801 research outputs found

    Lactobacillus GG prevents recurrence of colitis in HLA-B27 transgenic rats after antibiotic treatment

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    Background and aims: Bacteroides vulgatus induces colitis in gnotobiotic HLA-B27 transgenic (TG) rats while broad spectrum antibiotics prevent and treat colitis in specific pathogen free (SPF) TG rats although disease recurs after treatment ends. Lactobacilli treat human pouchitis and experimental colitis. We investigated if Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (L GG) can prevent colitis in TG rats monoassociated with B vulgatus and if L GG or Lactobacillus plantarum 299v (LP 299v) can treat established colitis in SPF TG rats and prevent recurrent disease after antibiotics were stopped

    Economic Importance of Managing Spatially Heterogeneous Weed Population

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    Three methods of predicting the impact of weed interference on crop yield and expected economic return were compared to evaluate the economic importance of weed spatial heterogeneity. Density of three weed species was obtained using a grid sampling scheme in 11 corn and 11 soybean fields. Crop yield loss was predicted assuming densities were homogeneous, aggregated following a negative binomial with known population mean and k, or aggregated with weed densities spatially mapped. Predicted crop loss was lowest and expected returns highest when spatial location of weed density was utilized to decide whether control was justified. Location-specific weed management resulted in economic gain as well as a reduction in the quantity of herbicide applied

    Economic Importance of Managing Spatially Heterogeneous Weed Population

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    Three methods of predicting the impact of weed interference on crop yield and expected economic return were compared to evaluate the economic importance of weed spatial heterogeneity. Density of three weed species was obtained using a grid sampling scheme in 11 corn and 11 soybean fields. Crop yield loss was predicted assuming densities were homogeneous, aggregated following a negative binomial with known population mean and k, or aggregated with weed densities spatially mapped. Predicted crop loss was lowest and expected returns highest when spatial location of weed density was utilized to decide whether control was justified. Location-specific weed management resulted in economic gain as well as a reduction in the quantity of herbicide applied

    Leukocyte migration in experimental inflammatory bowel disease

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    Emigration of leukocytes from the circulation into tissue by transendothelial migration, is mediated subsequently by adhesion molecules such as selectins, chemokines and integrins. This multistep paradigm, with multiple molecular choices at each step, provides a diversity in signals. The influx of neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes into inflamed tissue is important in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory bowel disease. The importance of each of these groups of adhesion molecules in chronic inflammatory bowel disease, either in human disease or in animal models, will be discussed below. Furthermore, the possibilities of blocking these different steps in the process of leukocyte extravasation in an attempt to prevent further tissue damage, will be taken into account

    Reduced ratio of protective versus proinflammatory cytokine responses to commensal bacteria in HLA-B27 transgenic rats

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    Germ-free HLA-B27 transgenic (TG) rats do not develop colitis, but colonization with specific pathogen-free (SPF) bacteria induces colitis accompanied by immune activation. To study host-dependent immune responses to commensal caecal bacteria we investigated cytokine profiles in mesenteric lymph node (MLN) cells from HLA-B27 TG versus nontransgenic (non-TG) littermates after in vitro stimulation with caecal bacterial lysates (CBL). Supernatants from CBL-stimulated unseparated T- or B- cell-depleted MLN cells from HLA-B27 TG and non-TG littermates were analysed for IFN-γ, IL-12, TNF, IL-10 and TGF-β production. Our results show that unfractionated TG MLN cells stimulated with CBL produced more IFN-γ, IL-12 and TNF than did non-TG MLN cells. In contrast, CBL-stimulated non-TG MLN cells produced more IL-10 and TGF-β. T cell depletion abolished IFN-γ and decreased IL-12 production, but did not affect IL-10 and TGF-β production. Conversely, neither IL-10 nor TGF-β was produced in cultures of B cell-depleted MLN. In addition, CD4+ T cells enriched from MLN of HLA-B27 TG but not from non-TG rats produced IFN-γ when cocultured with CBL-pulsed antigen presenting cells from non-TG rats. Interestingly, IL-10 and TGF-β, but not IFN-γ, IL-12 and TNF were produced by MLN cells from germ-free TG rats. These results indicate that the colitis that develops in SPF HLA-B27 TG rats is accompanied by activation of IFN-γ-producing CD4+ T cells that respond to commensal bacteria. However, B cell cytokine production in response to components of commensal intestinal microorganisms occurs in the absence of intestinal inflammation

    Full Current Statistics in Diffusive Normal-Superconductor Structures

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    We study the current statistics in normal diffusive conductors in contact with a superconductor. Using an extension of the Keldysh Green's function method we are able to find the full distribution of charge transfers for all temperatures and voltages. For the non-Gaussian regime, we show that the equilibrium current fluctuations are enhanced by the presence of the superconductor. We predict an enhancement of the nonequilibrium current noise for temperatures below and voltages of the order of the Thouless energy E_Th=D/L^2. Our calculation fully accounts for the proximity effect in the normal metal and agrees with experimental data. We demonstrate that the calculation of the full current statistics is in fact simpler than a concrete calculation of the noise.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (included

    RAMESES publication standards: realist syntheses

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    PMCID: PMC3558331This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Finite voltage shot noise in normal-metal - superconductor junctions

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    We express the low-frequency shot noise in a disordered normal-metal - superconductor (NS) junction at finite (subgap) voltage in terms of the normal scattering amplitudes and the Andreev reflection amplitude. In the multichannel limit, the conductance exhibits resonances which are accompanied by an enhancement of the (differential) shot noise. In the study of multichannel single and double barrier junctions we discuss the noise properties of coherent transport at low versus high voltage with respect to the Andreev level spacing.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, 2 eps-figures, to be published in PRB, Appendix on Bogoliubov equation

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    23 февраля 2011 года исполнилось 75 лет со дня рождения главного инженера Днепродзержинской ГЭС — Кучерявого Владислава Семеновича.15 июня 2011 г. исполняется 70 лет ученому — гидроэнергетику, доктору технических наук, начальнику отдела расчетного обоснования ПАО "Укргидропроект", профессору, заведующему кафедрой гидротехнического строительства Харьковского государственного технического университета строительства и архитектуры Александру Исааковичу Вайнбергу

    Shot Noise through a Quantum Dot in the Kondo Regime

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    The shot noise in the current through a quantum dot is calculated as a function of voltage from the high-voltage, Coulomb blockaded regime to the low-voltage, Kondo regime. Using several complementary approaches, it is shown that the zero-frequency shot noise (scaled by the voltage) exhibits a non-monotonic dependence on voltage, with a peak around the Kondo temperature. Beyond giving a good estimate of the Kondo temperature, it is shown that the shot noise yields additional information on the effects of electronic correlations on the local density of states in the Kondo regime, unaccessible in traditional transport measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur