35 research outputs found

    Effect of monotherapy with darunavir/ cobicistat on viral load and semen quality of HIV-1 patients

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    Many patients previously using darunavir/ritonavir (DRV/r) (800/100mg) have switched to darunavir/cobicistat (DRV/C) (800/150 mg) either as part of triple therapy (ART) or as monotherapy with DRV (mDRV). The latter approach continues to be used in some countries for patients receiving long-term treatment. However, to date, the behaviour of DRV/C in the seminal compartment has not been analysed. This study explores how the combination behaves in monotherapy, with respect to the control of viral load and seminal quality. To this end, we studied 20 patients who were treated with mDRV/C after previous treatment with mDRV/r for at least 24 weeks. A viral load control in seminal plasma similar to that published in the literature was observed after 24 weeks of treatment with mDRV/C (viral load positivity in 20% of patients). Similarly, semen quality was confirmed (70% normozoospermic) in patients treated with this formulation, as has previously been reported for ART and mDRV/r. The DRV levels measured in seminal plasma were above EC50, regardless of whether the seminal viral load was positive or negative. We conclude that this mDRV/C co-formulation behaves like mDRV/r in seminal plasma in terms of viral load control and semen quality

    Genetic diversity of HIV in seminal plasma remains higher than in blood after short-term antiretroviral therapy

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    Objective: To provide insight on viral kinetics and genetic diversity of HIV in seminal plasma at baseline and 1 month after initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART). Patients and methods: Blood and seminal samples from patients with newly diagnosed HIV were obtained before ART initiation (T0) and 1 month after ART initiation (T1). HIV env genetic diversity was studied using deep sequencing Nextera and V3 chemistry in a MiSeq Illumina platform. The number of viral quasispecies (5% cut-off) and Shannon Index were used to analyse diversity. Results: Forty-seven ART-naive patients were recruited between September 2016 and November 2018. At enrolment, the number of quasispecies in blood (median 4 (IQR 2-5)) was lower than in the seminal compartment (median 6, (IQR 4-8)) (p<0.01); the Shannon Index was also higher (p<0.001) in the seminal compartment than in blood (1.77 vs 0.64). At T1, for the 13 patients with detectable HIV in both blood/seminal plasma, viral diversity remained higher (p=0.139) in seminal plasma (median 2 (IQR 1-4.5)) than in blood (median 1 (IQR 1-1.5)) Integrase inhibitors (INI)-based regimens achieved higher levels of undetectability and led more frequently to lower variability (p<0.001) than protease inhibitors (PI) or non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI). Conclusion: We provide here further evidence of a larger genetic diversity in seminal plasma, both at diagnosis and short term after ART initiation. Our results strengthen previous findings on HIV diversity in seminal plasma. In addition, INIs decrease variability more rapidly than PI and NNRTI in both blood and seminal plasm

    Effect of Monotherapy with Darunavir/Ritonavir on Viral Load in Seminal Fluid, and Quality Parameters of Semen in HIV-1-Positive Patients

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    Patients with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) who receive antiretroviral therapy (ART) often achieve increased survival and improved quality of life. In this respect, monotherapy with darunavir/ritonavir (mDRV/r) can be a useful treatment strategy. This prospective study analyses the effect of mDRV/r on sperm quality and viral load in a group of 28 patients who had previously been given conventional ART and who had recorded a viral load 20 copies/ml), and that at V1, after mDRV/r treatment, this figure had fallen to 3%. The quality of seminal fluid was close to normal in 57% of patients at V0 and in 62% at V1. We conclude that, similar to ART, mDRV/r maintains HIV-1 viral load in most patients, and that there is no worsening in seminal fluid quality

    Is there LDL stability between two doses in patients using iPCSK9?

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    Introducción y objetivos: Los iPCSK9 han demostrado reducir en más de un 50% los niveles plasmáticos de cLDL. Sin embargo la estabilidad de los niveles LDL en el periodo interdosis nos plantea dudas. Analizamos si la reducción del cLDL es estable durante este periodo. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo descriptivo. Se incluyeron los pacientes tratados con iPCSK9 en un hospital de tercer nivel. Se agruparon a los pacientes según la fecha del control analítico respecto a la última dosis recibida, en los días 0-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12 y 13-15 tras la misma. Resultados: Se incluyeron 71 pacientes con una reducción de cLDL del 55,02% (p<0,001). En aquellos que se realizaron control analítico en los 3 primeros días se redujo 56,83% (p=0,003), alcanzando el 75,48% entre los días 4-6 (p<0,001), descendiendo a un 52,14% entre 7-9 días (p<0,001), alcanzando un 32,94% (p=0,021) a partir del día 13. Conclusiones: En nuestra cohorte hemos observado que la efectividad de los iPCSK9 no es estable durante el periodo interdosis, pero se requerirían estudios prospectivos con mayores extracciones sanguíneas para poder afirmar esta condición y su impacto clínico real.Introduction and objectives: IPCSK9 have been shown to reduce plasma LDL-C levels more than 50%. However, the stability of LDL levels in the interdose period raises questions. We analyze if the reduction of LDL-C is stable during this period. Material and methods: Retrospective descriptive study. All patients, of a tertiary hospital, treated with iPCSK9 were included. Patients were grouped according to the date of the analytical control respect the last dose received, on days 0-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12 and 13-15 after the inyection. Results: We included 71 patients with a LDL-C reduction of 55.02% (p <0.001). In those who performed analytical control in the first 3 days reduced 56.83% (p = 0.003), reaching 75.48% between days 4-6 (p <0.001), decreasing to 52.14% between 7-9 days (p <0.001), reaching 32.94% (p = 0.021) from day 13. Conclusions: In our cohort we have observed that the effectiveness of iPCSK9 is not stable during the interdose period, but prospective studies with mayor number of blood extractions would be required to be able to affirm this condition and its real clinical impact

    Modifications of hepatic fibrosis assessed by transient elastometry in patients with sustained virological response after treatment of hepatitis C in monoinfected (VHC) and coinfected patients(VHC – VIH)

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    Introducción: Se ha observado que los pacientes infectados por el virus de la hepatitis C (VHC), que ya han desarrollado un grado de fibrosis significativo, son capaces de disminuir ese grado de fibrosis, al alcanzar una respuesta viral sostenida (RVS) tras el tratamiento con interferón pegilado (PEG-IFN) y ribavirina (RBV). Objetivo: Evaluar la modificación de la fibrosis, medida por elastometría transitoria, al erradicar el VHC tanto en pacientes tratados con PEG-IFN y RBV, con Boceprevir/Telaprevir, como con agentes de acción directa (AAD) y determinar la asociación entre la variación de la fibrosis y el grado de fibrosis previo al tratamiento tanto en pacientes monoinfectados (VHC), como en coinfectados (VIH/VHC). Métodos: Estudio observacional prospectivo, en el que se estudiaron 50 pacientes y se evaluó su grado de fibrosis previo y posterior al tratamiento. Resultados: De los 62 pacientes, un 45,2% disminuyeron su fibrosis, con una media de descenso de 9,45kPa y un 45,2% disminuyeron al menos un estadio en la escala Metavir. Se observó una asociación entre un menor grado de fibrosis previo al tratamiento y un mayor descenso de la misma (p<0,001). Sin embargo no se observaron diferencias (p=0,713) entre la monoinfección y la coinfección con VIH; tampoco se detectó asociación significativa, entre los tres tipos de tratamientos y la modificación de la fibrosis (p=0,445). Conclusiones:En nuestro estudio, la consecución de la RVS en los pacientes con hepatitis crónica por VHC facilita la reducción de la fibrosis producida por la enfermedad, tanto en pacientes monoinfectados, como en coinfectados (VIH/VHC), independientemente del tratamiento usado.Introduction: It has been shown that patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV), who have already developed a significant degree of fibrosis, are able to reduce that degree of fibrosis by achieving a sustained virological response (SVR) after treatment with Pegylated interferon (PEG-IFN) and ribavirin (RBV). Objective: To evaluate the modification of fibrosis, measured by transient elastometry, after HCV eradication in patients treated with PEG-IFN and RBV, with Boceprevir / Telaprevir, and with direct acting agents (AAD) and to determine the association between the variation in fibrosis and the degree of pre-treatment fibrosis in both monoinfected (HCV) and coinfected (HIV / HCV) patients. Methods: This work is a prospective observational study. 50 patients were studied and their degree of fibrosis before and after treatment was evaluated. Results: 45.2% of patients decreased their fibrosis, with a mean decrease of 9.45kPa and 45.2% decreased at least one stage on the Metavir scale. There was an association between a lower degree of fibrosis before treatment and a greater decrease in fibrosis (p <0.001). However, no differences were observed between monoinfection and HIV coinfection (p = 0.713). No significant association was detected between the three types of treatments and the modification of fibrosis (p = 0.445). Conclusions: In our study, SVR in patients with chronic HCV hepatitis facilitates the reduction of fibrosis produced by the disease, both in monoinfected patients and in coinfected patients (HIV / HCV), regardless of the treatment used

    Response to direct acting agents against the hepatitis C virus in real life conditions.

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    Objetivos: La infección por el Virus de la Hepatitis C (VHC) es un problema de salud pública tanto a nivel mundial como en España. Los tratamientos utilizados en los años precedentes tenían una limitada eficacia que no superaba de media el 50% de éxitos. La introducción de los agentes de acción directa (AAD) libres de interferón ha cambiado la tasa de respuestas de forma significativa. Nuestros objetivos han sido comparar la tasa de respuestas a AAD en vida real de los diferentes genotipos del VHC, frente a los resultados obtenidos en los ensayos clínicos y estudios de cohortes, así como comparar la tasa de respuesta con AAD en monoinfectados por el VHC respecto a coinfectados por VIH en los mismos escenarios. Métodos: En 147 de pacientes, de los cuales eran monoinfectados 61 (25,2%) y coinfectados 86 (74,8%) que acudieron a consultas de la Unidad Enfermedades Infecciosas del Hospital Virgen de las Nieves de Granada, se evaluó el genotipo del VHC y grado de fibrosis previa al tratamiento con AAD. Resultados: En el estudio realizado se obtuvo una respuesta viral sostenida (RVS) a las 12 semanas de finalizar el tratamiento en 137 de ellos, lo que supone el 93.2%, siendo en los monoinfectados del 94,7% y en los coinfectados de 93%. Conclusiones: En las condiciones de uso en la vida real los AAD alcanzan tasas de respuesta viral sostenida (RVS) iguales a los ensayos clínicos tanto en el global de pacientes como en monoinfectados o coinfectados con el VIH. Estos mismos resultados se repiten al compararlos con los estudios de cohortes.Objectives: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a worldwide public health problem. The treatments used in previous years had a limited efficacy that did not reach 50% of success. The introduction of interferon-free direct acting agents (DAA) has significantly changed the response rate. Our objectives have been to compare the response rate to reallife DAA of the different HCV genotypes, versus the results obtained in clinical trials and cohort studies, as well as to compare the response rate with DAA in monoinfected by HCV respect to coinfected by HIV in the same circumstances. Methods: 147 patients, 61 (25.2%) monoinfected and 86 (74.8%) coinfected, who visited the Infectious Diseases Unit of the Virgen de las Nieves Hospital in Granada, were evaluated for HCV genotype and degree of fibrosis previous to treatment with DAA. Results: In the study, a sustained virologic response (SVR) was obtained 12 weeks after the end of treatment in 137 of them, representing 93.2%, 94% in monoinfected patients and 93% in coinfected patients. Conclusions: In real-life conditions, DAA achieve sustained virologic response rates (SVRs) equal to clinical trials both in the global patient population and in monoinfected or HIV coinfected patients. These same results are in concordance when compared with cohort studies

    Prevalence of bleeding secondary to anticoagulation and mortality in patients with atrial fibrillation admitted with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is common in patients admitted with severe COVID-19. However, there is limited data about the management of chronic anticoagulation therapy in these patients. We assessed the anticoagulation and incidence of major cardiovascular events in hospitalized patients with AF and COVID-19. We retrospectively investigated all consecutive patients with AF admitted with COVID-19 between March and May 2020 in 9 Spanish hospitals. We selected a control group of non-AF patients consecutively admitted with COVID-19. We compared baseline characteristics, incidence of major bleeding, thrombotic events and mortality. We used propensity score matching (PSM) to minimize potential confounding variables, as well as a multivariate analysis to predict major bleeding and death. 305 patients admitted with AF and COVID-19 were included. After PSM, 151 AF patients were matched with 151 control group patients. During admission, low-molecular-weight heparin was the principal anticoagulant and the incidence of major bleeding and mortality were higher in the AF group [16 (10.6%) vs 3 (2%), p=0.003; 52 (34.4%) vs 35 (23.2%), p=0.03, respectively]. The multivariate analysis showed the presence of AF as independent predictor of in-hospital major bleeding and mortality in COVID-19 patients. In AF group, a secondary multivariate analysis identified high levels of D-dimer as independent predictor of in-hospital major bleeding. AF patients admitted with COVID-19 represent a population at high risk for bleeding and mortality during admission. It seems advisable to individualize anticoagulation therapy during admission, considering patient specific bleeding and thrombotic risk.S

    Pasados y presente. Estudios para el profesor Ricardo García Cárcel

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    Ricardo García Cárcel (Requena, 1948) estudió Historia en Valencia bajo el magisterio de Joan Reglà, con quien formó parte del primer profesorado de historia moderna en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. En esta universidad, desde hace prácticamente cincuenta años, ha desarrollado una extraordinaria labor docente y de investigación marcada por un sagaz instinto histórico, que le ha convertido en pionero de casi todo lo que ha estudiado: las Germanías, la historia de la Cataluña moderna, la Inquisición, las culturas del Siglo de Oro, la Leyenda Negra, Felipe II, Felipe V, Austrias y Borbones, la guerra de la Independencia, la historia cultural, los mitos de la historia de España... Muy pocos tienen su capacidad para reflexionar, ordenar, analizar, conceptualizar y proponer una visión amplia y llena de matices sobre el pasado y las interpretaciones historiográficas. A su laboriosidad inimitable se añade una dedicación sin límites en el asesoramiento de alumnos e investigadores e impulsando revistas, dosieres, seminarios o publicaciones colectivas. Una mínima correspondencia a su generosidad lo constituye este volumen a manera de ineludible agradecimiento