1,759 research outputs found

    GuiMarket Specification Using the Unified Modeling Language

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    AbstractGuiMarket is an e-Marketplace of health care, social care services developed as a pilot project in a Northern Portuguese Municipality, with the main objective of improving the well-being of elderly people and people with special needs staying at home, or their caregivers. This paper makes a brief introduction of this platform, explains its overall implementation and operation using an IDEF0 (Integration DEFinition) diagram, and presents the specification of the main services of the e-Marketplace using UML (Unified Modeling Language)

    Potencialidade de extratos vegetais de nim sobre mosca-branca em mandioca.

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    Atualmente, o Brasil é o terceiro maior produtor mundial de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Sua produção anual gira em torno de 24,4 milhões de toneladas e sua área plantada é de 1,8 milhões de hectares, com rendimento médio de 13,86 toneladas de raízes por hectare (IBGE, 2009). Estima-se a geração de cerca de um milhão de empregos diretos nas cadeias produtivas de farinha e fécula, constituindo-se na base alimentar de aproximadamente 600 milhões de pessoas em todo mundo (SOUZA & FIALHO, 2003; FAOSTAT, 2009).Fitosanidade. Resumo 169

    Patterns of biomechanical demands are associated with musculoskeletal pain in the beginning of professional life: a population-based study

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    Objectives This study aimed to describe patterns of occupational biomechanical demands in the beginning of professional life and to quantify their association with the presence and intensity of regional musculoskeletal pain. Methods Cross-sectional data from 21-year-old participants were collected during the third wave of the EPITeen cohort study (N=1733, 37.5% were workers). Ten different work-related biomechanical tasks were characterized. Latent class analysis was conducted to identify empirical patterns of occupational biomechanical demands. The presence and intensity of regional musculoskeletal pain in the previous year were also evaluated. Results Four patterns of occupational biomechanical demands were found: “low demands”, “sitting demands”, “repetitive and asymmetric demands”, and “high and vibrational demands”. When compared to workers with low demands, those with repetitive and asymmetric demands or high and vibrational demands presented 80% higher adjusted odds ratio (ORadj) of reporting neck/shoulder pain. High and vibrational demands occupations were significantly associated with upper-/lower-back pain in comparison to low demands [ORadj 1.80, 95% confidence interval (95% CI%) 1.09–2.96]. In addition, workers with sitting demands were more likely to report any or severe upper-/lower-back pain [ORadj 1.56 (95% CI 0.99–2.45) and 1.66 (95% CI 1.03–2.66), respectively] when compared to those with low demands. Conclusions Patterns of high work-related physical demands were associated with the presence of neck/shoulder pain and severity of upper-/lower-back pain. This emphasizes that even short-term biomechanical exposures at the workplace may be involved in the etiology of musculoskeletal complaints

    Virtual Enterprise integration management based on a Meta-enterprise - A PMBoK approach

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    A Virtual Enterprise (VE) can be viewed as a project, with a lifecycle corresponding to the period between its creation and integration of the constituting elements until its dissolution, comprehending its operation and including its reconfigurations. The authors propose that the VE lifecycle is aligned and can be managed using the frameworks provided by several bodies of knowledge, such as the PMBoK Guide. In this paper the authors propose an alignment referential between the Project Management phases defined by PMBoK and management processes during the VE lifecycle.This work has been supported by (1) COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 (2) FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The information needs of people living with ankylosing spondylitis: a questionnaire survey

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    <p>BACKGROUND:Today, health care is patient-centred with patients more involved in medical decision making and taking an active role in managing their disease. It is important that patients are appropriately informed about their condition and that their health care needs are met. We examine the information utilisation, sources and needs of people with ankylosing spondylitis (AS).</p> <p>METHODS: Participants in an existing AS cohort study were asked to complete a postal or online questionnaire containing closed and open-ended questions, regarding their information access and needs. Participants were stratified by age and descriptive statistics were performed using STATA 11, while thematic analysis was performed on open-ended question narratives. Qualitative data was handled in Microsoft Access and explored for emerging themes and patterns of experiences.</p> <p>RESULTS: Despite 73% of respondents having internet access, only 49% used the internet to access information regarding AS. Even then, this was only infrequently. Only 50% of respondents reported accessing written information about AS, which was obtained mainly in specialist clinics. Women were more likely than men to access information (63% (women) 46% (men)) regardless of the source, while younger patients were more likely to use online sources. The main source of non-written information was the rheumatologist. Overall, the respondents felt there was sufficient information available, but there was a perception that the tone was often too negative. The majority (95%) of people would like to receive a regular newsletter about AS, containing positive practical and local information. Suggestions were also made for more information about AS to be made available to non-specialist medical professionals and the general public.</p> <p>CONCLUSIONS: There appears to be sufficient information available for people with AS in the UK and this is mostly accessed by younger AS patients. Many patients, particularly men, choose not to access AS information and concerns were raised about its negative tone. Patients still rely on written and verbal information from their specialists. Future initiatives should focus on the delivery of more positive information, targeting younger participants in particular and increasing the awareness in the general population and wider non-specialist medical community.</p&gt

    Development and validation of psoriatic arthritis switch quality assessment tool (PASQAL)-an outcomes measurement tool to assess the quality of biologic switch decisions in psoriatic arthritis

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    Background: Switching between biologic therapies is a recommended strategy for Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) patients that show an insufficient response or adverse events. Although the choice of the subsequent biologic may be dependent on many factors, assessing the quality of the switch decision is of utmost relevance. Objectives: To develop and validate two outcomes measurement tools (for patients with peripheral and axial PsA phenotypes) that address the quality of treatment decisions in PsA regarding the switch of biologic therapies in clinical practice. Methods: A Task Force and an Expert Panel were specifically assembled for this purpose. The Psoriatic Arthritis Switch Quality Assessment tool (PASQAL) de-velopment comprised a modified-Delphi method in a four-step procedure: 1) literature search and experts' opinion collection about quality indicators for PsA management; 2) Delphi design to address the development of the measurement tool; 3) three Delphi questionnaire rounds; 4) final consensus meeting. This phase resulted in the definition of two measurement tools, one to evaluate the quality of biologic switch in peripheral (pPASQAL) and another one in axial PsA (axPASQAL). For the validation of PASQAL, 12 experienced rheumatologists were asked to evaluate and classify the biologic switch of 80 clinical cases (40 with predominant peripheral and 40 with predominant axial PsA). Clinical judgement was defined to be the "gold standard" against which the performance of PASQAL was assessed. The results were used to assess tools' performance (sensitivity/specificity analysis) and the agreement between the tools and the gold standard (Cohen's kappa). Results: PASQAL consists of 6 domains (joint disease activity, dactylitis, enthesis, physical function, quality of life, and skin and nail manifestations), respective instruments and thresholds. The classification of the biologic switch was divided into three quality levels: "Good", based on treat-to-target thresholds; "Mode-rate", based on improvement from baseline; and the remaining as "Insufficient". pPASQAL was found to be highly sensitive (92%) with the "Good" quality level and specific (97%) with the "Insufficient" quality le vel. Whilst axPASQAL showed overall higher sensitivity and specificity for all quality levels, as well as a higher level of agreement between the tool and the gold standard than pPASQAL (k=0.87 vs k=0.71). Conclusion: PASQAL was developed and showed good criterion validity for the evaluation of the quality of switch in both peripheral and axial PsA phenotypes. These tools may be used in research as well as in clinical practice, to support rheumatologists in making more informed therapeutic decisions.publishersversionpublishe

    Argon as a showcase

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    Electronic-state–lifetime interference is a phenomenon specific for ionization of atoms and molecules in the hard-x-ray regime. Using resonant KL2,3L2,3 Auger decay in argon as a showcase, we present a model that allows extracting the interference terms directly from the cross sections of the final electronic states. The analysis provides fundamental information on the excitation and decay processes such as probabilities of various decay paths and the values of the dipole matrix elements for transitions to the excited states. Our results shed light on the interplay between spectator, shake-down, and shake-up processes in the relaxation of deep core-hole states

    The Interactive Sphere for Three-Dimensional Control in Games and Virtual Reality

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    In electronic games, the controller is the mean through which the player can interact with the game’s virtual world, being an essential factor in all of the user experience. New controllers may, therefore, completely modify the player experience, also serving as a tool to investigate new ways of interacting with interactive systems of various purposes. In this context, this paper presents the Interactive Sphere, a spherical device to be employed specially with games and virtual reality environments. This novel device combines the pressing of certain regions of the sphere with gestural interaction, in addition to providing haptic, auditive and visual feedback. The paper describes all of the rationale behind the decisions taken during the design and development process of the device, in addition to the techniques employed for implementing the detection of the acts of pressing and moving the Interactive Sphere. In this project, accessible, low-cost materials and techniques were prioritized, which could be more easily adapted to other contexts. We envision that the lessons learned and the guidelines derived from its design and development process may assist in the idealization and construction of new ways of interacting, by providing a set of methods, techniques and technologies that were employed in the development of a new physical artifact of interaction presented in this work

    Perfil sensorial do requeijão cremoso condimentado elaborado com leite de búfala, em Belém, Pará.

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    Este trabalho visa elaborar três formulações de requeijão cremoso condimentado, com leite de búfala: A ? orégano; B ? manjericão; e C - pimenta calabresa, com intuito de adicionar novos sabores ao derivado e caracterizá-los sensorialmente. Os derivados foram elaborados a partir da massa dessorada, obtida pela acidificação do leite de búfala, com adição de manjericão, orégano e pimenta calabresa, 0,7% em cada formulação. Foi realizado o teste de aceitação com 60 julgadores, dentre os quais, 53,8% do sexo feminino e 46,2% do masculino, entre os quais 87,2% com idade entre 16 e 25 anos e 35,9% raramente consumiam o derivado. Na interação Sexo vs. Idade vs. Na intenção de compra, 79,5% dos provadores comprariam requeijão cremoso de leite de búfala condimentado e 20,5% não comprariam. O derivado A foi diferente de B e C (p<0,05), nos atributos aroma, sabor e avaliação global. No derivado B foi observada diferença estatística (p<0,05) entre sabor, aparência e avaliação global, enquanto que a amostra C diferiu apenas no atributo aparência. Nos atributos avaliados, as notas estiveram entre "gostei ligeiramente" e "gostei muito", com base na escala hedônica de nove pontos, o que indica boa aceitação e viabilidade para inovar a cadeia produtiva de derivados de leite búfala