532 research outputs found

    The Effects of Integrating LEGO Robotics into a Mathematics Curriculum to Promote the Development of Proportional Reasoning

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    A mixed methods, action research case study was conducted to investigate the effects of incorporating LEGO robotics into a seventh-grade mathematics curriculum focused on the development of proportional reasoning through the lens of Social Constructivist Theory. This study applied students’ prior knowledge of the distance, rate, and time formula as they used LEGO EV3 robots to calculate the rate of a robot. The information gained was applied to different iterations, and structures, of the formula to support the development of proportional reasoning skills. The purposefully designed lessons were integral to the development of the students’ understanding of the proportionality existing among the variables. The quantitative analysis reflects the acquisition of understanding of proportional relationships with the greatest increase being from low-performing students. The qualitative analysis provides an in-depth look at how students used their understanding of the distance, rate, and time relationship to develop proportional reasoning skills. Overall, the inclusion of robotics was productive for learning; however, future studies should be completed, on larger student populations, as a means to validate the quantitative findings and continue to improve the curriculum

    Integrating LEGO Robotics Into a 5th Grade Cross Curricular Unit to Promote the Development of Narrative Writing Skills

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    This paper describes a unit designed to promote the development of narrative writing skills among 5th grade students through the use of LEGO robotics. Over the course of four, two and one-half hour sessions (one day per week for four consecutive weeks), the students learned how to construct and program robots, write and present a proposal to complete a mission, and connected the learning to their personal experiences with Hurricane Irma. The students began the activity with prior knowledge of World War II and Hiroshima. After learning the basics of building and programming robots, they were presented with a scenario similar to the impact of the bomb drop in Hiroshima – a city in ruins with survivors in need of supplies. Students took the role of engineers to work in pairs to create a proposal, which stated the problem and defined, and justified, a solution to pick up, and deliver, supplies through a specially-designed course using their robots. After the proposals were presented, and accepted, students programmed their robots according to their proposed solution; the activity required students to apply mathematical skills to measure distances in order to traverse parts of the course. Writing reflections were collected to determine individual student understanding and to include an additional element of writing. A final culminating activity required the students to write a narrative piece to relate the events of Hiroshima to their personal experiences with Hurricane Irma

    The Effects of Integrating Lego Robotics Into a Mathematics Curriculum to Promote the Development of Proportional Reasoning

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    This mixed methods, action research case study sought to investigate the effects of incorporating LEGO robotics into a seventh-grade mathematics curriculum focused on the development of proportional reasoning through the lens of Social Constructivist Theory. Quantitative data was collected via a pre- and post-test from the mathematics class of six students. Qualitative data was collected from each of the students as they worked in groups of two to complete purposefully designed investigations and activities, from whole class discussions, and student artifacts. The quantitative analysis showed development of proportional reasoning skills with the greatest increase being from low-performing students. The qualitative analysis supports the inclusion of robotics as an avenue to promote student engagement and discussion as the students develop proportional reasoning skills. Overall, the inclusion of robotics was productive for learning; however, future studies should be completed, on larger student populations, as a means to validate the quantitative findings and continue to improve the curriculum via action research

    The Effects of Integrating LEGO Robotics Into a Mathematics Curriculum to Promote the Development of Proportional Reasoning

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    A mixed methods, action research case study was conducted to investigate the effects of incorporating LEGO robotics into a seventh-grade mathematics curriculum focused on the development of proportional reasoning through the lens of Social Constructivist Theory. This study applied students’ prior knowledge of the distance, rate, and time formula as they used LEGO EV3 robots to calculate the rate of a robot. The information gained was applied to different iterations, and structures, of the formula to support the development of proportional reasoning skills. The purposefully designed lessons were integral to the development of the students’ understanding of the proportionality existing among the variables. The quantitative analysis reflects the acquisition of understanding of proportional relationships with the greatest increase being from low-performing students. The qualitative analysis provides an in-depth look at how students used their understanding of the distance, rate, and time relationship to develop proportional reasoning skills. Overall, the inclusion of robotics was productive for learning; however, future studies should be completed, on larger student populations, as a means to validate the quantitative findings and continue to improve the curriculum

    Graduate Committee Minutes

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    Infusing literacy and math into a socioculturally responsive summer science camp

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    Presentation given by Georgia Southern faculty members Alma Stevenson and Shelli Casler-Failing at National Youth At-Risk Conference, Savannah, GA

    Developing Proportional Reasoning via Lego Robotics: Experiences of a 7th Grade Mathematics Class

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    A qualitatively oriented mixed methods case study was conducted to investigate the effects of incorporating LEGO robotics into a seventh-grade mathematics curriculum. Using the lenses of Social Constructivist Theory and the Five Stages of Technology Integration, this research focused on the development of proportional reasoning skills. The data show students experienced success in developing their proportional reasoning skills as they completed tasks using the robotics. The quantitative data shows evidence of growth in understanding and development of proportional reasoning. The qualitative analysis provides evidence that students developed their understanding through collaborative discussions as they worked through the different technology stages. Overall, students enjoyed the opportunity to learn with the robotics because it was hands-on and applicable to their lives

    Infusing Literacy and Math into a Socio-Culturally Responsive Summer Science Camp

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    This presentation will describe a Summer Literacy in Science Camp conducted with students in intermediate and middle level at our local Boys and Girls Club. The students participated in reading and writing activities incorporating culturally relevant books, research, journal writing, innovative presentations, and daily science labs focused on the investigation of the surface and tap water in our community

    Using LEGO robots to support understanding of absolute value in a mathematics classroom

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    Presentation co-presented by Georgia Southern faculty member Shelli L. Casler-Failing with students Ann Mitchem and Jillian Arnold at Interdisciplinary STEM Teaching and Learning Conference, Savannah, GA. This presentation will allow participants to become middle school mathematics students as they apply their understanding of absolute value through the use of LEGO robots. A classroom lesson will be conducted (with the participants playing the role of the student) to show how LEGO robots can be an engaging tool to create collaboration among students as well as support the understanding of concepts. Participants will work in groups of 2-3 to operate a robot along a number line and record data on a task sheet as the robot moves forward or backward in random increments. This presentation will culminate with a discussion regarding participants’ reactions to the activity and its implication for classroom use

    Expanding STEM Membership: Using Science Process Skills in a Social Justice Curriculum to Combat Stereotype Threats and Build Self-Efficacy in African American Students

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    Science process skills were scaffolded throughout instruction over the ten-week program. The culminating project included the development, design, and testing of their own independent science fair project. The results reflect an increase in students’ self-efficacy which was evidenced by the students’ preparation and presentation of their projects in the science fair
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