11 research outputs found

    Resultados de la Encuesta a usuarios 2014, Biblioteca Vasconcelos, Ciudad de México

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    This document shows the first descriptive results of the application of the Vasconcelos Library Questionnaire to Visitors 2014 instrument in order to identify the main characteristics of the users and visitors to know general aspects of the operation of this equipment: who uses it? Why do they use it? How often do they visit and / or use their spaces and services? Do they participate in their activities? how do they get there? What do they usually do

    La biblioteca Vasconcelos como etnoedificio: una propuesta metodológica desde la arquitectura y el urbanismo para la observación del espacio público.

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    The text describes a posteriori the construction of a methodological proposal to observe a public space. Although the entire proposal had a strong ethnographic focus, both quantitative methods (such as the survey and statistical analysis) and qualitative methods (such as observation, interview, ethnographic record) were used in a mixed way. The methodological proposal to study an urban space by the architect Francesco Careri (2014) is resumed, which proposed to systematically walk or wander. This methodological design was used to carry out field work for a doctoral thesis on the Vasconcelos Library, a large emblematic building that receives 5,500 visits a day and is located north of the metropolitan area of the Valley of Mexico, in Buenavista, Mexico City

    Celebremos: lo circulante, lo móvil, lo al paso

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    Jardín Lac joins the Spanish celebration of Bibliobús Day. From our networked territory –without territory– we dare to evoke the great-grandmothers of the library buses: suitcases, suitcases, boxes open to the world, to celebrate the continuity of micro actions, sometimes so individual, supportive and always enthusiastic. This is a grateful entry for the free, itinerant and public circulation of the book (and many new supports) carried out by institutions and public and private agents

    Mujeres y biblioteca pública

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    Jardín Lac want to reflect on the users of public libraries through a series of findings extracted from reports made during the brief existence of Vasconcelos Research, a proposal that emerged from the Vasconcelos Library with the aim of knowing, analyzing and better understand its own processes, learn from itself and better accompany its users. Some of the data found was published in the popular blog Ventana Vasconcelos and the generated databases were delivered to the library itself for future consultation. But, above all, some of these small discoveries made us understand the need to fine-tune the gender approach from the public library and rethink it not only from the supply, but also from the demands


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    It is assumed that the public library contributes mainly data on reading or cultural consumption. However, it is an equipment that spatializes dynamics that is worth analyzing considering the gender variable. Based on basic quantitative data produced by the Vasconcelos public library (physical and virtual visits, support or volunteer activities, credentialing and home loans), we show a series of findings on the differentiated consumption of users. The final objective of this review is to propose a series of reflections for the design of public reading and library policies with a gender perspective that allow us to think, imagine and understand this public space. The data review confronts some myths and misunderstandings around the library, exemplifies the different uses and reflects the possibilities and challenges of this equipment present in the majority of city councils and departments in Latin America, and from which it is possible to contribute to decrease gender gaps

    Desarrollo humano y biblioteca pública. Un análisis socioespacial.

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    Presentation of a chapter three focused on the analysis of the urban distribution of activities and specialized users for the study of the role of the library in the capacity development process. The activities were specialized and those considered to be the most significant, both normative and non-normative, were analyzed. The chapter is part of a thesis on human development and public library

    Brevísimo recuento y un manifiesto de bolsillo, para el libro conmemorativo "Un puente entre dos tiempos".

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    A very brief account of the library as an urban public facility and a Pocket Manifesto for the 70th anniversary of the Medellin Pilot Public Library for Latin America, Chapter of the book "A Bridge Between times: 70-year Commemorative Edition." Pilot Public Library Compiler. BPP Edition and Medellín Mayor's Office. Medellin, Colombia, reissue 2022

    Del lugar público al espacio íntimo: imágenes y experiencias en el espacio público. La biblioteca Vasconcelos como caso de estudio

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    La tesis muestra resultados de la investigación llevada a cabo durante el segundo semestre de 2014 y en el primer semestre de 2015 en la Biblioteca Vasconcelos, en Buenavista, Ciudad de México. Se toma a la biblioteca pública como una estrategia metodológica de observación del espacio público o equipamiento. Se utiliza principalmente el enfoque etnográfico y se utilizan métodos mixtos en distintas fases descriptivas del espacio/lugar y para el registro de los usos, prácticas y experiencias de usuarios y visitantes. En el primer capítulo se presenta un panorama general haciendo uso de la Encuesta a usuarios y visitantes (BV-CNCA, 2014) llevada a cabo por la propia biblioteca. Posteriormente se describen los espacios y las actividades que realizan los usuarios en el apartado de recorrido descriptivo o etnográfico. Finalmente, se presentan la narración de las experiencias cotidianas de los propios usuarios y los visitantes de la biblioteca. La investigación muestra cómo las concepciones y valores en torno a la materialidad (aspectos, disposición, localización) e inmaterialidad de este equipamiento (imaginarios, experiencias íntimas) influyen en la forma de pensar y utilizar este equipamiento. La tesis concluye que esta arquitectura pública espacializa experiencias que resiginifican la biblioteca como un equipamiento de vida urbana exterior e interior, ampliando su historia presente, y actualizándolo como espacio-lugar público

    Las bibliotecas hoy: un desafío para la arquitectura

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    At the end of the 20th century it was common to hear voices announcing the extinction of libraries. Undoubtedly, these omens were related to the imminent disappearance of paper books and, more generally, to the dematerialization of the world and the ways in which information and culture were transmitted and stored. But if we stick to the facts, things have not been like that. Quite the opposite

    Bibliotecas públicas y capacidades sociales para el desarrollo local

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    The aim of this article is to evaluate the impact of municipal public libraries on local development on the basis of the case study of municipal libraries in the city of Tijuana. Participant observation, questionnaires, and interviews were used to study the activities carried out in the libraries examined in this research, whence a catalog of these activities was drawn up and their impact analyzed from the perspective of the development of social capacities. The authors contend that it is possible to identify a positive impact on both the development of the capacities to interpret the life context and the capacity to integrate and act socially. Lastly, the importance of municipal libraries as significant public spaces in the processes of subjectivization is highlighted