426 research outputs found

    Educating students with disabilities who study at the university

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    In this article the authors aim to analyze the ways of educating students with disabilities. Research activities at the university are the main type of educational and professional activities for students. Students with disabilities have difficulties in organizing research activities. Students have difficulties in self-regulation, their goals in research activities related to internal well-bein

    The competency levels of disabled students who study in university

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    The article is devoted to the problem of inclusive education of students with disabilities at the university. The article analyses the study of the readiness of students with disabilities to research activitie

    Mineral Concentrates As a Factor of the Khibiny Apatite-Nepheline Ores Efficiency Improvement

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    Apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny deposits contain the largest phosphorus-bearing resources in the world, and, at the same time, they contain associated valuable components in the rock-forming minerals — apatite, nepheline, sphene and titanium magnetite. Intensive development of the Khibiny deposits with production of only apatite concentrate and a small part of nepheline concentrate resulted in the accumulation of over 1.0 billion tons of wastes in tailing storage facilities and dumps during 90 years of JSC Apatit operation. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of the use of the main concentrates of apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny deposits and wastes for their processing is considered through the use of technological developments of the FRC KSC RAS, JSC RIFI and JSC Apatit to obtain traditional and new target products. A fundamentally new approach to the problem of sustainable use of natural resources is focused on establishment of the whole production chain in the region, from mining and processing operations to manufacturers of final high technology products (rare-earth products, welding and construction materials, coloring agents and other materials). They also determine the level of industrial technical progress. Keywords: Khibiny apatite-nepheline ores, mineral raw materials, extraction and processing, new material

    Biomedical indicators study in terms of the modern type of technogenesis

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    © 2016, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.Despite the high socio-economic, defense and medical importance, the problem of health development in men of military age and in military servicemen in general has not been sufficiently developed both theoretically and practically [1]. One of the objectives of the current military reform is to ensure medical assistance for military servicemen. The problem of health, the factors affecting the health and quality of life still remain insufficiently studied [2]. The problems of male health and its forming factors are to be developed as a coherent system of social attitudes and traditions of modernity, biomedical, economic, organizational and managerial aspects [3]. This study has applied a set of research methods: biological, chemical, biochemical, clinical, sociological, sociohygienic, immunofluorescent, cytological, statistical, medical and demographic, and clinical methods. Objective of the research is to study the systemically important medicobiological indicators of military technogenesis in order to develop the risk management mechanisms. All subjects were divided into two main groups: control group and experimental group. Control group (C) includes: C1 - civils, and C2 - private soldiers. Experimental group (E) includes: E1 - acting military servicemen, E2 - retired military servicemen. Military servicemen were divided by age, length of service and the type of troops. Age-specific cohort was divided into 6 groups: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and over 70 years old. Gradation according to length of service was as follows: less than 2 years, 3-9 years, 10-19 years, 20-29 years, and 30-39 years. During sociological studies, an attention was given to the production block (occupation, the presence of harmful factors, experience, etc.), medical and biological block (age, presence of chronic diseases, complaints) and social block (presence of harmful habits, diet, lifestyle). Each question and grading of answers had their own diagnostic feature and informational value. The coefficients were evaluated in points. Subject to the score level, four groups of cancer risk were formed: Group 1 (no risk), Group 2 (low risk), Group 3 (medium risk), Group 4 (high risk). The estimation of the immunological status of military servicemen was based on the indicators of humoral and cellular immune system. Analysis of survey and interview results made it possible to determine a significant excess in medium cancer risk in the experimental group as compared with control (42.5% vs. 14.6%). High cancer risk group is characteristic of retired military servicemen (actual retired) - 69.4%. It was determined that the gradation of the immunological states “not changed”, “slightly suppressed immune system”, “sharply suppressed immune system”, “depressed immune system” allowed ranking the immunological status subject to the contingent, the age and length of service. A significantly high immunosuppression value is observed in military servicemen in the age group of 50- 59 years old and with length of service of 15-19 years. According to data analysis of the conducted studies, the significance level of differences in the control and the experimental groups, according to immunologist’s report, is (P≤0.005) P=0.001, x2=0.1662. The comparative analysis also revealed that the group c1kc2e1e2 has statistically significant differences in standard values and values below standard (ρ=0.368). The constructed model of the discriminant function with the resulting index “Immunologist’s report” with the characteristics of P<0.001 and a match of observed and calculated cases of one of the groups - 88.2%, ensures development of management mechanisms for the stabilization and improvement of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the immune status

    Nanoscale investigation of polymer cement concretes by small angle neutron scattering

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    An analysis of dense cements, such as polymer cement concrete, is made to produce original innovative components for different types of constructing materials. These materials present good functional properties (ageing resistance, crack formation resistance, hardness, and stability of mechanical modules) and can be used for various applications. In this paper, experimental tests on Portland cement with added γ-Al 2 O 3 and redispersible dry polymer performed using small angle neutron scattering are reported. The objective of the investigation was to assess the key parameters of the material (e.g., porosity, fractal dimensions, and size distribution) at the nanoscale level as well as to obtain useful structural information for expanding the possibility of applications. The results obtained can contribute to the optimisation of the consistency of the material, the design of operating conditions of elements of structures and facilities, and the design of the procedures that support ecological criteria and enhance quality and safety levels. © 2017 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

    Cytogenetic aspects of occupational carcinogenic hazard

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    © 2016,International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.The effect of chemical factors of the production environment is studied with a wide range of test systems,among which the short-term tests with high sensitivity are in the foreground. We conducted a study to assess the cytogenetic status of servicemen. Micronucleus test was a convenient method of substance screening that can quickly determine the presence or absence of various compounds of cytogenetic nature. We have identified a relationship between exposure of occupational hazards and the level of micronuclei in human peripheral blood. Excess in number of micronuclei occurs at almost three times the rate in the retired servicemen. Indicator in this contingent group was 92.7%. Subject to the age,the risk group of the high chance of malignancy development is the people over age 70. 3N micronuclei level in this age group was found in 96.3%. 3N micronuclei level is found in 71.4% of representatives of the employment group of 3-9 years,while in the employment group of 30-39 years - only in 68.7%. Subject to the military force,the risk group of the high chance of malignancy development are missile,ground,and motorized rifle troops

    Improving Methodological Approach to Measures Planning for Hydraulic Fracturing in Oil Fields

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    Goal of the research is development of an integrated approach to the planning of hydraulic fracturing (HF) treatment taking into account geo-technical, hydrodynamic, technological and economic criteria for the selection of wells for inclusion in the programs of HF with increasing importance of economic criteria. Stages of formation of the program for HF of the oil company are selected, systematized and analyzed. It is shown that high potential effectiveness of enhanced oil recovery method in fields with hard-to-recover reserves, on the one hand, and the complexity and high cost of application, on the other, determine the need to optimize the parameters of this business process at all stages of implementation and improve its planning methods. The priority directions for improving the hydraulic fracturing planning were justified: a clear definition of the criterion for the payback period of hydraulic fracturing activities, taking into account their technological features, improving the procedure for calculating the costs of implementing this technology and improving the reasonableness of selecting candidate wells for inclusion in the hydraulic fracturing program. Feasibility of using an additional criterion in the formation of hydraulic fracturing programs – marginal minimum cost-effective wall capacity – has been shown and a method for calculating it has been developed. The use of this criterion will allow to take into account not only technological limitations, but also limits of economic efficiency of conducting hydraulic fracturing at each specific well and, at the preliminary selection of candidate wells, exclude a priori unprofitable measures. It is advisable to take into account proposed directions for improving planning of hydraulic fracturing in the development of corporate regulatory documents, which will help to improve the quality of planning geological and technical measures, minimize investment risks, make more rational use of oil companies' resources for improving oil recovery, choosing the best management decision

    Clinical case of primary immunodeficiency: X-linked agammaglobulinemia

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    Aclinical case ofprimary immunodeficiency state (PIDS) is described: X-linked agammaglobulinemia in the boy of 8 years old. The results of molecular genetic studies: gene btk (ex 1-19) genome version GRCh38.p5, transcript version ENST00000308731 single nucleotide substitution identified с.1027С &gt; Т in homozygous state leading to premature stop codon p.Gln343Ter (p.Q343*). The presented clinical case reflects the low alertness of pediatricians for PIDS. At the same time, a delay in diagnosis and prescription of treatment aggravates the prognosis of the disease course and reduces the quality of the patient life