151 research outputs found
A new method for ultrasonographic measurement of kidney size in healthy dogs
Introduction: The authors propose a simple method for assessment of canine kidney size derived from the radiological technique described by Finco et al in 1971. Methods: In 26 healthy dogs ultrasonography was used to measure the length, height, and thickness of each kidney. These measurements were correlated with the lengths of the fifth and sixth lumbar vertebrae (L5 and L6), also measured by ultrasound. The resulting values were compared with the linear correlation method and the ratios defined using descriptive statistics.
Results: No significant differences were observed between the dimensions of the right and left kidneys. The length of both kidneys displayed significant correlation with both the length of L5 and that of L6. In both cases, the renal:vertebral length ratios ranged from 1.3 to 2.7.
Discussion: The ratio of kidney length to the length of L5 or L6 can be considered a useful parameter for assessing the size of the kidneys in healthy dogs. The normal range we iden- tified in this study (from 1.3 to 2.7) is sufficiently narrow to allow sonographic detection of even limited changes in renal length
Effect of Shot Peening on Oxidation and Precipitation in Inconel 718
In this study, the effect of the surface state on the behaviour of Inconel 718 alloy exposed to 640 ∘ C and 700 ∘ C environments for times varying between one and one hundred hours was investigated. In particular, the focus was set on the evolution of oxidation and precipitation phenomena during thermal exposure. Three surface states were considered: two generated through shot peening treatments featuring different coverage levels, while the third condition is a non-peened one. Shot peening treatments modify the surface condition and introduce higher residual stresses and microhardness values than in the non-treated condition. The morphology of the oxides appears to be different depending on the condition observed. Regarding the kinetics, over time the oxidation process follows a parabolic trend and appears to be influenced by the surface state; in particular, severe shot peening treatment is characterized by the highest intensity of the phenomenon. However, the order of magnitude of the weight gains measured suggests that the observed variations can be neglected, and that the positive effect of shot peening can be exploited without introducing oxidation problems. From the point of view of the microstructural evolution, an increase in the coarsening kinetics of γ ” phase was observed in the shot peened layer
Efficacy of serial ultrasonographic examinations in predicting return to play in agility dogs with shoulder lameness
The aim of this study is to investigate the use of shoulder ultrasound as a method of predicting the likelihood of returning to competition in agility dogs with shoulder teno-muscular injuries after a standardised rehabilitation protocol. Thirty-two agility dogs with a clinical and ultrasonographic diagnosis of shoulder teno-muscular injury were included in a prospective study with physical and ultrasound examinations at the time of diagnosis (T0) and at two (T2), four (T4) and six (T6) months; during this period, the dogs received rehabilitation treatments. The endpoint of the study was to obtain information regarding participation in agility competitions 12 months after diagnosis, based on telephone interviews with the owners. The clinical lameness score (CLS) and the ultrasound lesion score (ULS) were used as outcome measurements. The CLS indicated partial recovery from a shoulder injury at T2 (78%), while the ULS indicated no satisfactory recovery at T2 in any patient. At 4 months, the CLS alone was not a valuable predictor of full recovery from a shoulder injury in agility dogs. Relative Risk indicated that, at T2, ultrasound was 23.8 times more valuable in identifying a shoulder lesion as compared to clinical lameness score (CLS), and it was 2.53 times more valuable at T4
Evaluation of an automatic HPLC analyser for thalassemia and haemoglobin variants screening
In this paper the authors report the evolution of a new automatic
HPLC analyser for screening haemoglobinopathies. HbA2 and F determinations are accurate and reproducible. The analysis time is short (6.5 min) and there is a good separation between the HbA2 values of β-thalassemia carriers from normals and α-thalassemia carriers, with no overlap between these groups. In addition, the system is also able to detect and quantitate most of the haemoglobin variants, particularly those (HbS, HbC, HbE and Hb Lepore) able to interact with β-thalassemia and could make haemoglobin electrophoresis unnecessary in all samples. The ease of operation and the limited technical work make this system especially suitable for laboratories with a high workload and allow the cost of screening to be reduced
A Combination of Lipoic Acid Plus Coenzyme Q10 Induces PGC1α, a Master Switch of Energy Metabolism, Improves Stress Response, and Increases Cellular Glutathione Levels in Cultured C2C12 Skeletal Muscle Cells
Skeletal muscle function largely depend on intact energy metabolism, stress response, and antioxidant defense mechanisms. In this study, we tested the effect of a combined supplementation of α-lipoic acid (LA) plus coenzyme Q10 (Q10) on PPARγ-coactivator α (PGC1α) activity, expression of glutathione-related phase II enzymes and glutathione (GSH) levels in cultured C2C12 myotubes. Supplementation of myotubes with 250 μmol/L LA plus 100 μmol/L Q10 significantly increased nuclear levels of PGC1α, a master switch of energy metabolism and mitochondrial biogenesis. The increase of nuclear PGC1α was accompanied by an increase in PPARγ transactivation, a downstream target of PGC1α, and an increase in mitochondrial transcription factor A mRNA centrally involved in mitochondrial replication and transcription. Furthermore, supplementation of myotubes with LA plus Q10 resulted in an increase of genes encoding proteins involved in stress response, GSH synthesis, and its recycling. In LA-plus-Q10-treated myotubes a significant 4-fold increase in GSH was evident. This increase in GSH was accompanied by increased nuclear Nrf2 protein levels, partly regulating γGCS and GST gene expression. Present data suggest that the combined supplementation of skeletal muscle cells with LA plus Q10 may improve energy homeostasis, stress response, and antioxidant defense mechanisms
Delta-Globin Gene Expression Is Enhanced in vivo by Interferon Type I
Beta hemoglobinopathies are widely spread monogenic lethal diseases. Delta-globin gene activation has been proposed as a possible approach for curing these pathologies. The therapeutic potential of delta-globin, the non-alpha component of Hemoglobin A2 (α2δ2; HbA2), has been demonstrated in a mouse model of beta thalassemia, while its anti-sickling effect, comparable to that of gamma globin, was established some time ago. Here we show that the delta-globin mRNA level is considerably increased in a Deoxyribonuclease II-alpha knockout mouse model in which type 1 interferon (interferon beta, IFNb) is activated. IFNb activation in the fetal liver improves the delta-globin mRNA level, while the beta-globin mRNA level is significantly reduced. In addition, we show that HbA2 is significantly increased in patients with multiple sclerosis under type 1 interferon treatment. Our results represent a proof of principle that delta-globin expression can be enhanced through the use of molecules. This observation is potentially interesting in view of a pharmacological approach able to increase the HbA2 level
Analysis of the different approaches applied in the appraisal of vulnerability to landslides.
Este artigo apresenta as principais diretrizes atualmente utilizadas para an?lise de
vulnerabilidade f?sica a escorregamentos, bem como a exposi??o de incertezas que podem
ocorrer nos m?todos de c?lculo recentemente aplicados, desde falhas inerentes ao pr?prio
m?todo, assim como possibilidades de erros de interpreta??o de resultados. Os principais
pontos de discrep?ncia encontrados se resumem nas diferentes vari?veis consideradas na
determina??o da vulnerabilidade, assim como no grau de import?ncia que cada vari?vel
recebe durante a an?lise, al?m do car?ter qualitativo e quantitativo das avalia??es. O estudo
indica que, apesar de ainda n?o ser poss?vel e aconselh?vel a utiliza??o de um m?todo
universal de avalia??o de vulnerabilidade aplicado em diferentes cen?rios, ? necess?rio um
modelo abrangente, que nos d? diretrizes para aplica??o deste par?metro na avalia??o de
risco em diferentes situa??es, assim como nos alerta para a responsabilidade de se utilizar
um m?todo n?o aplic?vel para determinado contexto geol?gico-geot?cnico.This article aims to present the main guidelines currently used for the analysis of
physical vulnerability to landslides, as well as the exposure of uncertainties that may occur in
the recently applied calculation methods, from inherent flaws in the method itself, along with
the with the possibility of a misinterpretation of the results. The main points of discrepancy
are summarized in the different variables considered in the determination of the vulnerability,
as well degree of relevance that each variable receives during the analysis, besides the
qualitative and quantitative character of the evaluations. The study indicates that, although it
is yet not possible and advisable to use a universal vulnerability assessment method applied
in different scenarios, a comprehensive model is needed, which presents guidelines for the
application of this parameter in risk assessment in different situations, as well as warns us to
the responsibility of using a method that is not applicable to a particular geologicalgeotechnical context
Intraislet glucagon signaling is critical for maintaining glucose homeostasis
Glucagon, a hormone released from pancreatic a cells, plays a key role in maintaining proper glucose homeostasis and has been implicated in the pathophysiology of diabetes. In vitro studies suggest that intraislet glucagon can modulate the function of pancreatic ß cells. However, because of the lack of suitable experimental tools, the in vivo physiological role of this intraislet cross-talk has remained elusive. To address this issue, we generated a mouse model that selectively expressed an inhibitory designer GPCR (Gi DREADD) in a cells only. Drug-induced activation of this inhibitory designer receptor almost completely shut o? glucagon secretion in vivo, resulting in markedly impaired insulin secretion, hyperglycemia, and glucose intolerance. Additional studies with mouse and human islets indicated that intraislet glucagon stimulates insulin release primarily by activating β cell GLP-1 receptors. These fndings strongly suggest that intraislet glucagon signaling is essential for maintaining proper glucose homeostasis in vivo. Our work may pave the way toward the development of novel classes of antidiabetic drugs that act by modulating intraislet cross-talk between a and ß cells
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