5 research outputs found

    Synchronous unilateral parotid neoplasms. : a case report

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    The parotid gland is the most usual location of benign neoplasms affecting major salivary glands and quite often the recurrence of these tumours is noticed, specially in the case of pleomorphic adenoma. The occurrence of multiple tumours in the parotid glands is rare and the majority of these are multifocal Warthin`s tumors (papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum). The simultaneous development of tumours with different histological types is unusual and when it occurs, the most common combination is a pleomorphic adenoma and a Warthin`s tumor. There are many articles about Multiple Parotid Tumors (MPT) but only a few of them are focused on unilateral synchronous benings tumors, being pleomorphic adenoma and Warthin´s these tumors. The report describes a 55 year old female with a pleomorphic adenoma occurring synchronously with a Warthin`s tumor within the superficial lobe of her left parotid gland

    A software system to teach economics to secondary school and first year engineering students

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    [EN] In this paper, we present a graphical user interface which has been devised to teach the basic concepts of economics in secondary schools and first year engineering courses. The application allows students to vary certain parameters and visually observe the effect on the supply and demand curves. The system has been developed in Matlab and employed in a secondary school in Spain. The first results are presented.[ES] Presentamos una interfaz gráfica desarrollada mediante Matlab diseñada para complementar el aprendizaje de los conceptos básicos de economía en Bachillerato, grado superior de ciclos formativos y cursos universitarios de introducción a la economía. La aplicación informática permite que los estudiantes varíen los parámetros de los que dependen las curvas de oferta y demanda, y visualicen el efecto sobre el equilibrio de mercado de estas variaciones. Se presentan los resultados de una primera experiencia de aplicación del programa en enseñanza secundaria en España.García-March, M.; Zacarés, M.; Isidro, J.; Monreal, L.; López-Javier, C.; Arevalillo-Herráez, M. (2009). A software system to teach economics to secondary school and first year engineering students. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 2:105-113. doi:10.4995/msel.2009.3126SWORD105113

    Teaching classical mechanics using an applied example: Modelling and Software

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    [EN] We present our experience in using a common mechanism in engineering, such as a slider-crank, to explain classical mechanics in physics and engineering degrees. We also present a graphical user interface that permits the student to visualize the results of different simulations varying the conditions of the numerical experiment.[ES] Presentamos la experiencia docente obtenida al utilizar un mecanismo muy común en ingeniería, como el mecanismo biela-manivela-deslizadera, como un ejemplo práctico en la asignatura ”mecánica clásica” que se imparte en los grados de física e ingeniería. También presentamos una interfaz gráfica que permite al estudiante visualizar los resultados obtenidos al simular en el ordenador el movimiento de dicho mecanismo variando las condiciones en las que se realiza el experimento numérico.García-March, M.; Isidro, J.; Zacarés, M.; Arevalillo, M.; González-Santander, J.; Monreal, L.; López-Javier, C. (2009). Teaching classical mechanics using an applied example: Modelling and Software. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 2:35-43. doi:10.4995/msel.2009.3116SWORD35432H.Goldstein, Mecánica Clásica. Ed. Reverté, Barcelona, (1987). C.Lanczos, The variational principles of mechanics. Dover, New York, (1986).M.A. García-March, I. Orquín, P. Fernández de Córdoba, A. Montero, J. Urchueguía, M.H. Giménez y J.A. Monsoriu, Formulación Lagrangiana del Sistema Biela-Manivela- Deslizadera. Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica. Revista de la Asociación Espa-ola de Ingeniería Mecánica. 2 1077-1086 (2004)

    Adherence to the Mediterranean Lifestyle and Desired Body Weight Loss in a Mediterranean Adult Population with Overweight: A PREDIMED-Plus Study

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    Background. Body weight dissatisfaction is a hindrance to following a healthy lifestyle and it has been associated with weight concerns. Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the association between the adherence to the Mediterranean lifestyle (diet and exercise) and the desired body weight loss in an adult Mediterranean population with overweight. Methods. Cross-sectional analysis in 6355 participants (3268 men; 3087 women) with metabolic syndrome and BMI (Body mass index) between 27.0 and 40.0 kg/m2 (55–75 years old) from the PREDIMED-Plus trial. Desired weight loss was the percentage of weight that participants wished to lose. It was categorized into four cut-offs of this percentage (Q1: <10%, n = 1495; Q2: 10–15%, n = 1804; Q3: <15–20%, n = 1470; Q4: ≥20%, n = 1589)

    Adherence to the Mediterranean Lifestyle and Desired Body Weight Loss in a Mediterranean Adult Population with Overweight: A PREDIMED-Plus Study

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    Background. Body weight dissatisfaction is a hindrance to following a healthy lifestyle and it has been associated with weight concerns. Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the association between the adherence to the Mediterranean lifestyle (diet and exercise) and the desired body weight loss in an adult Mediterranean population with overweight. Methods. Cross-sectional analysis in 6355 participants (3268 men; 3087 women) with metabolic syndrome and BMI (Body mass index) between 27.0 and 40.0 kg/m2 (55–75 years old) from the PREDIMED-Plus trial. Desired weight loss was the percentage of weight that participants wished to lose. It was categorized into four cut-offs of this percentage (Q1: <10%, n = 1495; Q2: 10–15%, n = 1804; Q3: <15–20%, n = 1470; Q4: ≥20%, n = 1589)