15 research outputs found

    FICARAM-15 Cruise Report 20th March – 22nd May 2013 on board BIO Hespérides by the Group FICARAM

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    54 páginas, 19 figuras, 3 anexosThe FICARAM-15 is the fifteenth repetition of a section conducted in 1994. This section is part of the international program GOSHIP (http://www.go-ship.org/CruisePlans.html) to develop a globally coordinated network of sustained hydrographic sections as part of the global ocean/climate observing system. The objective of the FICARAM-15 cruise is to investigate the temporal evolution of the anthropogenic carbon and evaluate the CO2 absorption capacity of the South Atlantic region, the Equatorial zone, and the subtropical region of Azores-Gibraltar in the North Atlantic. This cruise is supported by the CATARINA project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CTM2010-17141) and is part of the European Union FP7 project CARBOCHANGE (http://carbochange.b.uib.no/). The objective of FICARAM-15 cruise is framed in the CATARINA project conducted by the tasks I.2.1 (air-sea CO2 exchange) I.3 (ventilation of water masses), I.4.1 (zonal variability of N2O and CH4), I.4.2 (anthropogenic carbon storage), I.4.4 (saturation horizon of calcium carbonate along the section) and I.5.4 (evolution of the acidification rates). Another component of the FICARAM-15 cruise aims to examine the biological and biogeochemical mechanisms that hinder total dissolved organic carbon (DOC) remineralisation in marine systems, taking a multidisciplinary perspective and applying many different approaches. This is the global objective of the Spanish project DOREMI (CTM2012-34294) that joins this FICARAM-15 cruise.During the FICARAM cruise the physical oceanography group was responsible for collecting the following data sets: CTD and XBT data; vessel-mounted ADCP and lowered ADCP; continuous thermosalinograph. Physical oceanographers participated in the cruise financed through Project “Tipping Corners in the Meridional Overturning Circulation” (TIC-MOC), CTM2011-28867. The FICARAM-15 cruise was organized in two phases with a common sampling. LEG 1: From Punta Arenas (Chile) to Recife (Brazil): 62 stations. Chief Scientist: Aida F. Ríos, PI of CATARINA project LEG 2: From Recife (Brazil) to Cartagena (Spain): 46 stations Chief Scientist: Celia Marrasé, PI of DOREMI project This report contains the sampling of all the variables at each station along the FICARAM section, as well as the analysis of the biogeochemical variables and the preliminary results. The principal investigator of the DOREMI project produced another report with the common sampling section, showing the analysis and results of the experiments on dissolved organic matter carried out on board.This cruise is supported by the CATARINA project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CTM2010-17141) and is part of the European Union FP7 project CARBOCHANGE (http://carbochange.b.uib.no/)Peer reviewe

    Fostering Open Science to Research using a Taxonomy and an eLearning Portal

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    The term "Open Science" is recently widely used, but it is still unclear to many research stakeholders - funders, policy makers, researchers, administrators, librarians and repository managers - how Open Science can be achieved. FOSTER (Facilitate Open Science Training for European Research) is a European Commission funded project, which is developing an e-learning portal to support the training of a wide range of stakeholders in Open Science and related areas. In 2014 the FOSTER project co-funded 28 training activities in Open Science, which include more than 110 events, while in 2015 the project has supported 24 community training events in 18 countries. In this paper, we describe the FOSTER approach in structuring the Open Science domain for educational purposes, present the functionality of the FOSTER training portal and discuss its use and potential for training the key stakeholders using self-learning and blended-learning methods

    Data journals: Emergence of new journals specializing in data

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    Two major facts: the huge increase in the amount of data that scientists produce, and the pressure for transparency and economic efficiency of public budgets, have caused that a good data management has become much more important. A compilation and an analysis of some data journals journals specializing in data- is presented. Their origins, evolution and characteristics are described. Finally, a reflection is done on the role that data journals can play in the scientific communication ecosystem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Revistas que aceptan datos. Metaanálisis del método y disciplinas

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    Trabajo presentado a la 6ª Conferencia Internacional sobre revistas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, celebrada en Barcelona (España) del 5 al 6 de mayo de 2016.-- et al.Scientists continuously generate research data but only a few of them are published. Si esos datos fueran accesibles y reusables, los científicos podrían utilizarlos y generar nuevo conocimiento. Existen cuatro vías para publicar los datos: – En repositorios específicos; – En las webs del propio autor o grupo de investigación; – En revistas de datos; – Como material suplementario de los artículos en las revistas.Peer Reviewe

    Drivers and barriers in the transition to open science : the perspective of stakeholders in the Spanish scientific community

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    This paper presents the results of a research study whose objective was to identify the facilitating factors and barriers that, in the opinion of representatives of the Spanish scientific community, impact the implementation of the new open science model in four areas: open access, open research data, research assessment and open peer review. A qualitative study was designed in which information was obtained through interviews with researchers, editors of scientific journals, representatives of assessment agencies and vice-chancellors, and through a focus group of librarians with expertise in aspects of open science. The enabling factors and barriers identified were related to the researcher and the fruit of their research, as well as to the scientific ecosystem, which provides direct institutional support and backing (universities/research centres), the regulatory framework (management of the science system) and the science communication system (media). The results indicate that a shift in scientific practices toward the open science model can only be achieved if there is a policy framework that integrates all initiatives and links into the scientific assessment and reward system, and if the necessary funding is in place to support this transition.Se presentan los resultados de una investigación cuyo objetivo era identificar los factores facilitadores y las barreras que, en opinión de la comunidad científica española, inciden en la implantación del nuevo modelo de ciencia abierta en cuatro ámbitos: acceso abierto, datos de investigación abiertos, evaluación de la investigación y revisión por pares abierta. Se diseñó un estudio cualitativo en el que se recabó información a través de entrevistas con investigadores, editores de revistas científicas, representantes de agencias de evaluación y vicerrectores, así como un focus group con bibliotecarios expertos en aspectos de ciencia abierta. Los factores facilitadores y las barreras identificadas estaban relacionados con el investigador y el fruto de su investigación, así como con el ecosistema científico, que proporciona apoyo y respaldo institucional directo (universidades/centros de investigación), el marco normativo (gestión del sistema científico) y el sistema de comunicación científica (medios de comunicación). Los resultados indican que el cambio de las prácticas científicas hacia el modelo de ciencia abierta sólo puede lograrse si existe un marco político que integre todas las iniciativas y vínculos en el sistema de evaluación y recompensa científica, y si se dispone de la financiación necesaria para apoyar esta transición

    Drivers and barriers in the transition to open science : the perspective of stakeholders in the Spanish scientific community

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    This paper presents the results of a research study whose objective was to identify the facilitating factors and barriers that, in the opinion of representatives of the Spanish scientific community, impact the implementation of the new open science model in four areas: open access, open research data, research assessment and open peer review. A qualitative study was designed in which information was obtained through interviews with researchers, editors of scientific journals, representatives of assessment agencies and vice-chancellors, and through a focus group of librarians with expertise in aspects of open science. The enabling factors and barriers identified were related to the researcher and the fruit of their research, as well as to the scientific ecosystem, which provides direct institutional support and backing (universities/research centres), the regulatory framework (management of the science system) and the science communication system (media). The results indicate that a shift in scientific practices toward the open science model can only be achieved if there is a policy framework that integrates all initiatives and links into the scientific assessment and reward system, and if the necessary funding is in place to support this transition.Se presentan los resultados de una investigación cuyo objetivo era identificar los factores facilitadores y las barreras que, en opinión de la comunidad científica española, inciden en la implantación del nuevo modelo de ciencia abierta en cuatro ámbitos: acceso abierto, datos de investigación abiertos, evaluación de la investigación y revisión por pares abierta. Se diseñó un estudio cualitativo en el que se recabó información a través de entrevistas con investigadores, editores de revistas científicas, representantes de agencias de evaluación y vicerrectores, así como un focus group con bibliotecarios expertos en aspectos de ciencia abierta. Los factores facilitadores y las barreras identificadas estaban relacionados con el investigador y el fruto de su investigación, así como con el ecosistema científico, que proporciona apoyo y respaldo institucional directo (universidades/centros de investigación), el marco normativo (gestión del sistema científico) y el sistema de comunicación científica (medios de comunicación). Los resultados indican que el cambio de las prácticas científicas hacia el modelo de ciencia abierta sólo puede lograrse si existe un marco político que integre todas las iniciativas y vínculos en el sistema de evaluación y recompensa científica, y si se dispone de la financiación necesaria para apoyar esta transición

    Contrasting effects of ocean acidification on the microbial food web under different trophic conditions

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    Sala, M. Montserrat ...et al.-- Special issue: Towards a Broader Perspective on Ocean Acidification Research.-- 10 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, supplementary data http://icesjms.oxfordjournals.org/content/73/3/670/suppl/DC1We investigated the effects of an increase in dissolved CO2 on the microbial communities of the Mediterranean Sea during two mesocosm experiments in two contrasting seasons: winter, at the peak of the annual phytoplankton bloom, and summer, under low nutrient conditions. The experiments included treatments with acidification and nutrient addition, and combinations of the two. We followed the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on the abundance of the main groups of microorganisms (diatoms, dinoflagellates, nanoeukaryotes, picoeukaryotes, cyanobacteria, and heterotrophic bacteria) and on bacterial activity, leucine incorporation, and extracellular enzyme activity. Our results showed a clear stimulation effect of OA on the abundance of small phytoplankton (pico- and nanoeukaryotes), independently of the season and nutrient availability. A large number of the measured variables showed significant positive effects of acidification in summer compared with winter, when the effects were sometimes negative. Effects of OA were more conspicuous when nutrient concentrations were low. Our results therefore suggest that microbial communities in oligotrophic waters are considerably affected by OA, whereas microbes in more productive waters are less affected. The overall enhancing effect of acidification on eukaryotic pico- and nanophytoplankton, in comparison with the non-significant or even negative response to nutrient-rich conditions of larger groups and autotrophic prokaryotes, suggests a shift towards medium-sized producers in a future acidified oceanFinancial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness is acknowledged, specifically through the projects STORM(CTM2009–09352), DOREMI (CTM2012-34294), MANIFEST (CTM2012-32017), and PROTOS (CTM2009-08783) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. We are also grateful for the financial support of the Generalitat de Catalunya to the “Grup de Diversitat Microbiana en Ecosistemes Acuàtics” (2014SGR/1591) and the “Grup d’Estructura i Funció de Xarxes Tròfiques Microbianes Planctòniques” (2014SGR/1179)Peer Reviewe

    The Long-Term Preservation of Web Content

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    Web archiving initiatives exist to collect ephemeral Web content for use by current and future generations of users. To date, most such initiatives have concentrated on the development of strategies and software tools for the collection of Web content and for providing current access to this conten