566 research outputs found

    Modification by an R determinant for streptomycin of his-sd phenotype in mutant strain of Escherichia coli B.

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    When an R determinant for streptomycin is transferred into a conditionally streptomycin-dependent E. coli B mutant—which requires in minimal medium either histidine or streptomycin—the latter behaves like a histidineless strain. This phenotype modification shows that the repairing action of streptomycin is prevented. The specific requirement of the strain is not now replaced even by streptomycin concentrations up to 10000 µg/ml at which the conditionally streptomycin-dependent mutant could originally grow, and which are well beyond the resistance level characteristic of the R determinant itself. These data seem to suggest that a reduction in permeability of the cell membrane cannot be held responsible for the phenomenon observed

    Promoting Essential Laminations

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    We show that every co--orientable taut foliation F of an orientable, atoroidal 3-manifold admits a transverse essential lamination. If this transverse lamination is a foliation G, the pair F,G are the unstable and stable foliation respectively of an Anosov flow. Otherwise, F admits a pair of transverse very full genuine laminations. In the second case, M satisfies the weak geometrization conjecture - either its fundamental group contains Z+Z or it is word-hyperbolic. Moreover, if M is atoroidal, the mapping class group of M is finite, and any automorphism homotopic to the identity is isotopic to the identity.Comment: 56 pages, 11 figures; version 3: final version, incorporates referee's suggestion

    Even Galois Representations and the Fontaine--Mazur conjecture II

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    We prove, under mild hypotheses, that there are no irreducible two-dimensional_even_ Galois representations of \Gal(\Qbar/\Q) which are de Rham with distinct Hodge--Tate weights. This removes the "ordinary" hypothesis required in previous work of the author. We construct examples of irreducible two-dimensional residual representations that have no characteristic zero geometric (= de Rham) deformations.Comment: Updated to take into account suggestions of the referee; the main theorems remain unchange

    Efficient compliance checking of RDF data

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    Automated compliance checking, i.e. the task of automatically assessing whether states of affairs comply with normative systems, has recently received a lot of attention from the scientific community, also as a consequence of the increasing investments in Artificial Intelligence technologies for the legal domain (LegalTech). The authors of this paper deem as crucial the research and implementation of compliance checkers that can directly process data in RDF format, as nowadays more and more (big) data in this format are becoming available worldwide, across a multitude of different domains. Among the automated technologies that have been used in recent literature, to the best of our knowledge, only two of them have been evaluated with input states of affairs encoded in RDF format. This paper formalizes a selected use case in these two technologies and compares the implementations, also in terms of simulations with respect to shared synthetic datasets

    Ab initio theory and modeling of water

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    Water is of the utmost importance for life and technology. However, a genuinely predictive ab initio model of water has eluded scientists. We demonstrate that a fully ab initio approach, relying on the strongly constrained and appropriately normed (SCAN) density functional, provides such a description of water. SCAN accurately describes the balance among covalent bonds, hydrogen bonds, and van der Waals interactions that dictates the structure and dynamics of liquid water. Notably, SCAN captures the density difference between water and ice I{\it h} at ambient conditions, as well as many important structural, electronic, and dynamic properties of liquid water. These successful predictions of the versatile SCAN functional open the gates to study complex processes in aqueous phase chemistry and the interactions of water with other materials in an efficient, accurate, and predictive, ab initio manner

    Inferências sobre Vegetação e Clima no Holoceno a partir de Fitólitos e Pólen da Lagoa do Macuco, Litoral Norte do Estado do Espírito Santo (Brasil)

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    [EN] An interproxy approach focused on phytoliths and pollen, including radiocarbon dating and sediment particle-size analyses, has been carried out at Lagoa do Macuco, Linhares municipality, Espírito Santo State, Brazil. Three pollen zones were identified: the first one (MAC-C I) indicates the presence of mangrove vegetation between 7700 cal yr BP and 4396 cal yr BP; the second one a displacement of the vegetation from the lower areas to the more elevated margins of the valley (MAC-C II, from between 4396 to 1287 cal. yr BP) and third one (MAC-C III), representing the period of the current lake evolution, between 1287 cal. yr BP and the present day. The displacement of the mangrove seems to be connected to the landward migration of the palaeo-estuary and the flooding of the lower parts of the valley, reflecting the relative sea-level highstand, which occurred after 7000 cal yr BP. The phytolith analysis indicated four main zone. The phytolith zone I (7700-7100 cal yr BP) did not show the presence of phytoliths. The phytoliths zone II (7100-3400 cal yr BP) indicates the presence of an open vegetation predominantly of grasses while phytolith zone III (3400-400 cal yr BP) shows a phase with more forested vegetation. Finally, the phytolith zone IV (400 cal yr BP to modern) has a decrease in tree cover and the setting of vegetation with a strong grasses component. Phytoliths indices indicate trends of humidity and temperature at a more local scale, allowing understanding the environmental conditions during the formation of the current lake.[PT] Uma abordagem interproxy focada na análise de fitólitos e de grãos de pólen, também incluindo datação 14C e análise granulométrica de sedimentos, foi aplicada ao estudo da Lagoa do Macuco, em Linhares no Estado do Espírito Santo. Foram identificadas três zonas polínicas definidas com base nas mudanças do registro polínico, a primeira (MAC-C I) indicando a presença de uma vegetação de mangue entre 7700 anos cal AP e 4396 anos cal AP, a segunda (MAC-C II) que representa o deslocamento da vegetação das áreas mais baixas para as partes marginais mais elevadas do vale (4396 anos cal AP - 1287 anos cal AP) e a terceira (MAC-C III) que representa o período da instalação do atual lago, entre 1287 anos cal AP e os dias atuais. O deslocamento do mangue parece estar conectado a migração em direção ao paleo-estuário e o alagamento das partes baixas do vale, refletindo a elevação do nível relativo do mar depois de 7000 cal anos AP. A análise fitolítica indicou quatro zonas principais. A zona fitolítica I (7700-7100 anos cal AP), não apresentou fitólitos. A zona fitolítica II (7100-3400 anos cal AP) indica a presença de uma vegetação predominantemente composta por gramíneas, enquanto a zona fitolítica III (3400-400 anos cal AP) mostrou uma fase com uma vegetação mais florestada. Finalmente, a zona fitolítica IV, (400 anos cal AP até os dias atuais) apresentou decréscimo da cobertura arbórea e uma estrutura de vegetação com forte presença de gramíneas em sua composição. Os índices fitolíticos indicaram tendência de umidade e temperatura em escala local permitindo a compreensão das condições ambientais durante a formação do lago atual.The authors express their gratitude to Vale and Sooretama Nature Reserves (Linhares, ES, Brasil) for the field support. This work received financial support by the São Paulo Foundation for Research (FAPESP), grant 2011/00995-7, and CNPq (Universal), grant 470210/2012-5.Peer Reviewe

    Soil physical properties affected by soil management and crop rotation in a long term experiment in Southern Brazil

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    The main objective of this work is to evaluate soil physical properties affected by cover crop rotations and soil management after 19 years of applying NoTill and Conventional Tillage systems with different winter species on a clayey Oxisol in South Brazil

    Long-term effect of different soil management systems and winter crops on soil acidity and vertical distribution of nutrients in a Brazilian Oxisol

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    “Strategies” to sustain crop productivity by reducing the fertilizer and lime demands must be developed. The use of plant species that use more efficiently the soil nutrients and tillage systems that provide nutrients accumulation in more labile forms are prerequisites for sustainable agroecosystems. This study aimed to evaluate the long period effect of cultivating different winter species under different soil management systems on vertical distribution of soil nutrients and the soil acidity distribution in soil profile. The experiment was established in 1986 with six winter treatments (blue lupine, hairy vetch, oat, radish, wheat and fallow) under conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) in a very clayey Rhodic Hapludox in Southern Brazil. As a result of 19 years of no soil disturbance, soil chemical attributes related to soil acidity and the availability of P and K were more favorable to crops growth up to 10 cm in the soil under no-tillage than in the conventional tillage. On other hand, lime applications in low doses on the soil surface were not efficient in neutralizing the aluminum toxicity below 10 cm depth. It shows that repeated use of lime on the soil surface under NT system can be a viable alternative strategy only when soil acidity and aluminum toxicity in subsurface has been previously eliminated using the adequate amount of lime and incorporating it into the arable layer. Moreover, in the conventional tillage system P and K availability were higher below 10 cm depth compared to the no-tillage system. Even after 19 years of no soil disturbance in the NT system the available P content below 10 cm soil layer was lower than the optimal content of available P recommended to cash crops. The reduced surface K application over time was sufficient to gain adequate crop yields and to maintain the optimal content of soil available K in both soil management systems. The effects of soil management systems were predominant on the soil acidity attributes, and no effects of winter cover crops were observed on soil acidity attributes. Black oat and blue lupine were more efficient in P cycling, increasing the soil available P content especially in the surface soil under NT. The lower amount of biomass produced over time when no cover crops were used in the winter period resulted in lower P and K availability in the soil, showing the important role of growing winter species to maintain soil fertility