285 research outputs found

    High dillution of Staphysagria and fruit fly biotherapic preparations to manage South American fruit fly, Anastrepha fraterculus, in organic peach orchards.

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    The peach, Prunus persica, is an important economic crop in southern Brazil, where family farms are predominantly small. The South American fruit fly, Anastrepha fraterculus is a limiting factor to increased production in orchard crops. Increased organic production in Brazil has stimulated research to find ecological based pest management. This research was carried out in order to evaluate the efficacy of preparations at high dilution in managing A. fraterculus in organic peach orchards. Experiments were conducted under field conditions in randomized blocks during 2003/04 and 2004/05. Treatments consisted of A. fraterculus nosodes and Staphysagria homeopathic preparations, both at two high dilution levels, 3CH and 6CH (centesimal hahnemannian dilution method), applied at two spray intervals, 5 and 10 days, and a control. Fruit losses due to A. fraterculus infestation varied from 40 to 98.3%. Although there were significant differences among treatments in the first harvest of two of the three experiments there were no significant differences in the second harvest of any of the experiments. None of the homeopathic preparations reduced the incidence of infested fruit significantly below that of the water control in any of the three experiments. Further studies must combine other strategies such as bagging fruits and planting of early season cultivars. Variation on high dilution potency, dose, and frequency of application must also be considered

    Cultural Consumption Through the Epistemologies of the South: 'Humanization' in Transnational Football Fan Solidarities

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    In 2014, Boaventura de Sousa Santos awoke the global sociological community to the need to privilege ‘humanization’ in the exploration of transnational solidarities. This article presents the cultural consumption of a football club – Liverpool FC – to understand the common ‘love’, ‘suffering’, ‘care’ and ‘knowledge’ that fans who are part of the ‘Brazil Reds’ or ‘Switzerland Reds’ (although not all fans engaged in such communities are ‘from’ Brazil or Switzerland) experience. The argument is that the global North lexicon of social class, ethnicity, gender and, especially, nationality is less significant as starting points for analysis than humanization through shared love, which consolidates Liverpool FC fans’ transnational solidarities. Accordingly, the article calls for the epistemologies of the global South to be used to understand the practices of cultural consumption that constitute activities in the sphere of everyday life, such as those involved in ‘love’ for a football club

    Minerales con hierro en arcillas vinculadas a la ingresión marina holocena en la llanura costera del estuario del Río de la Plata (Argentina): implicancias paleoambientales

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    En este trabajo se efectúa la caracterización de los minerales portadores de hierro en arcillas de la llanura costera del estuario del Río de la Plata, incluidas en la Facies Villa Elisa de la Formación Las Escobas (MIS1), con el principal objetivo de contribuir a su interpretación paleoambiental. Además, los resultados permi­ ten hacer inferencias que se estiman de interés para la Pedología y para las Ciencias Ambientales. El trabajo abarca el uso de diversas técnicas (análisis quí­ micos, determinación de propiedades magnéticas, análisis térmico diferencial­ termogravimétrico, difractometría de rayos X y espectroscopia Mössbauer). Los materiales analizados presentan tonalidades gris­oliva y se clasifican como arcillas. Presentan una asociación mineralógica compleja, resultado de la combinación de múltiples factores, que incluyen procesos vinculados a su procedencia, al ambiente de depositación y a los efectos de la pedogénesis. Dominan los argilominerales (aproximadamente 60%), representados principalmente por esmectitas, illita y secundariamente por caolinita e interestratificados illita/esmectita con elevado contenido de capas expansivas. Se identificó también la presencia de cuarzo, plagio­ clasas, feldespatos alcalinos y en menor medida calcita y óxi­hidróxidos de hierro. El contenido de hierro total es considerable (alrededor del 10%), con un claro pre­ dominio de Fe3+ sobre el Fe2+ (92% y 8%, respectivamente). Los óxi­hidróxidos de hierro presentes (goethita y eventualmente ferrihidrita) no constituyen los principales portadores de hierro. De esta manera se concluye que el Fe3+ se en­ cuentra principalmente en los argilominerales, en particular en esmectitas ricas en hierro (Fe­esmectitas), del tipo nontronita/Fe­beidellita. La asociación mineral determinada tiene importantes implicancias para la interpretación paleoambiental. Se concluye que un ambiente de marisma recibió argilominerales a partir de la erosión de suelos loéssicos (principalmente esmectitas e illita) y por corrientes mareales (más ricos en esmectitas y caolinita). Mecanismos propios del ambiente depositacional, vinculados a ciclos de humedecimiento­secado con oscilaciones de Eh en un medio levemente alcalino permitieron la incorporación de hierro en la estructura de las esmectitas. Un aspecto a destacar es que estos materiales pre­ sentan colores glei originados por minerales con Fe3+ (Fe­esmectitas y goethita), lo cual contradice el tradicional supuesto en Pedología, que asocia este patrón de color a minerales de Fe2+. Finalmente, se destaca que la elevada participación de Fe­esmectitas en asociación con óxi­hidróxidos de hierro, contribuye a la adsorción de metales pesados y otros contaminantes de la región, dándole a la Facies Villa Elisa un importante valor ambiental

    Diagnóstico de adultos de Drosophila suzukii e Zaprionus sp. em duas regiões produtoras de morango do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    A família Drosophilidae (Diptera) abriga espécies que causam prejuízos à agricultura, infestando diferentes frutíferas em todo o mundo.Agropecuária catarinense, v. 31, n. 2, mai./ago. 2018

    Violent and non-violent crimes against sex workers : the influence of the sex market on reporting practices in the United Kingdom

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    Previous research has shown that sex workers experience extremely high rates of victimization but are often reluctant to report their experiences to the police. This paper explores how the markets in which sex workers operate in the United Kingdom impact upon the violent and non-violent crimes they report to a national support organization and their willingness to report victimization to the police. We use a secondary quantitative data analysis of 2,056 crime reports submitted to the UK National Ugly Mugs (NUM) scheme between 2012 and 2016. The findings indicate that although violence is the most common crime type reported to NUM, sex workers operating in different markets report varying relative proportions of different types of victimization. We also argue that there is some variation in the level of willingness to share reports with the police across the different sex markets, even when the type crime, presence of violence, and other variables are taken into account. Our finding that street sex workers are most likely to report victimization directly to the police challenges previously held assumptions that criminalization is the key factor preventing sex workers from engaging with the police. Key words: sex work; violence; policing; reported victimizatio

    Food Poverty and Christianity in Britain: A Theological Re-assessment

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    The Christian response to food poverty in Britain has generally been two-fold. Foodbanks have become synonymous with Christianity and exemplify its charitable ethos. However, Christian churches have also called for social justice so that people can buy food in the normal way. Both responses are theologically problematic. The idea of foodbank is borne of a privileged theology that celebrates charitable giving, despite the humiliation it invites on recipients. Although social justice approaches originate in human rights discourse, the location of these rights in food consumerism means that it is equally privileged. Drawing on contextual and liberation theology, as well as ideas from radical orthodoxy, I argue that food poverty is better understood when we assign epistemological privilege to the poor. This leads me to advocate an alternative Christian response to food poverty