672 research outputs found
Tyrosinase and phenolic pressor amines
Basic to the consideration of the action of tyrosinase on the oxidation of phenolic pressor amines are the observations of Keilin and Mann (16) and of Nelson and his coworkers (17-19) that show that different preparations may vary considerably in their relative actions on monophenols and o-diphenols. Both of these types of activity appear to belong to the same enzyme complex, as they bear a proportionality to the same copper content. However, since the activities vary with the purity and method of purification, each enzyme preparation must be defined in terms of both monophenolase and o-diphenolase activities. This was done in the present studies, and modifications of previously described preparative methods were required to retain a reasonable proportioning of such activities in purified preparations
Rewards for Downside Risk in Asian Markets
Distributional properties of emerging market returns may impact on investor ability and willingness to diversify. Investors may also place greater weighting on downside losses, compared to upside gains. Using individual equities in a range of emerging Asian markets, we investigate the potential contribution of downside risk measures to explain asset pricing in these markets. As realized returns are used as a proxy for expected returns, we separately examine conditional returns in upturn and downturn periods, in order to successfully identify risk and return relationships. Results indicate that co-skewness and downside beta are priced by investors. Further testing confirms a separate premium for each measure, confirming that they capture different aspects of downside risk. Robustness tests indicate that, when combined with other risk measures, both retain their explanatory power. Tests also indicate that co-skewness may be the more robust measure
Hope or hype? Blockchain and accounting
Gartner’s hype cycle of technology famously progresses from the "peak of inflated expectations" to the “plateau of productivity” via the “trough of disillusionment”. Accounting researchers and practitioners -like researchers and practitioners in many other fields- have jumped onto the blockchain bandwagon for fear of missing out on what has been hailed as a world changing
technology. Unfortunately, there is a pervasive lack of understanding of what blockchain is, and
misconceptions about what it can do. A fundamental problem is that blockchain was derived from
bitcoin and there is a great deal of difficulty in defining what blockchain is, and how suitable the
methodology for a trustless, public cybercurrency application is to a public blockchain between
trusted partners. It is time, we believe, to look at blockchain in accounting with more objectivity. We
undertake a detailed exploration of blockchain and identify several key factors that will defines the
uses of this technology, namely, the distinction between public and private blockchains and the
importance of processing costs as a validating mechanism
Exploring How Social Media Can Be Used to Promote Space Awareness: A Case Study of the Yuri\u27s Night Web 2.0
Despite the importance of social media as an inexpensive and efficient means of communication, it is not clear to what degree space advocacy groups are making a strong organized effort to use the resources available to them. Moreover, there is no previous literature that specifically examines the use of social media tools by space organizations. This study seeks to start a larger dialog regarding how the space advocacy community can make use of these tools to promote their mission. Using a case study approach, this article focuses specifically on the organization of Yuri’s Night to explore how this group is using social media to accomplish its mission of building general space awareness. In addition, this article evaluates the organization’s social media presence as well as the role social media has played in the organization’s ability to accomplish its mission. Other space advocacy groups can use the lessons learned here to improve their own social media strategies
Unquenched Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory
The inclusion of fermionic loops contribution in Numerical Stochastic
Perturbation Theory (NSPT) has a nice feature: it does not cost so much
(provided only that an FFT can be implemented in a fairly efficient way).
Focusing on Lattice SU(3), we report on the performance of the current
implementation of the algorithm and the status of first computations
undertaken.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, Lattice2002(algor
Teaching Human Evolution
As science educators, we have two goals in writing this paper. The first is to show the importance of teaching human evolution to all students. The second is to provide up-to-date resources for classroom teachers to use in teaching the subject. Secondary biology textbooks suffer from the inherent limitations of mass produced books making it difficult for them to stay current with rapidly changing scientific fields such as paleoanthropology. One of our motives for writing this paper is to compensate for this inherent limitation of textbooks. The most important resource we provide is a review of current scientific research on human evolution that stresses the broad framework of what is reliably known about our origins. To this we have included a list of recommended books taken from our research that we feel are the most useful and accessible. In addition to text resources, we have added a list of web sites on human evolution that provide an increasingly sophisticated source of information. Together, this material should provide teachers with a variety of up-to-date resources for teaching human evolution
Efeito da altura do resíduo sobre a produção e a estrutura de sorgo forrageiro.
O cultivo de sorgo forrageiro (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.) tem crescido na região Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul nos últimos anos. Os produtores rurais estão sendo orientados a manejar o sorgo forrageiro em pastejo rotacionado, respeitando uma altura de entrada dos animais acima de 70 cm e altura de saída (resíduo) em torno de apenas 5 cm.bitstream/item/63868/1/BP31.pd
Topological susceptibility from the overlap
The chiral symmetry at finite lattice spacing of Ginsparg-Wilson fermionic
actions constrains the renormalization of the lattice operators; in particular,
the topological susceptibility does not require any renormalization, when using
a fermionic estimator to define the topological charge. Therefore, the overlap
formalism appears as an appealing candidate to study the continuum limit of the
topological susceptibility while keeping the systematic errors under
theoretical control. We present results for the SU(3) pure gauge theory using
the index of the overlap Dirac operator to study the topology of the gauge
configurations. The topological charge is obtained from the zero modes of the
overlap and using a new algorithm for the spectral flow analysis. A detailed
comparison with cooling techniques is presented. Particular care is taken in
assessing the systematic errors. Relatively high statistics (500 to 1000
independent configurations) yield an extrapolated continuum limit with errors
that are comparable with other methods. Our current value from the overlap is
\chi^{1/4} = 188 \pm 12 \pm 5 \MeV.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure
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