blind and sighted people who had no experience in echolocation prior to the study. We used an echo-detection paradigm where participants listened to binaural recordings of echolocation sounds (i.e. they did not make their own click emissions), and where intensity of emissions and echoes changed adaptively based on participant performance (intensity of echoes was yoked to intensity of emissions). We found that emission intensity had to systematically increase to compensate for weaker echoes relative to background noise. In fact, emission intensity increased so that spectral power of echoes exceeded spectral power of noise by 12 dB in 4-kHz and 5-kHz frequency bands. The efects were the same across all participant groups, suggesting that this efect occurs independently of long-time experience with echolocation. Our fndings demonstrate for the frst time that people can echolocate in the presence of noise and suggest that one potential strategy to deal with noise is to increase emission intensity to maintain signal-to-noise ratio of certain spectral components of the echoes