287 research outputs found

    Propane-1,3-diyl bis­(pyridine-4-carboxyl­ate)

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    The title compound. C15H14N2O4, (I), has a gauche–gauche (O/C/C/C—O/C/C/C or GG) conformation and is a positional isomer of propane-1,3-diyl bis­(pyridine-3-carboxyl­ate), (II). The mol­ecule of (I) lies on a twofold rotation axis, which passes through the central C atom of the aliphatic chain, giving one half-mol­ecule per asymmetric unit. There is excellent agreement of the geometric parameters of (I) and (II). The most obvious differences between them are the O/C/C/C—O/C/C/C torsion angles [56.6 (2)° in (I) and 174.0 (3)/70.2 (3)° in (II) for GG and TG conformations, respectively] and the dihedral angle between the planes of the aromatic rings [80.3 (10)° in (I) and 76.5 (3)° in (II)]. The crystal structure is stabilized by weak C—H ... N and C—H ... O hydrogen bonding

    Uso en quemaduras de bromelina, un complejo enzimático obtenido de Ananas Comosus

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    Las enzimas proteolíticas vegetales desempeñan un papel decisivo en muchos procesos, tanto biológicos, como fisiológicos a lo largo del ciclo de vida de la planta. Una de las especies rica en este tipo de enzimas es Ananas comosus, proporcionándole numerosas propiedades a la especie botánica que favorecen su uso a nivel culinario, medicinal y en la industria farmacéutica. Estas enzimas se encuentran en un extracto acuoso presente en el tallo y/o fruto de la piña conocido como Bromelina y concretamente el extracto acuoso extraído del tallo presenta propiedades muy interesantes para el ámbito farmacéutico, donde destacamos su aplicación tópica en quemaduras, donde ejerce un papel como desbridante, eliminando el tejido dañado o necrótico. La aprobación en 2014 por la AEMPS de un medicamento huérfano llamado NexoBrid®, basado en un concentrado de enzimas proteolíticas enriquecido en Bromelina, demuestra el potencial clínico de Bromelina en quemaduras, ya que actualmente se está empezando a emplear como posible alternativa al desbridamiento quirúrgico en el tratamiento de ciertas quemaduras. El objetivo general de este trabajo es investigar el uso tópico de Bromelina en quemaduras, analizando su eficacia y seguridad como agente desbridante, así como las ventajas e inconvenientes frente a otros tratamientos similares, y de manera más específica, recopilar y analizar la información existente, sobre la utilidad clínica y la seguridad de NexoBrid®. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una búsqueda bibliográfica en las principales bases de datos biomédicas sobre los estudios más destacados que evaluasen la efectividad y seguridad de NexoBrid® en quemaduras, acotando dicha búsqueda a los últimos 5 años. Tras introducir las palabras clave en las bases de datos y aplicar los criterios de inclusión y de exclusión, se seleccionaron finalmente 10 artículos para su estudio. Según los artículos revisados, se concluye que NexoBrid® ha demostrado ser un medicamento seguro y eficaz en quemaduras de origen térmico, profundas, de segundo (espesor parcial), de tercer grado (espesor total) y mixtas, presentando una serie de ventajas potenciales frente al desbridamiento quirúrgico, confirmando los beneficios de este producto natural. De esta manera, demuestra ser una posible alternativa al desbridamiento convencional empleado en este tipo de quemaduras.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Farmaci

    (−)-Istanbulin A

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    The title compound (systematic name: 9a-hydr­oxy-3,4a,5-trimethyl-4a,6,7,8a,9,9a-hexa­hydro-4H,5H-naphtho[2,3-b]furan-2,8-dione), C15H20O4, is a sesquiterpene lactone showing the typical eremophilanolide skeleton, which has been isolated from the plant Senecio candidans collected in the Chilean Magallanes region. The present study confirms the atomic connectivity assigned on the basis of 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, as well as the relative stereochemistry of the 4α-methyl,5α-methyl,8β-hydr­oxy,10β-H unit. The crystal structure is stabilized by inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds involving the hydr­oxy group as donor and the oxo group as acceptor, giving chains along the a axis. The absolute structure was not determined because of the lack of suitable anomalous scatters

    Safe and private pedestrian detection by a low-cost fiber-optic specklegram

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    Surveillance is becoming more and more important in the recent years. In many cities, cameras have been set to look after parks, streets, roads, facilities and so on, however this fact is rising concerns about privacy. In this work, an alternative surveillance method which gather at once security and privacy has been propose and tested. Based on fiber optic specklegram technology; a system consisting of a fiber optic, a coherent light source and a photodetector has been placed under a carpet for detecting people walking over it and its accuracy, regarding measuring the steps, have been measured. Results suggest that using low exposed geometries along the carpet and basic processing methods, it is possible to detect with more than 95% of accuracy the number of steps done by the person walking over the carpet.This work has been supported by the projects TEC2013-47264-C2-1-R and TEC2016-76021-C2-2-R of the Spanish government and by a Parliament of Cantabria postdoc grant

    4-[3-(Isonicotino­yloxy)propoxycarbon­yl]pyridinium diiodidoargentate(I)

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    The structure of the title compound, (C15H15N2O4)[AgI2], consists of an organic 4-[3-(isonicotino­yloxy)propoxycarbon­yl]pyridinium cation which has a gauche–gauche (O/C/C/C—O/C/C/C or GG’) conformation and lies on a twofold rotation axis, which passes through the central C atom of the aliphatic chain, and an inorganic [AgI2]− anion. In the complex anion, the Ag+ cation is bound to two I− anions in a linear geometry. The anion was modelled assuming disorder around a crystallographic inversion centre near the location of the Ag+ cation. The crystal packing is stabilized by a strong inter­molecular N—H⋯N hydrogen bond, which links the cations into zigzag chains with graph-set notation C(16) running along the face diagonal of the ac plane. The N-bound H atom is disordered over two equally occupied symmetry-equivalent sites, so that the mol­ecule has a pyridinium ring at one end and a pyridine ring at the other


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    There are two independent mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit of the title compound, C19H24S2. In both mol­ecules, the aliphatic segment of the ligand is in an all-trans conformation: the –S–(CH2)5–S–bridging chain is almost planar (r.m.s. deviation for all non-H atoms = 0.0393 and 0.0796 Å in the two mol­ecules) and maximally extended. Their mean planes form dihedral angles of 4.08 (6)/20.47 (6) and 2.22 (6)/58.19 (6)° with the aromatic rings in the two mol­ecules. The crystal packing is purely governed by weak inter­molecular forces

    A monoclinic modification of propane-1,3-diyl bis­(pyridine-3-carboxyl­ate)

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    In the title compound, C15H14N2O4, (I), the mol­ecule lies on a twofold rotation axis which passes through the central C atom of the aliphatic chain, giving one half-mol­ecule per asymmetric unit. The structure is a monoclinic polymorph of the triclinic structure previously reported [Brito, Vallejos, Bolte & López-Rodríguez (2010). Acta Cryst. E66, o792], (II). The most obvious difference between them is the O/C/C/C—O/C/C/C torsion angle [58.2 (7)° in (I) and 173.4 (3)/70.2 (3)° in (II) for GG and TG conformations, respectively]. Another important difference is observed in the dihedral angle between the planes of the aromatic rings [86.49 (7)° for (I) and 76.4 (3)° for (II)]. The crystal structure features a weak π–π inter­action [centroid–centroid distance = 4.1397 (10)Å]; this latter kind of inter­action is not evident in the triclinic polymorph


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    In title compound, C12H9IN2O2S, the nitro group is rotated slightly, by 8.91 (3)°, out of the plane of the aromatic ring to which it is bonded. Between the two aromatic rings the CSN plane is at a dihedral angle of 84.0 (7)° to the HNC plane. Mol­ecules are linked by C—H⋯O inter­actions into a double helical supra­molecular architecture. There are no iodo–nitro, π–π or C—H⋯π(arene) inter­actions

    Dimethyl 2,2′-[butane-1,4-diylbis(sul­fanediyl)]dibenzoate

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    The title compound, C20H22O4S2, was synthesized by the reaction of 1,4-dibromo­butene with methyl thio­salicylate. The aliphatic segment of this ligand is in an all-trans conformation. The bridging chain, –S-(CH2)4-S–, is almost planar (r.m.s. deviation for all non-H atoms: 0.056 Å) and its mean plane forms dihedral angles of 16.60 (7) and 5.80 (2)° with the aromatic rings. In the crystal, the mol­ecules are linked by weak C—H⋯O inter­actions into chains with graph-set notation C(14) along [0 0 1]. The crystal studied was a racemic twin, the ratio of the twin components being 0.27 (9):0.73 (9)


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    The title compound, (I) C28H24N4O4, is the trans diastereo­isomer of the compound 1-[2-(4-nitro­phen­yl)-6-(5-phenyl-3-isoxazol­yl)-1,2,3,4-tetra­hydro-4-quinolin­yl]-2-pyrrolidinone monohydrate, (II) [Gutierrez et al. (2011 ▶). Acta Cryst. E67, o175–o176]. The most obvious differences between the diastereo­isomers are the dihedral angles between the isoxazole ring and the benzene and phenyl rings [47.0 (2); 56.4 (2) and 33.3 (2); 11.0 (2)°, respectively, for (II) 75.4 (2) and 5.8 (3), respectively, for (I)]. In the crystal of (I), the mol­ecules are linked by N—H⋯O inter­actions into a chain along [001] with graph-set notation C(8)