778 research outputs found

    The Impact of Lead Patterns on Mean Profiles of Wind, Temperature, and Turbulent Fluxes in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Sea Ice

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    In the polar regions, the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) characteristics are strongly influenced by convection over leads, which are elongated channels in the sea ice covered ocean. The effects on the ABL depend on meteorological forcing and lead geometry. In non-convection-resolving models, in which several leads of potentially different characteristics might be present in a single grid cell, such surface characteristics and the corresponding ABL patterns are not resolved. Our main goal is to investigate potential implications for such models when these subgrid-scale patterns are not considered appropriately. We performed non-eddy-resolving microscale simulations over five different domains with leads of different widths separated by 100% sea ice. We also performed coarser-resolved simulations over a domain representing a few grid cells of a regional climate model, wherein leads were not resolved but accounted for via a fractional sea ice cover of 91% in each cell. Domain size and mean sea ice concentration were the same in all simulations. Differences in the domain-averaged ABL profiles and patterns of wind, temperature, and turbulent fluxes indicate a strong impact of both the leads and their geometry. Additional evaluations of different turbulence parameterizations show large effects by both gradient-independent heat transport and vertical entrainment

    A Package of Momentum and Heat Transfer Coefficients for the Stable Surface Layer Extended by New Coefficients over Sea Ice

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    ingredients of numerical weather prediction and climatemodels. They are needed for the calculation of turbulent fluxes in the surface layer and often rely on the Monin–Obukhov similarity theory requiring universal stability functions. The problem of a derivation of transfer coefficients based on different stability functions has been considered by many researchers over the years but it remains to this day. In this work, dedicated to the memory of S.S. Zilitinkevich, we also address this task, and obtain transfer coefficients from three pairs of theoretically derived stability functions suggested by Zilitinkevich and co-authors for stable conditios. Additionally, we construct non-iterative parametrizations of these transfer coefficients based on earlier work. Results are compared with state-of-the-art coefficients for land, ocean, and sea ice. The combined parametrizations form a package in a universal framework relying on a semi-analytical solution of the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory equations. A comparison with data of the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean campaign (SHEBA) over sea ice reveals large differences between the coefficients for land conditions and the measurements over sea ice. However, two schemes of Zilitinkevich and co-authors show, after slight modification, good agreement with SHEBA although they had not been especially developed for sea ice. One pair of the modified transfer coefficients is superior and is compatible to earlier SHEBA-based parametrizations. Finally, an algorithm for practical use of all transfer coefficients in climate models is given

    Attributing near-surface atmospheric trends in the Fram Strait region to regional sea ice conditions

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    Arctic sea ice has declined in all seasons accompanied by a rapid atmospheric warming. Here, the focus lies on the wider Fram Strait region where the connection between trends in observed near-surface variables (temperature, humidity, wind speed) and local sea ice conditions are analyzed. Reanalysis data from ERA5 and MERRA-2 for the winters 1992 to 2022 are used for the analyses. To disentangle the impact of the upstream sea ice conditions from other factors influencing atmospheric conditions, separate calculations are applied for on-ice and off-ice flow. During off-ice flow, temperatures increased by more than 9 K within 31 years in the Western Nansen Basin (WNB) and by about 5 K in the Greenland Sea region (GRL). Humidity also increased significantly in both regions but with smaller trends in the GRL region. Trends for wind speed were mostly not significant. Corresponding trends of winter sea ice concentrations based on SSM/I-ASI data show a decrease of -10 % dec&minus;1 in the WNB region with especially large open water areas in 2022. There are clear hints that sea ice variability in the GRL region is strongly influenced by the presence of the Odden ice tongue and thus it shows a decrease of -4.7 % dec&minus;1. For off-ice flow, upstream sea ice conditions in the Fram Strait region influence atmospheric temperatures and humidity up to 500 km downstream of the ice edge. Up to two thirds of the observed temperature variability in both regions can be explained by upstream sea ice variability, which is about 10 % more than for all other wind directions.</p

    Building a participatory national consensus on wastewater reclamation and reuse in Palestine

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    Water scarcity is a major constraint for economic and social development and sustainability of the agricultural sector in Palestine. Rapid population growth and increasing dominance of Israeli occupation over the Palestinian water and land resources exacerbate this problem. Wastewater reuse in agriculture is a potential non-conventional water resource that needs better utilization. Our research studied the enabling environment and the political economy of wastewater reclamation and reuse in Palestine. The research team adopted participatory approach that was based on active involvement of all stakeholders in the various phases and activities of this project. The team organized large number of public meetings and national workshops that gathered policy makers as well as representatives of the stakeholder community. The team also implemented a questionnaire survey to study the public perceptions toward wastewater reuse. The research was concluded by a national symposium that gathered more than 200 persons from this community. The major research findings show a national consensus on the importance of wastewater reclamation and reuse in irrigated agriculture. The results show positive knowledge and perceptions of all stakeholders towards reuse of reclaimed wastewater. It also shows that there is a big gap between various institutions related to the subject. It also shows poor collaboration between the academic/research institutions and policy making. The research also emphasizes the importance of onsite systems, especially grey water, for wastewater treatment and reuse as they are low cost and do not require permission of Israeli occupation. The research has a substantial policy impact as it opened opportunities for participatory approaches and dialogue between policy makers and the entire stakeholders’ communit

    A package of momentum and heat transfer coefficientsfor the stable atmospheric surface layer

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    The polar atmospheric surface layer is often stably stratified, which strongly influences turbulent transport processes between the atmosphere and sea ice/ocean. Transport is usually parametrized applying Monin Obukhov Similarity Theory (MOST) which delivers transfer coefficients as a function of stability parameters (see below). In a series of papers (Gryanik and Lüpkes, 2018; Gryanik et al., 2020,2021; Gryanik and Lüpkes, 2022) it has been shown that differences between existing parametrizations are large, especially for strong stability. One reason is that they are based on different data sets, for which the origin of differences is still unclear. In this situation Gryanik et al. (2021) as well as Gryanik and Lüpkes (2022) proposed a numerically efficient method, which can be used for most of the existing data sets and their specific stability dependences. A package of parametrization resulted that is suitable for its application in weather prediction and climate models. Especially, calculation of fluxes over sea ice were improved. Combined with latest parametrizations of surface roughness it has a large impact on large scale fields as shown recently by Schneider et al. (2021) who applied some members of the package

    New estimates of pan-Arctic sea ice-atmosphere neutral drag coefficients from ICESat-2 elevation data

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    The effect that sea ice topography has on the momentum transfer between ice and atmosphere is not fully quantified due to the vast extent of the Arctic and limitations of current measurement techniques. Here we present a method to estimate pan-Arctic momentum transfer via a parameterization that links sea ice-atmosphere form drag coefficients with surface feature height and spacing. We measure these sea ice surface feature parameters using the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2). Though ICESat-2 is unable to resolve as well as airborne surveys, it has a higher along-track spatial resolution than other contemporary altimeter satellites. As some narrow obstacles are effectively smoothed out by the ICESat-2 ATL07 spatial resolution, we use near-coincident high-resolution Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) elevation data from NASA's Operation IceBridge (OIB) mission to scale up the regional ICESat-2 drag estimates. By also incorporating drag due to open water, floe edges and sea ice skin drag, we produced a time series of average total pan-Arctic neutral atmospheric drag coefficient estimates from November 2018 to May 2022. Here we have observed its temporal evolution to be unique and not directly tied to sea ice extent. By also mapping 3-month aggregates for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 for better regional analysis, we found the thick multiyear ice area directly north of the Canadian Archipelago and Greenland to be consistently above 2.0×10-3, while most of the multiyear ice portion of the Arctic is typically around ∼1.5×10-3

    Evaluation of Surface Layer Stability Functions and Their Extension to First Order Turbulent Closures for Weakly and Strongly Stratified Stable Boundary Layer

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    In this study, we utilize a generalization of Monin–Obukhov similarity theory to construct first order turbulent closures for single-column models of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). A set of widely used universal functions for dimensionless gradients is evaluated. Two test cases based on Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) experimental setups are considered – weakly stable ABL (GABLS1; Beare et al. in Bound Layer Meteorol 118(2):247–272,2006), and very strongly stratified ABL (van der Linden et al. in Bound Layer Meteorol 173(2):165–192, 2019). The comparison shows that approximations obtained using a linear dimensionless velocity gradient tend to match the LES data more closely. In particular, the EFB (Energy- and Flux- Budget) closure proposed by Zilitinkevich et al. (Bound Layer Meteorol 146(3):341–373, 2013) has the best performance for the tests considered here. We also test surface layer “bulk formulas” based on these universal functions. The same LES data are utilized for comparison. The setup showcases the behavior of surface scheme, when one assumes that the velocity and temperature profiles in ABL are represented correctly. The advantages and disadvantages of different surface schemes are revealed

    Parametrization of Turbulent Fluxes over Leads in Sea Ice in a Non-Eddy-Resolving Small-Scale Atmosphere Model

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    Leads (open-water channels in sea ice) play an important role for surface-atmosphere interactions in the polar regions. Due to large temperature differences between the surface of leads and the near-surface atmosphere, strong turbulent convective plumes are generated with a large impact on the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). Here, we focus on the effect of lead width on those processes, by means of numerical modeling and turbulence parametrization. We use a microscale atmosphere model in a 2D version resolving the entire convective plume with grid sizes in the range of L/5 where L is the lead width. For the sub-grid scale turbulence, we developed a modified version of an already existing nonlocal parametrization of the lead-generated sensible heat flux including L as parameter. All our simulations represent measured springtime conditions with a neutrally stratified ABL capped by a strong temperature inversion at 300 m height, where the initial temperature difference between the lead surface and the near-surface atmosphere amounts to 20 K. We found that our simulation results obtained with the new approach agree very well with time-averaged results of a large eddy simulation (LES) model for variable lead widths with L ≥ 1 km and different upstream wind speeds. This is a considerable improvement since results obtained with the previous nonlocal approach clearly disagree with the LES results for leads wider than 2 km. In conclusion, considering L as parameter in a nonlocal turbulence parametrization seems to be necessary to study the effect of leads on the polar ABL in non-eddy-resolving small-scale atmosphere models

    Turbulent heat exchange over polar leads revisited: A large eddy simulation study

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    Sea ice leads play an important role in energy exchange between the ocean and atmosphere in polar regions, and therefore must be considered in weather and climate models. As sea ice leads are not explicitly resolved in such models, lead-averaged surface heat flux is of considerable interest for the parameterization of energy exchange. Measurements and numerical studies have established that the lead-averaged surface heat flux depends not only on meteorological parameters, but also on lead width. Nonetheless, few studies to date have investigated the dependency of surface heat flux on lead width. Most findings on that dependency are based on observations with lead widths smaller than a few hundred meters, but leads can have widths from a few meters to several kilometers. In this parameter study, we present the results of three series of large-eddy simulations of turbulent exchange processes above leads. We varied the lead width and air temperature, as well as the roughness length. As this study focused on conditions without background wind, ice-breeze circulation occurred, and was the main driver of the adjustment of surface heat flux. A previous large-eddy simulation study with uncommonly large roughness length found that lead-averaged surface heat flux exhibited a distinct maximum at lead widths of about 3 km, while our results show the largest heat fluxes for the smallest leads simulated (lead width of 50 m). At more realistic roughness lengths, we observed monotonously increasing heat fluxes with increasing lead width. Further, new scaling laws for the ice-breeze circulation are proposed