1,129 research outputs found

    Frequency-Domain Coherent Control of Femtosecond Two-Photon Absorption: Intermediate-Field vs. Weak-Field Regime

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    Coherent control of femtosecond two-photon absorption in the intermediate-field regime is analyzed in detail in the powerful frequency domain using an extended 4th-order perturbative description. The corresponding absorption is coherently induced by the weak-field non-resonant two-photon transitions as well as by four-photon transitions involving three absorbed photons and one emitted photons. The interferences between these two groups of transitions lead to a difference between the intermediate-field and weak-field absorption dynamics. The corresponding interference nature (constructive or destructive) strongly depends on the detuning direction of the pulse spectrum from half the two-photon transition frequency. The model system of the study is atomic sodium, for which both experimental and theoretical results are obtained. The detailed understanding obtained here serves as a basis for coherent control with rationally-shaped femtosecond pulses in a regime of sizable absorption yields.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Research model robot-hexapod under static and dynamic loads

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    In the paper the stress-strain state of hexapod robot is considered in order to clarify its dynamical characteristics. Full-size model of hexapod robot is built in the SolidWorks program complex. The state of the robot was analyzed in an extremely dangerous location at static loading. Dynamic analysis was conducted to clarify oscillation of the support unit in the robot’s construction. The results of the survey show that such robot design cannot be used in the environments with the vibrating background below 5 Hz

    Formation of the processual component of future border guard officers’ readiness for physical education of personnel

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    The data on the state of formation of communication and organizational abilities as components of the processual component of the readiness of future border guard officers to physical education of personnel was obtained and analyzed. The study was attended by 128 cadets who were completing their studies at a specialized institution of higher education. To establish the state of formation of the procedural component of their readiness for the physical education of personnel, a questionnaire, proposed by specialists, was used. It was established that the use of the current content of physical training and the traditional approach to the organization and implementation of this process during the study allows 55.8% of graduates to achieve a high level of processual readiness for the physical education of personnel. 5.4% of future officers of the border guard service showed middle level, the rest 38.8% - low and lower than the average level of the processual readiness formation. The obtained data testify to the need to improve the organization, approaches to formation and implementation of the content of the physical training of future officers of the Border Guard Service during their study in a specialized institution of higher education. This will increase the number of graduates with high and higher than the average level of processual readiness for the physical education of personnel

    Formation of the cognitive component of future border guard officers’ readiness for physical education of personnel

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    The data on the state of formation of cognitive component of the readiness of future border guard officers to physical education of personnel was obtained and analyzed. The study was attended by 128 cadets of the specialized institution of higher education. The state of formation of the studied component of readiness was determined taking into account the recommendations of experts. In this regard, the criterion of formation of the cognitive component was the assessment for accomplishing of the theoretical part of the physical training exam. It was determined that 71.1% of the cadets achieved the planned result, while the grades of the rest were slightly lower. The obtained data indicated a reserve for improvement, first of all, regarding the approaches to formation and implementation of the content of physical training of future officers of the Border Guard Service during their study in a specialized institution of higher education. This will increase the number of graduates with high and higher than the average levels of cognitive readiness for the physical education of personnel

    Вивчення гіпоглікемічної активності таблеток “Гліфасонорм” і капсул “Гліфасолін” на моделі стрептозотоцинового діабету в щурів

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    The conducted research allowed to determine that the tablets “Gliphasonorm” capsules and “Gliphasolin” in anexperimental model of streptozotocin-induced diabetes significantly reduced the level of glycosylated hemoglobin,decreased with the level of glucose in the blood of animals compared to diabetic control. After 14 days of the studycapsules “Gliphasolin” showed a more pronounced hypoglycemic activity (4.4 % and 8.0 % greater) than tablets“Gliphasonorm” and the reference drug metformin. Under the action caps “Gliphasolin” on the 12th day of the studyshowed marked reduction of glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood of animals (3.1 % and 5.6 % greater) than that ofthe tablets of “Gliphasonorm” and metformin. Capsules “Gliphasolin” and tablets “Gliphasonorm” based bioflavonoidcomplex from beans are promising in the therapy of diabetes type 2 on the background of obesity and reduce therisk of micro- and macroangiopathies.Проведенные исследования позволили определить, что таблетки “Глифасонорм” и капсулы “Глифасолин” на экспериментальной модели стрептозотоцинового диабета достоверно снижали уровень гликозилированного гемоглобина, что уменьшался вместе с уровнем глюкозы в крови животных по сравнению с диабетическим контролем. Через 14 дней исследования капсулы “Глифасолин” проявили болеевыраженную гипогликемическую активность (на 4,4 и 8,0 % большую), чем таблетки “Глифасонорм” и препарат сравнения “Метформин”. Под действием капсул “Глифасолин” на 12 сутки исследования установлено выраженное снижение гликозилированного гемоглобина в крови животных (на 3,1 и 5,6 % большее) по сравнению с таблетками “Глифасонорм” и метформином. Капсулы “Глифасолин” и таблетки “Глифасонорм” на основе биофлавоноидного комплекса из фасоли являются перспективными в терапиисахарного диабета 2 типа на фоне ожирения и снижении риска развития микро- и макроангиопатий.Проведені дослідження дозволили визначити, що таблетки “Гліфасонорм” і капсули “Гліфасолін” наекспериментальній моделі стрептозотоцинового діабету вірогідно знижували рівень глікозильованогогемоглобіну, що зменшувався разом із рівнем глюкози в крові тварин порівняно з діабетичним контролем.Через 14 діб дослідження капсули “Гліфасолін” проявили більш виражену гіпоглікемічну активність (на 4,4 та8,0 % вищу), ніж таблетки “Гліфасонорм” і препарат порівняння “Метформін”. Під дією капсул “Гліфасолін”на 12 добу дослідження встановлено виражене зниження глікозильованого гемоглобіну в крові тварин (на3,1 та 5,6 % більше) порівняно з таблетками “Гліфасонорм” і метформіном. Капсули “Гліфасолін” і таблет-ки “Гліфасонорм” на основі біофлавоноїдного комплексу з квасолі є перспективними в терапії цукровогодіабету 2 типу на тлі ожиріння та зниженні ризику розвитку мікро- і макроангіопатій

    Дослідження впливу густого екстракту квасолі та лікарських препаратів на його основі на стан коагуляційного гемостазу у щурів із експериментальним цукровим діабетом 2-го типу

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    On the basis of the conducted studies we have found that during the use in the treatment of the rats with diabetes type 2 the thick extract beans, pills "Hlifasonorm" and capsules "Hlifasolin", in a comparative aspect with acetylsalicylic acid and quercetin, have confirmed the presence of a coherent action in capsules "Hlifasolin" on time blood clotting, blood plasma recalcification time, prothrombin index and quantity of fibrinogen. Thus, the use of pills “Hlifasonorm" and caps" Hlifasolin "in the treatment of diabetes type 2 will make it possible to prevent imbalance prothrombotic and fibrinolytic properties of blood.На основании проведенных исследований установлено, что использование в лечении животных с СД 2-го типа густого экстракта фасоли,  таблеток «Глифасонорм» и капсул «Глифасолин» в сравнительном аспекте с ацетилсалициловой кислотой и кверцетином подтвердило наличие более выраженного действия у капсул «Глифасолин» на время свертывания крови, время рекальцификации плазмы крови, протромбиновый индекс и количество фибриногена. Таким образом, использование таблеток «Глифасонорм» и капсул «Глифасолин» при лечении СД 2-го типа даст возможность предупредить нарушения равновесия протромботических и фибринолитеческих свойств крови.На підставі проведених досліджень встановлено, що використання у лікуванні щурів із ЦД 2-го типу густого екстракту квасолі, таблеток «Гліфасонорм» і капсул «Гліфасолін» у порівняльному аспекті з ацетилсаліциловою кислотою і кверцетином підтвердило наявність більш виразної дії у капсул «Гліфасолін» на час згортання крові, час рекальцифікації плазми крові, протромбіновий індекс та кількість фібриногену. Таким чином, використання таблеток «Гліфасонорм» і капсул «Гліфасолін» в лікуванні ЦД 2-го типу дасть можливість попередити порушення рівноваги протромботичної і фібринолітичної властивостей крові.

    Trends in and predictors of carbapenem consumption across North American hospitals: Results from a multicenter survey by the MAD-ID research network

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    This Special Issue is dedicated to the late Dr. Charles (Charlie) D. Hufford, former Professor of Pharmacognosy and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies at University of Mississippi [...]

    A Review of Combination Antimicrobial Therapy for Enterococcus Faecalis Bloodstream Infections and Infective Endocarditis

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    Enterococci, one of the most common causes of hospital-associated infections, are responsible for substantial morbidity and mortality. Enterococcus faecalis, the more common and virulent species, cause serious high-inoculum infections, namely infective endocarditis, that are associated with cardiac surgery and mortality rates that remained unchanged for the last 30 years. The best cure for these infections are observed with combination antibiotic therapy; however, optimal treatment has not been fully elucidated. It is the purpose of this review to highlight treatment options, their limitations, and provide direction for future investigative efforts to aid in the treatment of these severe infections. While ampicillin plus ceftriaxone has emerged as a preferred treatment option, mortality rates continue to be high, and from a safety standpoint, ceftriaxone, unlike other cephalosporins, promotes colonization with vancomycin resistant-enterococci due to high biliary concentrations. More research is needed to improve patient outcomes from this high mortality disease

    "Design of a Suspension Lever Mechanism in Biomedical Robotic System"

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    The article discusses the design of a suspended lever mechanism with elastic elements, which is used as a safety device in a robotic system for the rehabilitation of the lower limbs. The article analyzes the existing mechanical structures of devices for rehabilitation, identifies the problems of operation, design, and safety systems and suggests a new design of the device. The process of reverse development of a lever mechanism scheme to ensure safety during rehabilitation of the lower limbs is presented. The design of the lever mechanism consists of movable levers connected by elastic elements. The device allows you to dampen the force during active rehabilitation. The power calculation of the lever mechanism in the rehabilitation system was carried out. The article addresses the issues present in the current mechanical designs with a brief discussion on the system architecture

    Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Heterogeneous Vancomycin-Intermediate Staphylococcus aureus Bloodstream Infection

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    The prevalence of heterogeneous vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (hVISA) infections varies in the literature, a problem complicated by the lack of routine screening procedures; however, limited data suggest that hVISA has been associated with persistent bloodstream infections (BSI) and vancomycin failure, yet these studies have been confounded by design issues. We conducted this study to compare the characteristics of patients with BSI caused by hVISA with those with vancomycin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (VSSA) treated with vancomycin. This retrospective, multicenter matched (1:1) cohort study compared the clinical characteristics and outcomes of hVISA and VSSA. Patients with hVISA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) BSI from 2004 to 2012 were matched to VSSA-MRSA BSI patients. The primary outcome was failure of vancomycin treatment, defined as a composite of persistent bacteremia (≥7 days), persistent signs and symptoms, change of MRSA antibiotic, recurrent BSI, or MRSA-related mortality. We identified 122 matched cases. The overall vancomycin failure rate was 57% (82% hVISA versus 33% VSSA; P \u3c 0.001). The individual components of failure in hVISA versus VSSA were persistent bacteremia, 59% versus 21% (P \u3c 0.001); change in MRSA therapy, 54% versus 25% (P = 0.001); MRSA-related mortality, 21% versus 10% (P = 0.081); and recurrence of BSI, 26% versus 2% (P \u3c 0.001). Using logistic regression analysis and adjusting for covariates, hVISA (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 11.1; 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.3 to 28.7) and intensive care unit (ICU) admission (aOR, 4.5; 95% CI, 1.8 to 11.6) were still independently associated with vancomycin failure. Relative to VSSA BSI, patients with hVISA were more likely to experience failure of vancomycin treatment, including persistent bacteremia and recurrence. Our results indicate that hVISA was responsible for considerable morbidity