14 research outputs found

    Creaci贸n de espacio fiscal para reducir la pobreza: Revisi贸n del gasto p煤blico de Ecuador: Volumen 1. Informe

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    Creaci贸n de espacio fiscal para reducir la pobreza provee un diagn贸stico de la pol铆tica fiscal de Ecuador y analiza la estructura y el funcionamiento del gasto p煤blico a fin de identificar reformas que permitan una gesti贸n m谩s eficiente y sostenible. El desaf铆o principal de las autoridades ecuatorianas es preservar una sana posici贸n fiscal y mejorar al mismo tiempo los indicadores sociales positivos. Este libro es una herramienta 煤til para dise帽ar y ejecutar una estrategia que cumpla con el objetivo de reducir la pobreza

    What Do We Know about Growth Patterns in Pakistan?

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    This paper explores stylized facts of Pakistan's growth patterns. It identifies the short-lived predominant character of its increasingly scarce growth accelerations, the average volatility of the growth rate by international standards, the high but decreasing correlation between overall growth and agricultural growth, the long term decline of its growth (potential) rate to around 4.5 percent, well below the 6 percent rate of the 1960s or from the 7 percent rate required for absorbing the young labor force. It also explores the dramatically steady fall in productivity during the 2000s (measured by Total Factor Productivity) and, to a lesser extent, capital accumulation as main reasons of such decline. The paper analyzes the role factor accumulation plays in long-term labor reallocation across sectors, with industry stalling, agriculture still playing a major role that goes beyond its own contribution to GDP, and services playing an increasing role in creating employment, but on low productivity jobs. Growth acceleration is not assured and Pakistan will need to create more jobs moving from agriculture to industry and services in activities where productivity is higher, but to do this, curbing the factors that constraint growth overall and sectoral and Total Factor Productivity in particular will be essential

    Creating Fiscal Space for Poverty Reduction in Ecuador: A Fiscal Management and Public Expenditure Review

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    The last Public Expenditure Review for Ecuador (PER) was produced in 1993. More than a decade later, the purpose of this report is to provide the Ecuadorian authorities with the World Bank's and Inter-American Development Bank's joint comprehensive account of their diagnoses and recommendations in the area of fiscal management and public expenditure. This report consists of two volumes. This first volume examines whether, and how, the core goals of public expenditure management, i.e., balanced fiscal aggregates, resource allocations to strategic sectors, and equity and microeconomic efficiency of public spending are met in Ecuador. Volume II presents sector studies on fiscal sustainability, the fiscal rules, education, health, pensions, the results of a national teachers' tracking survey, water and sanitation, electricity, telecommunications and oil.

    Algeria: Selected Issues Paper

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    Ecuador: La creaci贸n de espacio fiscal para la reducci贸n de la pobreza: Revisi贸n del gasto p煤blico y de la gesti贸n fiscal: Volumen 2. Documentos de antecedentes

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    El presente informe tiene por objeto proporcionar a las autoridades ecuatorianas, en forma conjunta e integral, los diagn贸sticos y las recomendaciones de pol铆tica del Banco Mundial y del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo en las 谩reas de gesti贸n fiscal y del gasto p煤blico. En este segundo volumen se presentan estudios sectoriales sobre los temas relacionados con la sostenibilidad fiscal, las normas fiscales, la educaci贸n, la salud, los sistemas de pensiones, los resultados de una encuesta nacional de seguimiento de la asistencia de los maestros a las escuelas, el agua potable y el saneamiento, la electricidad, las telecomunicaciones y el petr贸leo