23,366 research outputs found

    Universality and properties of neutron star type I critical collapses

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    We study the neutron star axisymmetric critical solution previously found in the numerical studies of neutron star mergers. Using neutron star-like initial data and performing similar merger simulations, we demonstrate that the solution is indeed a semi-attractor on the threshold plane separating the basin of a neutron star and the basin of a black hole in the solution space of the Einstein equations. In order to explore the extent of the attraction basin of the neutron star semiattractor, we construct initial data phase spaces for these neutron star-like initial data. From these phase spaces, we also observe several interesting dynamical scenarios where the merged object is supported from prompt collapse. The properties of the critical index of the solution, in particular, its dependence on conserved quantities, are then studied. From the study, it is found that a family of neutron star semi-attractors exist that can be classified by both their rest masses and ADM masses.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, 1 new reference adde

    A Deep Relevance Matching Model for Ad-hoc Retrieval

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    In recent years, deep neural networks have led to exciting breakthroughs in speech recognition, computer vision, and natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, there have been few positive results of deep models on ad-hoc retrieval tasks. This is partially due to the fact that many important characteristics of the ad-hoc retrieval task have not been well addressed in deep models yet. Typically, the ad-hoc retrieval task is formalized as a matching problem between two pieces of text in existing work using deep models, and treated equivalent to many NLP tasks such as paraphrase identification, question answering and automatic conversation. However, we argue that the ad-hoc retrieval task is mainly about relevance matching while most NLP matching tasks concern semantic matching, and there are some fundamental differences between these two matching tasks. Successful relevance matching requires proper handling of the exact matching signals, query term importance, and diverse matching requirements. In this paper, we propose a novel deep relevance matching model (DRMM) for ad-hoc retrieval. Specifically, our model employs a joint deep architecture at the query term level for relevance matching. By using matching histogram mapping, a feed forward matching network, and a term gating network, we can effectively deal with the three relevance matching factors mentioned above. Experimental results on two representative benchmark collections show that our model can significantly outperform some well-known retrieval models as well as state-of-the-art deep matching models.Comment: CIKM 2016, long pape

    Classification of Overlapped Audio Events Based on AT, PLSA, and the Combination of Them

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    Audio event classification, as an important part of Computational Auditory Scene Analysis, has attracted much attention. Currently, the classification technology is mature enough to classify isolated audio events accurately, but for overlapped audio events, it performs much worse. While in real life, most audio documents would have certain percentage of overlaps, and so the overlap classification problem is an important part of audio classification. Nowadays, the work on overlapped audio event classification is still scarce, and most existing overlap classification systems can only recognize one audio event for an overlap. In this paper, in order to deal with overlaps, we innovatively introduce the author-topic (AT) model which was first proposed for text analysis into audio classification, and innovatively combine it with PLSA (Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis). We propose 4 systems, i.e. AT, PLSA, AT-PLSA and PLSA-AT, to classify overlaps. The 4 proposed systems have the ability to recognize two or more audio events for an overlap. The experimental results show that the 4 systems perform well in classifying overlapped audio events, whether it is the overlap in training set or the overlap out of training set. Also they perform well in classifying isolated audio events

    Effects of Solution, Soil and Sand Cultures on Nodulation and Growth of Phasey Bean

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    Plants of phasey bean (Macroptilium lathyroides cv. Murray) were grown in nitrogen-free nutrient solution, sod, or sand culture in a naturally-Nt glasshouse. Nodulation, dry matter accumulation in plant parts, and seed yields were assessed. Partitioning of symbiotic nitrogen into various plant parts during vegetative and reproductive growth stages was also determined. In all culture media, nodule number and size increased with plant age but the rate of increase was generally greater in solution than in the other cultures. In sand culture, the dry weight per nodule and per plant, and plant growth were significantly suppressed. Although tap root elongation was consistently better in solution than soil or sand culture, leaf development and dry matter accumulation in roots and stems were enhanced by solution culture only during flowering and fruiting stage. Seed yields were significantly increased by solution culture, an effect apparently associated with increased symbiotic nitrogen fixation. During vegetative growth, nitrogen accumulated largely in the leaves and stems but pods were major sinks of nitrogen during the reproductive growth stage. The benefits and applications of solution culture in the study of nodule development and collection of root samples for acetylene reduction assays are discussed

    Novel method for refinement of retained austenite in micro/nano-structured bainitic steels

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    A comparative study was conducted to assess the effects of two different heat treatments on the amount and morphology of the retained austenite in a micro/nano-structured bainitic steel. The heat treatments used in this work were two-stage bainitic transformation and bainitic-partitioning transformation. Both methods resulted in the generation of a multi-phase microstructure containing nanoscale bainitic ferrite, and/or fresh martensitic phases and much finer retained austenite. Both heat treatments were verified to be effective in refining the retained austenite in micro/nano-structured bainite and increasing the hardness. However, the bainitic transformation followed by partitioning cycle was proved to be a more viable approach than the two-stage bainitic transformation due to much shorter processing time, i.e. ∼2 h compared to ∼4 day, respectively

    Theory of the "honeycomb chain-channel" reconstruction of Si(111)3x1

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    First-principles electronic-structure methods are used to study a structural model for Ag/Si(111)3x1 recently proposed on the basis of transmission electron diffraction data. The fully relaxed geometry for this model is far more energetically favorable than any previously proposed, partly due to the unusual formation of a Si double bond in the surface layer. The calculated electronic properties of this model are in complete agreement with data from angle-resolved photoemission and scanning tunneling microscopy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett (the ugly postscript error on page 4 has now been repaired

    Two-electron state in a disordered 2D island: pairing caused by the Coulomb repulsion

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    We show the existence of bound two-electron states in an almost depleted two-dimensional island. These two-electron states are carried by special compact configurations of four single-electron levels. The existence of these states does not require phonon mediation, and is facilitated by the disorder-induced potential relief and by the electron-electron repulsion only. The density of two-electron states is estimated and their evolution with the magnetic field is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 1 fi