52 research outputs found

    Dyspareunia in HIV-positive and HIV-negative middle-aged women: a cross-sectional study

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    To evaluate whether dyspareunia is associated with HIV status in menopausal women and also to assess which factors are associated with dyspareunia in a group of HIV-positive menopausal women. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 178 HIV-negative and 128 HIV-positive women aged 40-60 years. The Short Personal Experiences Questionnaire (SPEQ) was used to collect data. Sociodemographic, clinical, behavioural and reproductive factors were evaluated, as well as factors related to the HIV infection. Dyspareunia was defined as pain during intercourse. A bivariate analysis and Poisson multiple regression analysis were performed. Overall, 41.4% of the HIV-positive women reported dyspareunia compared with 34.8% of the HIV-negative women (p=0.242). In the HIV-positive women, bivariate analysis revealed an association between dyspareunia and having a steady partner (p=0.047); the woman's partner having undergone HIV testing (p=0.020); vaginal dryness (p<0.001); muscle/joint pain (p=0.021); physical/emotional violence (p=0.049); urinary incontinence (p=0.004); and the use of lamivudine/zidovudine (p=0.048). The Poisson multiple regression analysis found an association between dyspareunia and vaginal dryness (prevalence ratio (PR)=1.96, 95% CI 1.10 to 3.50, p=0.023) and urinary incontinence (PR=1.86, 95% CI 1.06 to 3.27, p=0.031). Dyspareunia was common in this group of HIV-positive women and was associated principally with vaginal dryness and urinary incontinence. The importance of treating dyspareunia within the context of sexual health in this group of women should be emphasised and appropriate management of this issue may reduce the likelihood of lesions on the vaginal wall, which may act as a portal of entry for other infections.To evaluate whether dyspareunia is associated with HIV status in menopausal women and also to assess which factors are associated with dyspareunia in a group of HIV-positive menopausal women. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 178 HIV-negativ416FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO2010/06037-

    Family ties of crack cocaine users cared for in a psychiatric emergency department

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    This study characterizes the family ties of crack cocaine users cared for in a psychiatric emergency department in southern Brazil. It is a qualitative study with a series of cases carried out in the city of MaringĂĄ, PR, Brazil from April to June 2010. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, analyzed using content analysis, and organized into two categories: family ties as facilitators in the use of crack cocaine and other drugs; and fragmented family ties of crack users. Loss of relational bonds with family and social milieu was observed among the ten studied users in addition to the presence of drugs and violence in the family sphere. Further studies addressing the use of crack and its interface with the family are encouraged, taking into consideration that families have an essential role in the initiation and continuity of drug use.El objetivo del estudio fue conocer el vĂ­nculo familiar de usuarios de crack atendidos en una Unidad de Emergencia PsiquiĂĄtrica del Sur de Brasil. Se trata de una investigaciĂłn cualitativa, con delineamiento de serie de casos, realizada en el municipio de MaringĂĄ, en ParanĂĄ, en el perĂ­odo de abril a junio de 2010. Para la recolecciĂłn de datos se utilizĂł un guiĂłn semiestructurado de entrevista. Los datos fueron analizados siguiendo la tĂ©cnica de anĂĄlisis de contenido y organizados en dos categorĂ­as: el vĂ­nculo familiar como facilitador del uso de crack y otras drogas, y el vĂ­nculo familiar fragmentado de los usuarios de crack. Entre los diez usuarios investigados, se evidenciĂł: pĂ©rdida de los vĂ­nculos relacionales con la familia y con el medio social y, presencia de drogas y violencia en el ambiente familiar. La realizaciĂłn de investigaciones sobre el uso de crack y su interfaz con la familia deben ser estimuladas, ya que las familias poseen un papel fundamental en la iniciaciĂłn y continuidad del uso de drogas.O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer o vĂ­nculo familiar de usuĂĄrios de crack, atendidos em uma unidade de emergĂȘncia psiquiĂĄtrica do Sul do Brasil. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, com delineamento de sĂ©rie de casos, realizada no municĂ­pio de MaringĂĄ, PR, no perĂ­odo de abril a junho de 2010. Para a coleta dos dados utilizou-se roteiro semiestruturado de entrevista. Os dados foram analisados seguindo a tĂ©cnica de anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo e organizados em duas categorias: o vĂ­nculo familiar como facilitador do uso de crack e outras drogas, e o vĂ­nculo familiar fragmentado de usuĂĄrios de crack. Entre os dez usuĂĄrios investigados, evidenciou-se a perda dos vĂ­nculos relacionais com a famĂ­lia e o meio social, presença de drogas e violĂȘncia no ambiente familiar. A realização de pesquisas sobre o uso de crack e sua interface com a famĂ­lia deve ser estimulada, visto que as famĂ­lias possuem papel fundamental na iniciação e continuidade ao uso de drogas
