46 research outputs found

    The Mossy Fiber Bouton: the “Common” or the “Unique” Synapse?

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    Synapses are the key elements for signal processing and plasticity in the brain. They are composed of nearly the same structural subelements, an apposition zone including a pre- and postsynaptic density, a cleft and a pool of vesicles. It is, however, their actual composition that determines their different behavior in synaptic transmission and plasticity. Here, we describe and discuss the structural factors underlying the unique functional properties of the hippocampal mossy fiber (MF) synapse. Two membrane specializations, active zones (AZs; transmitter release sites), and puncta adherentia (PA), putative adhesion complexes were found. On average, individual boutons had ∼20 AZs with a mean surface area of 0.1 μm2 and a short distance of 0.45 μm between individual AZs. Mossy fiber boutons (MFBs) and their target structures were isolated from each other by astrocytes, but fine glial processes never reached the AZs. Therefore, two structural factors are likely to promote synaptic cross-talk: the short distance and the absence of fine glial processes between individual AZs. Thus, synaptic crosstalk may contribute to the high efficacy of hippocampal MF synapses. On average, an adult bouton contained ∼16,000 synaptic vesicles; ∼600 vesicles were located within 60 nm from the AZ, ∼4000 between 60 nm and 200 nm, and the remaining beyond 200 nm, suggesting large readily releasable, recycling, and reserve pools. Thus, the size of the three pools together with the number and distribution of AZs underlie the unique extent of synaptic efficacy and plasticity of the hippocampal MF synapse

    Structural and Synaptic Organization of the Adult Reeler Mouse Somatosensory Neocortex: A Comparative Fine-Scale Electron Microscopic Study of Reeler With Wild Type Mice

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    The reeler mouse has been widely used to study various aspects of cortico- and synaptogenesis, but also as a model for several neurological and neurodegenerative disorders. In contrast to development, comparably little is known about the neuronal composition and synaptic organization of the adult reeler mouse neocortex, in particular at the fine-scale electron microscopic level, which was investigated here and compared with wild type (WT) mice. In this study, the “barrel field” of the adult reeler and WT mouse somatosensory neocortex is used as a model system. In reeler the characteristic six-layered structure is no longer existent, but replaced by a conglomerate of neurons organized in homologous clusters with maintained morphological identity and heterologous clusters between neurons and/or oligodendrocytes. These clusters are loosely scattered throughout the neocortical mass between the pial surface and the white matter. In contrast to WT, layer 1 (L1), if existent, seems to be diluted into the volume of the neocortical mass with no clear boundary. L1 also contains clusters of migrated or persistent neurons, oligodendro- and astrocytes. As in WT, myelinated and unmyelinated axons were found throughout the neocortical mass, but in reeler they were organized in massive fiber bundles with a high fiber packing density. A prominent and massive thalamocortical projection traverses through the neocortical mass, always accompanied by numerous “active” oligodendrocytes whereas in WT no such projections were found and “silent” oligodendrocytes were restricted to the white matter. In the adult reeler mouse neocortex, synaptic boutons terminate on somata, dendritic shafts, spines of different types and axon initial segments with no signs of structural distortion and/or degeneration, indicating a “normal” postsynaptic innervation pattern of neurons. In addition, synaptic complexes between boutons and their postsynaptic targets are tightly ensheathed by fine astrocytic processes, as in WT. In conclusion, the neuronal clusters may represent a possible alternative organization principle in adult reeler mice “replacing” layer formation. If so, these homologous clusters may represent individual “functional units” where neurons are highly interconnected and may function as the equivalent of neurons integrated in a cortical layer. The structural composition and postsynaptic innervation pattern of neurons by synaptic boutons provide the structural basis for the establishment of a functional although altered cortical network in the adult reeler mouse

    Structural Properties of Synaptic Transmission and Temporal Dynamics at Excitatory Layer 5B Synapses in the Adult Rat Somatosensory Cortex

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    Cortical computations rely on functionally diverse and highly dynamic synapses. How their structural composition affects synaptic transmission and plasticity and whether they support functional diversity remains rather unclear. Here, synaptic boutons on layer 5B (L5B) pyramidal neurons in the adult rat barrel cortex were investigated. Simultaneous patch-clamp recordings from synaptically connected L5B pyramidal neurons revealed great heterogeneity in amplitudes, coefficients of variation (CVs), and failures (F%) of EPSPs. Quantal analysis indicated multivesicular release as a likely source of this variability. Trains of EPSPs decayed with fast and slow time constants, presumably representing release from small readily releasable (RRP; 5.40 ± 1.24 synaptic vesicles) and large recycling (RP; 74 ± 21 synaptic vesicles) pools that were independent and highly variable at individual synaptic contacts (RRP range 1.2–12.8 synaptic vesicles; RP range 3.4–204 synaptic vesicles). Most presynaptic boutons (~85%) had a single, often perforated active zone (AZ) with a ~2 to 5-fold larger pre- (0.29 ± 0.19 μm2) and postsynaptic density (0.31 ± 0.21 μm2) when compared with even larger CNS synaptic boutons. They contained 200–3400 vesicles (mean ~800). At the AZ, ~4 and ~12 vesicles were located within a perimeter of 10 and 20 nm, reflecting docked and readily releasable vesicles of a putative RRP. Vesicles (~160) at 60–200 nm constituting the structural estimate of the presumed RP were ~2-fold larger than our functional estimate of the RP although both with a high variability. The remaining constituted a presumed large resting pool. Multivariate analysis revealed two clusters of L5B synaptic boutons distinguished by the size of their resting pool. Our functional and ultrastructural analyses closely link stationary properties, temporal dynamics and endurance of synaptic transmission to vesicular content and distribution within the presynaptic boutons suggesting that functional diversity of L5B synapses is enhanced by their structural heterogeneity

    Structural determinants underlying the high efficacy of synaptic transmission and plasticity at synaptic boutons in layer 4 of the adult rat 'barrel cortex'

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    Excitatory layer 4 (L4) neurons in the ‘barrel field’ of the rat somatosensory cortex represent an important component in thalamocortical information processing. However, no detailed information exists concerning the quantitative geometry of synaptic boutons terminating on these neurons. Thus, L4 synaptic boutons were investigated using serial ultrathin sections and subsequent quantitative 3D reconstructions. In particular, parameters representing structural correlates of synaptic transmission and plasticity such as the number, size and distribution of pre- and postsynaptic densities forming the active zone (AZ) and of the three functionally defined pools of synaptic vesicles were analyzed. L4 synaptic boutons varied substantially in shape and size; the majority had a single, but large AZ with opposing pre- and postsynaptic densities that matched perfectly in size and position. More than a third of the examined boutons showed perforations of the postsynaptic density. Synaptic boutons contained on average a total pool of 561 ± 108 vesicles, with ~5 % constituting the putative readily releasable, ~23 % the recycling, and the remainder the reserve pool. These pools are comparably larger than other characterized central synapses. Synaptic complexes were surrounded by a dense network of fine astrocytic processes that reached as far as the synaptic cleft, thus regulating the temporal and spatial glutamate concentration, and thereby shaping the unitary EPSP amplitude. In summary, the geometry and size of AZs, the comparably large readily releasable and recycling pools, together with the tight astrocytic ensheathment, may explain and contribute to the high release probability, efficacy and modulation of synaptic transmission at excitatory L4 synaptic boutons. Moreover, the structural variability as indicated by the geometry of L4 synaptic boutons, the presence of mitochondria and the size and shape of the AZs strongly suggest that synaptic reliability, strength and plasticity is governed and modulated individually at excitatory L4 synaptic boutons

    Axonal Projection, Input and Output Synapses, and Synaptic Physiology of Cajal-Retzius Cells in the Developing Rat Neocortex

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    Cajal-Retzius (CR) cells are among the earliest generated neurons and are thought to play a role in corticogenesis and early neuronal migration. However, the role of CR cells in an early cortical microcircuit is still rather unclear. We therefore have investigated the morphology and physiology of CR cells by using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings combined with intracellular biocytin filling in acute brain slices of postnatal day 5-11 rats. CR cells are characterized by a long horizontally oriented dendrite; the axonal collaterals form a dense horizontally oriented plexus in layer 1 and to a certain extent in layer 2/3, projecting over > 2 mm of cortical surface. The bouton density is relatively high, and synaptic contacts are established preferentially with dendritic spines or shafts of excitatory neurons, presumably terminal tuft dendrites of pyramidal neurons. In turn, CR cells receive dense GABAergic and non-GABAergic input on somata, dendritic shafts, and spine-like appendages. Extracellular stimulation in layer 1 could activate both GABAergic and glutamatergic synaptic inputs. The GABAergic response was blocked by the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline. The glutamatergic response was mediated solely by NMDA receptors and was highly sensitive to ifenprodil, indicating that it was mediated mainly via NR1/NR2B subunit-containing receptors. NMDA EPSPs were apparent in 1 mM extracellular Mg2+, suggesting that this pure NMDA synapse is not silent functionally. Together, the long-range horizontal projection of the axon, the high density of synaptic boutons, and the functional synaptic input of CR cells suggest that they are an integral part of an early cortical network

    Frequency and dendritic distribution of autapses established by layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the developing rat neocortex: comparison with synaptic innervation of adjacent neurons of the same class

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    Synaptic contacts formed by the axon of a neuron on its own dendrites are known as autapses. Autaptic contacts occur frequently in cultured neurons and have been considered to be aberrant structures. We examined the regular occurrence, dendritic distribution, and fine structure of autapses established on layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the developing rat neocortex. Whole-cell recordings were made from single neurons and synaptically coupled pairs of pyramidal cells, which were filled with biocytin, morphologically reconstructed, and quantitatively analyzed. Autapses were found in most neurons (in 80% of all cells analyzed; n = 41). On average, 2.3 ± 0.9 autapses per neuron were found, located primarily on basal dendrites (64%; 50-70 µm from the soma), to a lesser extent on apical oblique dendrites (31%; 130-200 µm from the soma), and rarely on the main apical dendrite (5%; 480-540 µm from the soma). About three times more synaptic than autaptic contacts (ratio 2.4:1) were formed by a single adjacent synaptically coupled neuron of the same type. The dendritic locations of these synapses were remarkably similar to those of autapses. Electron microscopic examination of serial ultrathin sections confirmed the formation of autapses and synapses, respectively, and showed that both types of contacts were located either on dendritic spines or shafts. The similarities between autapses and synapses suggest that autaptic and synaptic circuits are governed by some common principles of synapse formation

    Postsynaptic calcium influx at single synaptic contacts between pyramidal neurons and bitufted interneurons in layer 2/3 of rat neocortex is enhanced by backpropagating action potentials

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    Pyramidal neurons in layer 2/3 (L2/3) of the rat somatosensory cortex excite somatostatin−positive inhibitory bitufted interneurons located in the same cortical layer via glutamatergic synapses. A rise in volume−averaged dendritic [Ca2+]i evoked by backpropagating action potentials (APs) reduces glutamatergic excitation via a retrograde signal, presumably dendritic GABA. To measure the rise in local [Ca2+]i at synaptic contacts during suprathreshold excitation, we identified single synaptic contacts in the acute slice preparation in pairs of pyramidal and bitufted cells each loaded with a Ca2+ indicator dye. Repetitive APs (10−15 APs at 50 Hz) evoked in a L2/3 pyramidal neuron gave rise to facilitating unitary EPSPs in the bitufted cell. Subthreshold EPSPs evoked a transient rise in [Ca2+]i of 80−250 nM peak amplitude at the postsynaptic dendritic site. The local postsynaptic [Ca2+]i transient was restricted to 10 µm of dendritic length, lasted for 200 msec, and was mediated predominantly by NMDA receptor channels. When EPSPs were suprathreshold, the evoked AP backpropagated into the apical and basal dendritic arbor and increased the local [Ca2+]i transient at active contacts by approximately twofold, with a peak amplitude reaching 130−450 nM. This value is in the range of the half−maximal dendritic [Ca2+]i, evoking retrograde inhibition of glutamate release from boutons of pyramids. The localized enhancement of dendritic Ca2+ influx at synaptic contacts by synaptically evoked backpropagating APs could represent one mechanism by which a retrograde signal can limit the excitation of bitufted interneurons by L2/3 pyramids when these are repetitively active