3 research outputs found

    The stress distribution in a past-restored tooth using the 3-dimensional finite element methods asociated with dental erosion

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    SUMMARY In this study the authors was analised the stress distribution in a postrestored tooth using the three dimensional finite element method and a multi factorial analysis of factors associated with dental erosion. The three dimensional finite element method is a new method which analised the stress, temperature and thermal stress to canine in mounth

    The estimate a caries risk through cariogram

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    Deep remineralization method used in initial caries lesions treatment

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    Summary In the clinical study were evaluated 30 pacientes having 72 initial caries lesions who were splited in 3 groups (first group included pacientes with lesions treated using deep remineralization method, the second group pacientes having lesions treated using clasical fluorization and the third group pacientes who did not received any treatment for the caries lesions). The results have demonstrated higher efficiency of deep fluorization method when compare with the clasical fluorization. Good effects of this therapy were obtained both in depth and in width of the caries lesions. An important advantage of this method consisted in a long time remineralization and a deep remineralization of the caries defect.Rezumat Cercetările clinice realizate pe 30 pacienţi, respectiv 86 leziuni carioase incipiente repartizate pe 3 loturi (lot 1 tratament prin remineralizare profundă, lot 2 tratament prin fluorizare clasică, lot 3-Martor, care nu a fost supus nici unui tratament de fluorizare, decât că au fost aplicate măsuri de îndepărtare a factorilor etiologici). S-a demonstrat eficacitatea net superioară a metodei de remineralizare profundă instituită în leziunile carioase incipiente, obţinându-se astfel un efect terapeutic mai bun atât în profunzime cât şi în suprafaţa acestuia. Un alt avantaj major este obţinerea unui efect remineralizant de mai lungă durată şi o remineralizare a focarului până în profunzimea defectului