107 research outputs found

    Mono, mixed or multiple strategy approach: a descriptive study of the latest published articles in the International Journal of Project Management

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    To develop a valid and credible research project, it is essential to define in detail the research design. It will have a meaningful strategy to answer the research question. While some researchers suggest that there might be some benefits in adopting multiple and mixed strategy approach for conducting the research, some tend to stick to mono-methods. This article tackles a descriptive study that identifies the research strategies followed by top ranked researches, by reviewing the last two years of publications of the International Journal of Project Management, the leading journal for the field of project management and organization studies. The results suggest that most researchers stick to mono-methods, predominantly with qualitative techniques. Also, there is a higher trend to use case study strategies in the field

    La integración de los enfoques de Inteligencia para la promoción del desarrollo de ventajas competitivas científicas, tecnológicas e innovadoras en el Sector Vasco de Automoción.

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    Los capítulos 4, 5 y 8 están sujetos a confidencialidad por el autor 297 p.Los desafíos tecnológicos, económicos y sociales en que viven actualmente las organizaciones han puesto de manifiesto que, para ser competitivas, deben pasar de una posición reactiva a una posición proactiva, con capacidad para innovar y adaptarse ágilmente a las singularidades que puedan suscitarse, haciendo uso inteligente de los datos, información y conocimientos en todas sus áreas.Para dar respuesta a estos desafíos, las organizaciones buscan desarrollar e implementar modelos de inteligencia que recopilen, analicen, interpreten y diseminen datos e información de alto valor añadido para su uso en la definición y ejecución de su estrategia, así como en los procesos de toma de decisiones.En este sentido, el concepto de inteligencia, originalmente ligado a los ámbitos militar, seguridad, político, económico y comercial, y entendido como la capacidad para aprovechar los recursos internos y externos para la definición de estrategias ha pasado al ámbito organizacional, con el fin último de dotar a todos los agentes de una serie de capacidades que de otra forma no sería posible. Sin embargo, en ese proceso de migración, el concepto de inteligencia ha ido evolucionando, especializándose y encasillándose, de tal forma que ha dado lugar a distintos enfoques, que en esencia comparten objetivos pero que en aplicación se han ido solapando.Atendiendo a esta situación, esta investigación guarda dentro sus objetivos establecer las bases para la definición de los principales enfoques de inteligencia relacionados con las organizaciones, a través del análisis de sus estructuras intelectuales, evolución, principales líneas de investigación y desarrollo, autores, publicaciones y organizaciones relevantes, entre otros aspectos. Para ello, se ha recurrido a la utilización de técnicas y herramientas bibliométricas, que han permitido evaluar y analizar las publicaciones relacionadas con esta disciplina, así como medir su impacto y calidad en el desarrollo de esta. Además, para dotar de una visión de contraste, se ha seleccionado el sector de automoción, como caso de uso, atendiendo a su efecto tractor y relevancia en el desarrollo económico y social, a través de la realización de entrevistas y encuestas en las que se evalúa el uso de la Inteligencia en toda la cadena de valor.Por último, tomando en cuenta las estructuras intelectuales, se propone el Modelo de Inteligencia STRIM (Strategic Intelligence Model), que hace de marco para la integración de los enfoques de Inteligencia Competitiva, Inteligencia Tecnológica, Inteligencia de Mercado, Inteligencia Organizacional, Inteligencia de Negocio e Inteligencia Estratégica, de manera sencilla y práctica, pensando en las necesidades de las organizaciones y su interés por explotar al máximo los beneficios que tienen los datos, información y conocimientos

    La integración de los enfoques de inteligencia para la promoción del desarrollo de ventajas competitivas científicas, tecnológicas e innovadoras en el sector vasco de automoción

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    In the knowledge economy era, information has become the main asset of organizations, regardless of their typology. In response to this scenario, organizations have opted for the active application of intelligence models based on knowledge of the cultural, social, political, business and technological environment from a holistic, dynamic and flexible point of view. This has favored the emergence of new approaches to Intelligence, which like the more traditional approaches, seek to collect, analyze, interpret and disseminate high value data and information at the right time for use in decision-making processes. However, this does not mean that organizations should assume that more traditional intelligence strategies continue to be viable, on the contrary, the "new rules of the game" are currently being defined and therefore we face completely radical changes. In this sense, it is necessary to review the origins of the concept of intelligence to capture the essence, analyze its evolution and consider trends, with the aim of rethinking and redesigning the concept of Intelligence from an integrative approach, regardless of the nuance or scope of application that our organizations are using. The idea of having a single framework of Intelligence adapted to the reality of the organizations will bring with it a greater diffusion of this discipline and a series of advantages for the organizations themselves. In order to achieve this, a detailed analysis of all existing publications in the literature is proposed through tools specialized in the treatment of large amounts of information. From this analysis, we will obtain the current picture of the concept of intelligence, its main lines of work and research, as well as short/medium term trends

    La integración de los enfoques de inteligencia para la promoción del desarrollo de ventajas competitivas científicas, tecnológicas e innovadoras en el sector vasco de automoción

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    In the knowledge economy era, information has become the main asset of organizations, regardless of their typology. In response to this scenario, organizations have opted for the active application of intelligence models based on knowledge of the cultural, social, political, business and technological environment from a holistic, dynamic and flexible point of view. This has favored the emergence of new approaches to Intelligence, which like the more traditional approaches, seek to collect, analyze, interpret and disseminate high value data and information at the right time for use in decision-making processes. However, this does not mean that organizations should assume that more traditional intelligence strategies continue to be viable, on the contrary, the "new rules of the game" are currently being defined and therefore we face completely radical changes. In this sense, it is necessary to review the origins of the concept of intelligence to capture the essence, analyze its evolution and consider trends, with the aim of rethinking and redesigning the concept of Intelligence from an integrative approach, regardless of the nuance or scope of application that our organizations are using. The idea of having a single framework of Intelligence adapted to the reality of the organizations will bring with it a greater diffusion of this discipline and a series of advantages for the organizations themselves. In order to achieve this, a detailed analysis of all existing publications in the literature is proposed through tools specialized in the treatment of large amounts of information. From this analysis, we will obtain the current picture of the concept of intelligence, its main lines of work and research, as well as short/medium term trends

    Bibliometric analysis of worldwide scientific literature in Project Management Techniques and Tools over the past 50 years: 1967-2017

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    The Project Management (PM) is being seen as a core activity in business, science, education or any field in which the realization of a set of interrelated tasks has to be achieve over a fixed period and within certain cost and other limitations. PM aims to apply knowledge, skills and techniques and tools to deploy and implement projects effectively and efficiently. PM is a strategic competency for organizations; the professionals involved in this area of knowledge are seeking to develop a culture of result orientation, of effective decision-making and of collaboration through the use of PM Techniques and Tools. In this respect, bibliometric reviews and analysis are developed to evaluate the performance and evolution of the authors and publications that are directly related to the Techniques and Tools of PM. It can also enable the recognition of new and trustworthy Techniques and Tools relevant to the Project Manager

    The last five years of Big Data Research in Economics, Econometrics and Finance: Identification and conceptual analysis

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    Today, the Big Data term has a multidimensional approach where five main characteristics stand out: volume, velocity, veracity, value and variety. It has changed from being an emerging theme to a growing research area. In this respect, this study analyses the literature on Big Data in the Economics, Econometrics and Finance field. To do that, 1.034 publications from 2015 to 2019 were evaluated using SciMAT as a bibliometric and network analysis software. SciMAT offers a complete approach of the field and evaluates the most cited and productive authors, countries and subject areas related to Big Data. Lastly, a science map is performed to understand the intellectual structure and the main research lines (themes)

    Research overview of hydrogen production from biomass: A bibliometric analysis of the research published during the 1979-2019 period

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual analysis of hydrogen production from biomass research in literature by quantifying the main bibliometric performance indicators, identifying the main authors, countries, journals and research areas and evaluating the intellectual structure and evolution of the field using SciMAT as a bibliometric analysis software. In this way, the methodology implemented in this research encompasses both the bibliometric performance analysis and science mapping approaches of biomass-based hydrogen production research themes. The bibliometric performance analysis is centered on the citation-based impact of the scientific output, while science mapping illustrates the evolution of the research themes that build the field through the use of bibliometric network analysis techniques. The publications related to biomass-based hydrogen production research available at Scopus have been compiled between 1979 and 2019 (876 publications). Finally, the paper provides objective evidence of the evolution of the hydrogen production from biomass field, which confirms the interest that researchers have in this theme to develop new capabilities. Finally, it offers a framework to support researchers evaluating the field and, finally, to assist them in the development and direction of their future analysis identifying trends in terms of research

    Las competencias profesionales en las revistas científicas de Dirección de Proyectos

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    Project Management has become a core activity for organizations and profes-sionals, independently of their area of expertise. Bearing in mind that the objec-tive of Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills and techniques to implement, manage and develop projects effectively and efficiently. It is nec-essary for organizations and professionals to develop a results-oriented culture, effective decision-making and collaboration through the development of profes-sional skills associated with its. To this purpose, there are different competency development models, including the ICB 4.0 model of the International Project Management Association (IPMA). In this way, this research proposes a biblio-metric analysis of the main scientific journals within Project Management field, in order to know the main research lines and see how these are related to the ICB 4.0 model. To do that, a bibliometric techniques and tools have been used to analyze and visualize the intellectual structure of the scientific journals of project man-agement

    Visualizing and mapping the project management research areas within the International Journal of Project Management: A bibliometric analysis from 1983 to 2018

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    The Project Management (PM) discipline has remained unchanged over decades, but the practice of this discipline has changed greatly in the last years. Bearing in mind that the PM as become a core activity for organizations and professionals, independently of their area of expertise, it is necessary to develop professional competencies for new project managers. In this way, there are different competency development models, including the ICB 4.0 model of the International Project Management Association (IPMA). Taking this into account, the current research conducts an intellectual and bibliometric analysis of the International Journal of Project Management (IJPM) from 1983 to 2018, in order to know the main research themes and see how these are related to the project management competencies. Finally, it provides a framework to support project managers in the development and direction of future researches identifying emerging, transversal, core and declining themes

    Global trends in coronavirus research at the time of Covid-19: A general bibliometric approach and content analysis using SciMAT

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    Covid-19 represents the greatest challenge facing mankind today. In December 2019, several cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology were reported from China. This coronavirus infection subsequently identified as Covid-19 aroused worldwide concern. As a result, the scientific community has focused attention on Covid-19, as revealed by recent research reported in literature based on a holistic approach. In this regard, this study conducts a bibliometric analysis of coronavirus research in the literature with an emphasis on Covid-19 disease, using as a reference the publications in the Web of Science Core Collection from 1970 to 2020. This research analyzes 12,571 publications from 1970 to (April 18) 2020 by applying advanced bibliometric techniques in SciMAT bibliometric analysis software. The current research therefore provides a complete conceptual analysis of the main coronavirus types and strains in the literature by quantifying the main bibliometric performance indicators, identifying the main authors, organizations, countries, sources, and research areas, and evaluating the development of this field. Furthermore, a science map is constructed to understand the corresponding intellectual structure and main research lines (themes). SciMAT thereby offers a complete approach to the field and evaluates the main performance indicators related to coronavirus, with a focus on Covid-19. Finally, this research serves as a framework to strengthen existing research lines and develop new ones, establishing synergistic relationships that were not visible without the maps generated herein