55 research outputs found

    Dissidenze statali contemporanee : guerra, internazionalizzazione e sviluppo informale nel Somaliland

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    Il termine somalizzazione sembra in questo inizio secolo aver completamente sostituito l\u2019espressione balcanizzazione, suo omologo perfetto per i secoli XIX e XX, per alludere ad un rischio a cui molte crisi internazionali (Siria, Libia, Mali, Afghanistan\u2026 vi \ue8 in effetti un lungo elenco) potrebbero tendere: il rischio cio\ue8 del precipitare nell\u2019anarchia e nel disordine totale, nella lotta settaria, cos\uec rappresentata, senza logica e senza sbocco. L\u2019articolo intende analizzare da un punto di vista etnografico uno specifico paesaggio sociale all\u2019interno di queste aree di crisi, in particolare all\u2019interno dell\u2019area somala, per mettere in luce, piuttosto che la disconnessione e l\u2019eccezionalit\ue0 di queste zone, le forme della loro connessione con il mondo degli Stati pi\uf9 ampio. Il commercio informale transfrontaliero, e la sovrapposizione tra movimenti di beni, di persone e di denaro, \ue8 preso ad esempio in questo studio di caso per mostrare le profonde ambiguit\ue0 e contraddizioni di queste forme di relazione. Dinamiche regionali che intrecciano percorsi di persone e merci, che alimentano confini reali e ideologici, che avvicinano o allontanano gli attori in campo in forme inattese e che sono irriducibili rispetto a macro discorsi fondati sul pericolo di radicalizzazioni islamiche o violenze settarie sono qui proposte come determinanti decisive per poter comprendere i percorsi verso il conflitto e verso la pace nelle aree contemporanee di dissidenza e vuoto statale

    dispersal and reception in northern italy comparing systems along the brenner route

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    In the last decades, policy restrictions and practices at national and local levels have curtailed the rights of seekers and holders of international protection, thus impacting on their lives and on the territories they transit through. This is particularly evident in border contexts. Various border areas have gradually transformed into internal hotspots, with increasing border enforcement. This includes Brenner, situated at the border between Italy and Austria. In the wider Brenner route area, particularly in the nearby Italian cities of Verona, Trento and Bolzano, "spaces of transit" have emerged and both public and humanitarian actors have been "forced" to deal with it. This chapter draws upon the work of the multilevel governance of migration (Caponio and Borkert 2010), and on the proliferation of borders (Mezzadra and Neilson 2016), to present a comparative analysis of the reception scenario in these three cities. By building on qualitative data analysis (legal analysis of policy documents, content analysis of interviews and newspaper articles), it discusses to what extent and how the respective local systems of reception have managed to cater for migrants that transit through them. Similarities and differences are pointed out, as well as the relevance of factors such as geographical proximity in influencing the respective approaches

    Dynamics and representations of migration corridors : the rise and fall of the Libya-Lampedusa route and forms of mobility from the horn of Africa (2000-2009)

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    The migration route towards Italy, which, from various African regions, converged to Libya to reach the Sicilian coasts, reached substantial proportionsbetween 2005 and 2009 and has been, on the Italian media, highly spectacularized and misrepresented at the same time. Migrants and asylum seekers from the Horn of Africa formed an important part of this flow of people coming through this "Libya-Lampedusa route". The article questions the prevalent representations of this route and of migration corridors in general as unitary phenomena by highlighting their time-specific processes of formation, the social categories generated in them as well as the emerging socio-political dialectics of migration corridors from Africa to Europe
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