522 research outputs found

    Wiederfund von Eleocharis ovata (ROTH) R. et SCH. im Naturschutzgebiet „Heideteiche bei Osterfeld“, Burgenlandkreis

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    Das Naturschutzgebiet (NSG) „Heideteiche bei Osterfeld“ (MTB 4937/2) ist ein 66 ha großes Areal im Südosten des Burgenlandkreises und gehört zur Landschaftseinheit Zeitzer Buntsandsteinplateau (LAU 2000). Der mittlere Buntsandstein, überdeckt von dünnen Lößlehmschleiern, welche stellenweise von kiesigen Schichten durchbrochen werden, sowie der starke Tongehalt des Bodens bilden den geologischen Untergrund der Heideteichmulde (LEISSLING 1958). Umgeben von intensiv genutzten Ackerflächen war das Gebiet im vergangenen Jahrhundert großen Beeinträchtigungen durch die Landwirtschaft ausgesetzt. Schon Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts führte die Nutzung der oberen Grundwasserleiter zur Versorgung der Stadt Osterfeld (UNRUH 1998, LÖB 1999) und mit der späteren Speisung eines Schwimmbades zu einer Absenkung des Grundwassers und dem damit verbundenen Artenrückgang von Sumpf- und Wasserpflanzen. Die Wasserentnahme wurde in den 1950er Jahren eingestellt, das Gebiet im Mai 2001 endgültig als NSG unter Schutz gestellt, wobei mehrere Hektar im Rahmen von Ausgleichs- und Ersatzmaßnahmen aufgeforstete Ackerflächen als Pufferzone in das Gebiet integriert wurden. Die Kernzone – historisch als „Heidesumpf“ bekannt (SCHLIEPHACKE 1881) – bildet ein Flachmoor, verflochten mit Erlen- und Birkenbruchwald sowie Relikten einer Pfeifengraswiese. Insgesamt sieben Stillgewässer (Großer Heideteich, Kleine Heideteiche – Abb. 1), die im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert zur Fischzucht angelegt wurden, reihen sich von Ost nach West aneinander

    Poseidon 533/2 [POS533/2] Cruise Report, Las Palmas (Gran Canaria) 25. March - Ponta Delgada (Azores) 1. April 2019; POS 533/2 - Energy Transfer III

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    The Poseidon cruise POS533/2 was part of the observational program of the TRR181, an interdisciplinary research program of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The overarching aim of the TRR181 ‘Energy transfers in atmosphere and ocean’ is the energetically consistent representation of the oceanic and atmospheric energy cycles in climate models. After POS516 (2017) and POS523 (2018) the cruise POS533/2 was the third expedition to the area south of the Azores within the TRR181. Tidal forcing excites so-called internal tides at steep topography such as seamounts and the continental shelf. These internal tides have the form of underwater waves that may travel hundreds of kilometers across ocean basins. Along their paths, the waves lose their energy by a range of processes and interactions, but the how and where is mostly unknown. South of the Azores seamounts generate very energetic internal tides which radiate energy towards the Cap Verde Islands. During POS516 and POS523 we conducted a spatial survey to better understand the fluxes and dissipation of the internal tides. A mooring measuring time series of temperature and current velocities was redeployed at 30°29’N, 30°12’W during POS523 in May 2018. Its data will be used to study the temporal variability in the energy of the internal tides. With the successful retrieval of this mooring, the goal of POS533/2 was fully achieved

    A theoretical investigation of protein recruitment during the DNA damage response and of the dynamics of DNA replication

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    In this thesis, three interrelated theoretical investigations on the cell-biological topics of DNA double strand break response and DNA replication are presented. The first investigation is concerned with the recruitment of DNA double strand break response proteins to DNA damage sites. In the second, necessary conditions for the appearance of multiple steady states and oscillations in generic protein complex assembly networks are identified. Lastly in the third investigation, the mechanisms underlying the genome-scale organization of DNA replication are analyzed. It is known from experiment that the recruitment of the pathway-independent double strand break response protein NBS1 qualitatively changes its dynamics beyond a certain damage density, from damage density dependent to damage density independent. A minimal computer model of the recruitment of NBS1 (contained in the MRN complex) and several interacting proteins is developed and compared to experimental data. It becomes evident from the model that the change in dynamics can be interpreted a consequence of the shifting importance of two different MRN binding interactions. At low damage densities, binding in the wider damage site vicinity dominates, while at higher damage densities, binding directly to the damaged double strand ends becomes more important. Next, generic protein recruitment/protein complex assembly networks are investigated to find the prerequisites of complex dynamical effects such as multistability and oscillation. It is shown that if the networks are limited to association and dissociation reactions and if the protein numbers are conserved for the indivisible “elementary” proteins participating, then at least four such elementary protein species must be present for multistability or oscillations to appear. A rigorous mathematical proof is given that networks with only three elementary species cannot have multiple steady states. DNA replication in mammals and humans is qualitatively different from the well-understood replication process in simpler eukaryotes such as yeast. Reliable patterns exist in the organization of replication on the scale of chromosomes and chromosome segments, while the microscopic dynamics are known to be stochastic. A stochastic computer model is presented that incorporates the minimal set of model ingredients necessary to reproduce these dynamical properties. The ingredients are a fast-diffusing limiting factor, induced firing of origins depending on proximity to replication forks, a constant replication fork speed that is reduced during early S-phase and the initiation of replication in euchromatic DNA. Results are consistent with experimental data and the literature, making the model presented here one of the best-benchmarked replication models in existence. A combination of model results with a three-dimensional DNA conformation obtained from a Monte Carlo model shows that chromatin packing is a main cause of the microscopy patterns observed during mammalian DNA replication. The theoretical investigations presented in this thesis combine methods of physics and applied mathematics with problems from the field of cell-biology. Thus, due to this inherently interdisciplinary character, this thesis is of interest to a readership of both, physicists and biologists


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    Mineralische Rohstoffe sind eine wichtige Grundlage wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung. Im Unterschied zu anderen freiraumbezogenen Nutzungs- und Funktionsbereichen existiert keine Fachplanung zur Gewährleistung der Rohstoffversorgung, weswegen der Raumordnung eine hohe Bedeutung für die Rohstoffsicherung zukommt

    Hersteller-Direktverkaufszentrum in der Lüneburger Heide

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    Das Landes-Raumordnungsprogramm Niedersachsen (LROP) 2008 ermöglichte ausnahmsweise die Ansiedlung eines Hersteller-Direktverkaufszentrums in der Tourismusregion Lüneburger Heide. Durch eine verträgliche Kombination von touristischen Großprojekten und Einzelhandelsgroßprojekten sollte die touristische Entwicklung in der Lüneburger Heide gestärkt werden. Die Raumverträglichkeit des Vorhabens einschließlich einer genauen Festlegung des Standortes und einer raumverträglichen Sortimentsstruktur (maximal 10.000 m2 Verkaufsfläche) sollte in einem Raumordnungsverfahren für jeden geplanten Standort ermittelt werden. Eine der auffälligsten Besonderheiten im Verfahrensablauf bestand darin, dass die drei Raumordnungsverfahren für die FOC-Vorhaben in Bad Fallingbostel, Bispingen und Soltau zeitlich parallel von der obersten Landesplanungsbehörde durchgeführt wurden. Dies war bundesweit ein Novum. Der Abschluss der drei Verfahren erfolgte zeitgleich am 02.02.2009.The 2008 state spatial planning programme for Lower Saxony exceptionally provided for the development of a factory outlet centre in the tourist region of Lüneburger Heide. An appropriate combination of large-scale tourist projects and large-scale retail projects is intended to strengthen the development of tourism in the tourist region of Lüneburger Heide. The spatial compatibility of the project, including an exact stipulation of the location and an acceptable product range (a maximum of 10,000 m2 retail area), were to be investigated for every planned site in a spatial planning procedure. One of the most striking features of the procedural process is that the three spatial planning procedures for the factory outlet projects in Bad Fallingbostel, Bispingen and Soltau were conducted simultaneously by the highest state planning authorities. This was a first in Germany. The three procedures were concluded at the same time on 02.02.2009


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    Der Beitrag befasst sicht mit den begrifflichen Grundlagen und Kenngrößen des Einzelhandels sowie mit Entwicklungen, die anhand ausgewählter Betriebsformen des stationären Einzelhandels- und des Online-Handels beschrieben werden. Weiteren wird auf die räumlichen Auswirkungen des Einzelhandels und die raumordnerischen und städtebaulichen Planungs- und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten eingegangen. Diesbezüglich werden die bedeutsamen politischen und rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen auf europäischer, nationaler, föderaler und kommunaler Ebene dargestellt

    Mediated Deliberation in Deep Conflicts: How Might Deliberative Media Content Contribute to Social Integration Across Deep Divides?

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    Conflicts perceived by the media, either within or across national borders, are a staple of modern societies. These conflicts become especially challenging for societies that are divided along religious, ethnic, cultural or political lines. In the light of such deep conflicts, the contribution of mediated deliberation to social integration moves center stage. In this paper we discuss normative standards for mediated public communication deemed conducive to social integration in divided societies by deliberative theorists. We identify inclusiveness, responsiveness, mutual respect, and the display of group-bridging identities as the essential criteria. These criteria can be applied as yardsticks to assess the production, the content as well as the reception of media material in both mass media and social media. They therefore serve as an ideal point of departure for empirical work on the media’s role in social integration

    The Parametric Ordinal-Recursive Complexity of Post Embedding Problems

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    Post Embedding Problems are a family of decision problems based on the interaction of a rational relation with the subword embedding ordering, and are used in the literature to prove non multiply-recursive complexity lower bounds. We refine the construction of Chambart and Schnoebelen (LICS 2008) and prove parametric lower bounds depending on the size of the alphabet.Comment: 16 + vii page

    Observations of the low-mode internal tide and its interaction with mesoscale flow south of the Azores

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    Understanding the temporal variability of internal tides plays a crucial role in identifying sources and sinks of energy in the ocean. Using a 10-month-long time series from moored instruments inside a tidal beam south of the Azores, the magnitude and the underlying causes of temporal variability in the first two modes of the internal tide energy flux was studied. We analyzed changes of the direction and coherence of the energy flux, its modal structure, and the impact of two eddies. Semidiurnal energy fluxes were further compared with estimates from a 1/10° ocean global circulation model, as well as with fluxes derived from satellite altimetry. All energy fluxes correlate reasonably well in direction, deviations from its fixed phase relation to astronomical forcing, and modal composition while model and satellite underestimate the total energy flux. A pronounced damping of the in situ fluxes coincides with the passing of two eddies. In the presence of a surface-intensified eddy, the coherent part of the energy flux in the first two modes is lowered by more than 40, a subsurface eddy coincides with a decrease of the energy flux mainly in the second mode. These observations support the hypothesis that eddy interactions increase the incoherent part of the energy flux and transfer energy from low modes into higher modes, which can lead to increased local dissipation. It remains an open question how much of the energy converted from lower to higher modes results in local dissipation, a crucial part in creating energetically consistent ocean-climate models. © 2020. The Authors