300 research outputs found

    Birefringent Optofluidic Gratings

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    A set of parallel microfluidic channels behaving as a diffraction grating operating in the Raman-Nath regime has been fabricated and studied. The diffraction efficiency of such structure can be tuned by selecting a liquid with a particular refractive index and/or optical anisotropy. Alternatively the optical properties of the liquid can be characterised by measuring the diffraction efficiency and the state of polarization of the diffracted beam. In this work, the microfluidic channels under study have been filled with penicillin molecules dissolved in water. Due to the chirality of the penicillin, the liquid has been found to have circular birefringence of 2.14 × 10-7. The addition of the anisotropic liquid modifies the polarization properties of the microfluidic diffraction grating. The diffraction efficiency of the grating has been characterised for different probe beam wavelengths and states of polarization. Currently the diffraction efficiency of the device is low - 1.7%, but different approaches for its improvement have been discussed

    Shocks as predictors of survival in patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators

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    AbstractOBJECTIVESThe objective of the study was to determine whether the occurrence of shocks for ventricular tachyarrhythmias during therapy with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD) is predictive of shortened survival.BACKGROUNDVentricular tachyarrhythmias eliciting shocks are often associated with depressed ventricular function, making assessment of shocks as an independent risk factor difficult.METHODSConsecutive patients (n = 421) with a mean follow-up of 756 ± 523 days were classified into those who had received no shock (n = 262) or either one of two shock types, defined as single (n = 111) or multiple shocks (n = 48) per arrhythmia episode. Endpoints were all-cause and cardiac deaths. A survival analysis using a stepwise proportional hazards model evaluated the influence of two primary variables, shock type and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF <35% or >35%). Covariates analyzed were age, gender, NYHA Class, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization, defibrillation threshold and tachyarrhythmia inducibility.RESULTSThe most complete model retained LVEF (p = 0.005) and age (p = 0.023) for the comparison of any shock versus no shock (p = 0.031). The occurrence of any versus no shock, or of multiple versus single shocks significantly decreased survival at four years, and these differences persisted after adjustment for LVEF. In the LVEF subgroups <35% and <25%, occurrence of multiple versus no shock more than doubled the risk of death. Compared with the most favorable group LVEF ≥35% and no shock, risk in the group multiple shocks and LVEF <35% was increased 16-fold.CONCLUSIONSIn defibrillator recipients, shocks act as potent predictors of survival independent of several other risk factors, particularly ejection fraction

    Estrategia educativa mediante las TIC para incrementar las prácticas obstétricas beneficiosas en la provincia del Azuay-Ecuador

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    La aplicación de prácticas no basadas en evidencias científicas, el incumplimiento de normas de atención establecidas por el Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP), registro incompleto de datos, escasa capacitación del personal y dificultades en la comunicación, constituyen factores que han obstaculizado el mejoramiento continuo de la calidad de la atención, que se expresa tanto en la aplicación de prácticas inefectivas en la atención materna y neonatal, como en el deficiente cumplimiento de los estándares e indicadores. En estas circunstancias las tasas de mortalidad y morbilidad materna y neonatal continúan elevadas, cuyas causas en su mayoría son prevenibles. En el Ecuador, según el Instituto Ecuatoriano de Estadísticas y Censos (INEC) en el año 2009 murieron 208 mujeres por causas del embarazo, parto y puerperio (96.3 x 100.000 nacidos vivos) como consecuencia de inequidades económicas, sociales, culturales, carencia de recursos en salud y deficiencias en la calidad de la atención. En el estudio “Evaluación de los servicios de cuidados obstétricos y neonatales de emergencia” realizado en las provincias de Azuay y Guayas durante los años 2006 y 2007, con el auspicio de la OPS/OMS, se encontró deficiencias en la calidad de la atención, registros e informes de las atenciones incompletos y desarticulados del sistema de vigilancia epidemiológico provincial. Por otro lado, mediante análisis de bases de datos del SIP de 9000 partos atendidos en los Hospitales Pablo Arturo de Quito,Vicente Corral de Cuenca y Matilde Hidalgo de Guayaquil,se verificaron deficiencias en el cumplimiento de las normas de atención, tales como: uso de administración de hierro y folatos durante el embarazo (48%), VIH solicitado (17.6%), uso de oxitocina en el tercer período del parto (45%), posición supina del recién nacido (53.9%), acompañante durante el parto (27.3%), parto en posición acostada (90.9%), episiotomía (32%), ligadura precoz del cordón (41.3%), cesárea (21.1%)

    Tabaquismo: un problema que afecta a los jóvenes universitarios a nivel nacional e internacional: Tobacco: A problem that affects young universities at the national and international levels

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    The World Health Organization defines smoking as a chronic addictive disease widespread worldwide. It represents one of the greatest threats to public health, affecting children, youth and adults. It is estimated, that there are 1.300 million smokers in the world and about 80% of these live in countries where there is a high rate of morbidity and mortality associated with tobacco mainly in adult consumers. In particular, the consumption of tobacco among young university students is evident and worrisome. Different authors in the world have raised factors for tobacco use among adolescents and young adults. Such studies argue that the habit of smoking usually begins during adolescence and consolidates in the university stage. Smoking in parents, relatives, and friends is a factor, perhaps the most remarkable, which is associated with the acquisition of smoking as a habit.La Organización Mundial de la Salud define al tabaquismo como una enfermedad adictiva crónica muy extendida a nivel mundial. Representa una de las mayores amenazas para la salud púbica, afectando a niños, jóvenes y adultos. Se calcula que existen 1.300 millones de fumadores en el mundo y alrededor del 80% de estos viven en países en los que existe una alta tasa de morbilidad y mortalidad asociada al tabaco principalmente en consumidores adultos. De manera particular, el consumo de tabaco ente jóvenes universitarios es evidente y preocupante. Diferentes autores en el mundo han planteado factores para el consumo de tabaco entre adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. Tales estudios sostienen que el hábito de fumar inicia, por lo general, durante la adolescencia y se consolida en la etapa universitaria. Además, el tabaquismo en progenitores, familiares y amigos es un factor, quizás el más destacable, que se asocia a la adquisición del hábito tabáquico

    Solar photocatalytic degradation of polyethylene terephthalate nanoplastics: Evaluation of the applicability of the TiO2/MIL-100(Fe) composite material

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    For the first time, TiO2/MIL-100(Fe) photocatalysts supported on perlite mineral particles prepared by the solvothermal/microwave methods and post-annealing technique were tested in the degradation of polyethylene terephthalate nanoplastics (PET NPs). Powder X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, N2 physisorption, photoluminescence emission spectroscopy, photocurrent response, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were used to characterize the as-prepared materials. The response surface methodology approach was used to study the effects: pH of the NPs suspension and incorporated amount of MIL-100(Fe) on the TiO2/MIL-100(Fe) catalyst to optimize the photocatalytic degradation of the PET NPs under simulated solar light. The degradation of the PET NPs was evaluated by measuring turbidity and carbonyl index (FTIR) changes. The total organic carbon (TOC) in the solution during the degradation of the PET NPs was assessed to measure NPs oxidation into water-soluble degradation by-products. The active species involved in the photocatalytic degradation of PET NPs by the TiO2/MIL-100(Fe) composite was further examined based on trapping experiments. The use of 12.5 wt% TiO2/MIL-100(Fe) catalyst showed improved photocatalytic efficacy in the oxidation of PET NPs at pH 3 under simulated sunlight compared to bare TiO2. The increase in the carbonyl index (CI = 0.99), the reduction in the turbidity ratio (0.454), and the increase in the content of TOC released (3.00 mg/L) were possible with 12.5 wt% TiO2/MIL-100(Fe) material. In contrast, the PET NPs were slowly degraded by TiO2-based photocatalysis (CI = 0.96, turbidity ratio = 0.539, released TOC = 2.12 mg/L). The mesoporous TiO2/MIL-100(Fe) composites with high specific surface area, capacity to absorb visible light, and effective separation of photogenerated electron-hole charges clearly demonstrated the enhancement of the photocatalytic performance in the PET NPs degradation under simulated solar light

    Factores asociados al consumo de tabaco en estudiantes universitarios de Lima metropolitana.: Factors associated with tobacco consumption in university students of Lima metropolitan

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    Introduction: The consumption of tobacco is very harmful to people’s health. According to WHO, smoking is the cause of death of 8 million people a year. Objetive: The purpose of the research was to determine the factors associated with the consumption of tobacco in university students in Metropolitan Lima. Methods: The sample consisted of 447 students from Lima universities, the survey was applied: Fagerstrom test. Subsequently the data was analyzed using tables of: distribution, frequency, contingency. &nbsp;Results: It was evidenced through the X2 statistical test that there is a significant association between the variables sex and smoking habit, OR = 1.93, IC 95%[1.29-6,519]. It was also observed that having smoking parents is significantly associated with the habit of smoking by the children, with a value p =0,000 of X2 and the OR 3.31, IC 95%[2,145 - 5,116]. Conclusion: The variables sex and parental background have a significant association with tobacco consumption, emphasizing that our family environment deserves to be safe, healthy and free of tobacco smokeIntroducción: El consumo de tabaco es muy perjudicial para la salud de las personas, según la OMS el tabaquismo es la causa de muerte de 8 millones de personas al año. Objetivo: El propósito de la investigación fue determinar los factores asociados al consumo de tabaco en estudiantes universitarios de Lima Metropolitana. Métodos: La muestra estuvo conformada por 447 estudiantes de universidades de Lima, se aplicó la encuesta: Test de Fagerstrom. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando tablas de distribución, frecuencia, y contingencia. Resultados: Se evidenció a través de la prueba estadística X2 que existe asociación significativa entre las variables sexo y el hábito de fumar, OR = 1.93, IC 95% [1.29 – 6,519].&nbsp; También se pudo observar que tener padres fumadores está asociado significativamente al hábito de fumar por parte de los hijos, con un valor de p=0,000 del X2 y el OR 3,31, IC 95% [2,145 – 5,116].&nbsp; Conclusión: Las variables sexo masculino y antecedentes parentales tienen asociación significativa con el consumo de tabaco enfatizando que nuestro entorno familiar merece ser seguro, saludable y libre del humo de tabaco

    Economic impact of improving patient safety using Sugammadex for routine reversal of neuromuscular blockade in Spain

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    Background: Neuromuscular blocking (NMB) agents are often administered to facilitate tracheal intubation and prevent patient movement during surgical procedures requiring the use of general anesthetics. Incomplete reversal of NMB, can lead to residual NMB, which can increase the risk of post-operative pulmonary complications. Sugammadex is indicated to reverse neuromuscular blockade induced by rocuronium or vecuronium in adults. The aim of this study is to estimate the clinical and economic impact of introducing sugammadex to routine reversal of neuromuscular blockade (NMB) with rocuronium in Spain. Methods: A decision analytic model was constructed reflecting a set of procedures using rocuronium that resulted in moderate or deep NMB at the end of the procedure. Two scenarios were considered for 537, 931 procedures using NMB agents in Spain in 2015: a scenario without sugammadex versus a scenario with sugammadex. Comparators included neostigmine (plus glycopyrrolate) and no reversal agent. The total costs for the healthcare system were estimated from the net of costs of reversal agents and overall cost offsets via reduction in postoperative pneumonias and atelectasis for which incidence rates were based on a Spanish real-world evidence (RWE) study. The model time horizon was assumed to be one year. Costs were expressed in 2019 euros (€) and estimated from the perspective of a healthcare system. One-way sensitivity analysis was carried out by varying each parameter included in the model within a range of +/- 50%. Results: The estimated budget impact of the introduction of sugammadex to the routine reversal of neuromuscular blockade in Spanish hospitals was a net saving of €57.1 million annually. An increase in drug acquisition costs was offset by savings in post-operative pulmonary events, including 4806 post-operative pneumonias and 13, 996 cases of atelectasis. The total cost of complications avoided was €70.4 million. All parameters included in the model were tested in sensitivity analysis and were favorable to the scenario with sugammadex. Conclusions: This economic analysis shows that sugammadex can potentially lead to cost savings for the reversal of rocuronium-induced moderate or profound NMB compared to no reversal and reversal with neostigmine in the Spanish health care setting. The economic model was based on data obtained from Spain and from assumptions from clinical practice and may not be valid for other countries

    The human-specific duplicated α7 gene inhibits the ancestral α7, negatively regulating nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-mediated transmitter release

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    Gene duplication generates new functions and traits, enabling evolution. Human-specific duplicated genes in particular are primary sources of innovation during our evolution although they have very few known functions. Here we examine the brain function of one of these genes (CHRFAM7A) and its product (dupα7 subunit). This gene results from a partial duplication of the ancestral CHRNA7 gene encoding the α7 subunit that forms the homopentameric α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7-nAChR). The functions of α7-nAChR in the brain are well defined, including the modulation of synaptic transmission and plasticity underlying normal attention, cognition, learning, and memory processes. However, the role of the dupα7 subunit remains unexplored at the neuronal level. Here, we characterize that role by combining immunoblotting, quantitative RT-PCR and FRET techniques with functional assays of α7-nAChR activity using human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell variants with different dupα7 expression levels. Our findings reveal a physical interaction between dupα7 and α7 subunits in fluorescent protein-tagged dupα7/α7 transfected cells that negatively affects normal α7-nAChR activity. Specifically, in both single cells and cell populations, the [Ca2+]i signal and the exocytotic response induced by selective stimulation of α7-nAChR were either significantly inhibited by stable dupα7 overexpression or augmented after silencing dupα7 gene expression with specific siRNAs. These findings identify a new role for the dupα7 subunit as a negative regulator of α7-nAChR-mediated control of exocytotic neurotransmitter release. If this effect is excessive, it would result in an impaired synaptic transmission that could underlie the neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric disorders associated with α7-nAChR dysfunction.Ministerio de Economía Españ