1,453 research outputs found

    Analytical continuation from imaginary to real chemical potential in 2-color QCD under scrutiny

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    The method of analytical continuation from imaginary to real chemical potential is tested in 2-color QCD. In comparison to previous studies in the same theory, an exact updating algorithm is used and simulations are performed closer to the thermodynamic limit. It is shown that the method considerably improves if suitable functions are used to interpolate data with imaginary chemical potential.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Lattice 2006 (High Temperature and Density

    The critical line of QCD with four degenerate quarks

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    We determine the pseudo-critical couplings at imaginary chemical potentials by high-statistics Monte Carlo simulations of QCD with four degenerate quarks at non-zero temperature and baryon density by the method of analytic continuationan. We reveal deviations from the simple quadratic dependence on the chemical potential visible in earlier works on the same subject. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings for the shape of the pseudo-critical line at real chemical potential, comparing different possible extrapolations.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, talk presented at the XXVIII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, June 14-19, 2010, Villasimius, Sardinia, Ital

    Phase diagram of QCD with two degenerate staggered quarks

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    We present preliminary results about the critical line of QCD with two degenerate staggered quarks at nonzero temperature and chemical potential, obtained by the method of analytic continuation. As in our previous studies with different numbers of colors and flavors, we find deviations from a simple quadratic dependence on the chemical potential. We comment on the shape of the critical line at real chemical potential and give an estimate of the curvature of the critical line, both for quark chemical potential and isospin chemical potential.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, talk presented at Lattice 2011, The XXIX International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe, California, USA, July 11-16, 201

    The critical line of two-flavor QCD at finite isospin or baryon densities from imaginary chemical potentials

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    We determine the (pseudo)critical lines of QCD with two degenerate staggered fermions at nonzero temperature and quark or isospin density, in the region of imaginary chemical potentials; analytic continuation is then used to prolongate to the region of real chemical potentials. We obtain an accurate determination of the curvatures at zero chemical potential, quantifying the deviation between the case of finite quark and of finite isospin chemical potential. Deviations from a quadratic dependence of the pseudocritical lines on the chemical potential are clearly seen in both cases: we try different extrapolations and, for the case of nonzero isospin chemical potential, confront them with the results of direct Monte Carlo simulations. Finally we find that, as for the finite quark density case, an imaginary isospin chemical potential can strengthen the transition till turning it into strong first order.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, 4 table

    Analysis of X-ray flares in GRBs

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    We present a detailed study of the spectral and temporal properties of the X-ray flares emission of several GRBs. We select a sample of GRBs which X-ray light curve exhibits large amplitude variations with several rebrightenings superposed on the underlying three-segment broken powerlaw that is often seen in Swift GRBs. We try to understand the origin of these fluctuations giving some diagnostic in order to discriminate between refreshed shocks and late internal shocks. For some bursts our time-resolved spectral analysis supports the interpretation of a long-lived central engine, with rebrightenings consistent with energy injection in refreshed shocks as slower shells generated in the central engine prompt phase catch up with the afterglow shock at later times.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. Invited talk at the Swift-Venice 2006 meeting to be published by "Il Nuovo Cimento

    Sulla illegittimit\ue0 costituzionale dei decreti-legge \u201ctaglia-leggi\u201d

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    Sommario: 1. I decreti-legge \u201ctaglia-leggi\u201d nel procedimento di semplificazione della legislazione vigente. 2. Sulla asserita necessit\ue0 ed urgenza di una abrogazione espressa. 3. Sulla necessit\ue0 del provvedimento e del provvedere con l\u2019abrogazione differita. 4. Sulla straordinariet\ue0 come fondamento del potere normativo primario del Governo. 5. Sulle interferenze tra decreto-legge e delega legislativa. 6. Infine, alcune considerazioni di merito: una semplificazione\u2026 un po\u2019 troppo complicata

    't Hooft tensor for generic gauge group

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    We study monopoles in gauge theories with generic gauge group. Magnetic charges are in one-to-one correspondence with the second homotopy classes at spatial infinity (Π2{\Pi}_2), which are therefore identified by the 't Hooft tensor. We determine the 't Hooft tensor in the general case. These issues are relevant to the understanding of Color Confinement.Comment: 5 pages. Contribution to the Conference QCD08, Montpellier 7-12 July 2008 To appear in the proceeding

    High Bandwidth Wall Current Monitor for CTF3

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    Wall Current Monitors (WCM) are commonly used to observe the time profile and spectra of a particle beam by detecting its image current. Within the framework of the EUROTeV Programme, a WCM for CLIC and ILC having a very large bandwidth (100kHz-20GHz) is required and has been developed. A deep study of the field configuration for the device has been necessary. Consequently, the geometrical parameters crucial for a proper functioning of the structure have been found. Furthermore, the very stringent initial requests (bandwidth from 100kHz to 20GHz) were reviewed in a more critical way showing that the low frequency cutoff can be sensibly increased, thus avoiding any ferrite in the structure

    Analytic continuation in two-color QCD: new results on the critical line

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    We test the method of analytic continuation from imaginary to real chemical potential in two-color QCD, which is free from the sign problem. In particular, we consider the analytic continuation of the critical line to real values of the chemical potential.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Strong and ElectroWeak Matter Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 26-29 August 200
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