24 research outputs found

    Carotenoids in dehydrated persimmon: Antioxidant activity, structure, and photoluminescence

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    [EN] In this study, the effect of two hot air drying conditions (40 degrees C for 23 h and 60 degrees C for 9 h) on the content, antioxidant activity, microstructure, and luminescence properties of persimmon carotenoids in three ripening stages was studied. Based on the results from total carotenoids content and HPLC analysis, the carotenoid's content increased with the advance of ripening, highlighting the beta-cryptoxanthin fraction. In addition, drying treatments did not affect the carotenoid content and profile but decreased the antioxidant activity. Microstructural studies showed that the ripening progress and/or drying treatments, led persimmon tissues to lose integrity, allowing the diffusion of carotenoids and their degradation. Photoluminescence measurements evidenced the synthesis of beta-cryptoxanthin during the fruit ripening. After drying, a new emitting specie at 340 nm was attributed to the carotenoid's isomerisation while the emission at 500 nm experienced a shift that was related to the formation of thermal degradation products. Both facts could explain the loss of antioxidant activity in persimmon submitted to drying treatments. In this sense, photoluminescence, in combination with spectro-photometric, chromatographic and structural techniques, helps to understand the phenomena caused by both, ripening and drying treatments, in the persimmon's carotenoids fraction.The authors thank the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades for the financial support given throughout Project RTA201700045-C02-02. They would also like to thank Phillip Bentley for assistance in correcting the manuscript's English.Martínez González, C.; López-García, A.; Llorca Martínez, ME.; Hernando Hernando, MI.; Atienzar Corvillo, PE.; Bermejo-Del Castillo, A.; Moraga Ballesteros, G.... (2021). Carotenoids in dehydrated persimmon: Antioxidant activity, structure, and photoluminescence. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 142:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2021.11100711014

    Impact of interstitial lung disease on the survival of systemic sclerosis with pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    To assess severity markers and outcomes of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) with or without pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH-SSc/non-PAH-SSc), and the impact of interstitial lung disease (ILD) on PAH-SSc. Non-PAH-SSc patients from the Spanish SSc registry and PAH-SSc patients from the Spanish PAH registry were included. A total of 364 PAH-SSc and 1589 non-PAH-SSc patients were included. PAH-SSc patients had worse NYHA-functional class (NYHA-FC), worse forced vital capacity (FVC) (81.2 +/- 20.6% vs 93.6 +/- 20.6%, P < 0.001), worse tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) (17.4 +/- 5.2 mm vs 19.9 +/- 6.7 mm, P < 0.001), higher incidence of pericardial effusion (30% vs 5.2%, P < 0.001) and similar prevalence of ILD (41.8% vs. 44.9%). In individuals with PAH-SSc, ILD was associated with worse hemodynamics and pulmonary function tests (PFT). Up-front combination therapy was used in 59.8% and 61.7% of patients with and without ILD, respectively. Five-year transplant-free survival rate was 41.1% in PAH-SSc patients and 93.9% in non-PAH-SSc patients (P < 0.001). Global survival of PAH-SSc patients was not affected by ILD regardless its severity. The multivariate survival analysis in PAH-SSc patients confirmed age at diagnosis, worse NYHA-FC, increased PVR, reduced DLCO, and lower management with up-front combination therapy as major risk factors. In conclusion, in PAH-SSc cohort risk of death was greatly increased by clinical, PFT, and hemodynamic factors, whereas it was decreased by up-front combination therapy. Concomitant ILD worsened hemodynamics and PFT in PAH-SSc but not survival regardless of FVC impairment

    Impact of interstitial lung disease on the survival of systemic sclerosis with pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    To assess severity markers and outcomes of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) with or without pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH-SSc/non-PAH-SSc), and the impact of interstitial lung disease (ILD) on PAH-SSc. Non-PAH-SSc patients from the Spanish SSc registry and PAH-SSc patients from the Spanish PAH registry were included. A total of 364 PAH-SSc and 1589 non-PAH-SSc patients were included. PAH-SSc patients had worse NYHA-functional class (NYHA-FC), worse forced vital capacity (FVC) (81.2 ± 20.6% vs 93.6 ± 20.6%, P &lt; 0.001), worse tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) (17.4 ± 5.2 mm vs 19.9 ± 6.7 mm, P &lt; 0.001), higher incidence of pericardial effusion (30% vs 5.2%, P &lt; 0.001) and similar prevalence of ILD (41.8% vs. 44.9%). In individuals with PAH-SSc, ILD was associated with worse hemodynamics and pulmonary function tests (PFT). Up-front combination therapy was used in 59.8% and 61.7% of patients with and without ILD, respectively. Five-year transplant-free survival rate was 41.1% in PAH-SSc patients and 93.9% in non-PAH-SSc patients (P &lt; 0.001). Global survival of PAH-SSc patients was not affected by ILD regardless its severity. The multivariate survival analysis in PAH-SSc patients confirmed age at diagnosis, worse NYHA-FC, increased PVR, reduced DLCO, and lower management with up-front combination therapy as major risk factors. In conclusion, in PAH-SSc cohort risk of death was greatly increased by clinical, PFT, and hemodynamic factors, whereas it was decreased by up-front combination therapy. Concomitant ILD worsened hemodynamics and PFT in PAH-SSc but not survival regardless of FVC impairment

    Estudios actuales de literatura comparada. Teorías de la literatura y diálogos interdisciplinarios

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    Estos dos volúmenes constituyen una contribución al desarrollo de la comparatística que se realiza, principalmente, desde América Latina. El primer volumen está organizado en tres partes y consta de 22 artículos, mientras que el segundo reúne 24 capítulos.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Artes y Letras::Facultad de Letras::Escuela de Filología, Lingüística y LiteraturaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Sistema de Educación General::Escuela de Estudios GeneralesUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado::Artes y Letras::Maestría Académica en Literatura FrancesaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado::Artes y Letras::Maestría Académica en Literatura LatinoamericanaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Artes y Letras::Facultad de Letras::Escuela de Lenguas Moderna

    Providing Stability to High Internal Phase Emulsion Gels Using Brewery Industry By-Products as Stabilizers

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    The modern brewing industry generates high amounts of solid wastes containing biopolymers&mdash;proteins and polysaccharides&mdash;with interesting technological and functional properties. The novelty of this study was to use raw by-product from the brewing industry in the development of high internal phase emulsion (HIPE) gels. Thus, the influence of the emulsion&rsquo;s aqueous phase pH and the by-product&rsquo;s concentration on structural and physical stability of the emulsions was studied. The microstructure was analyzed using cryo-field emission scanning electron microscopy. To evaluate the rheological behavior, oscillatory tests (amplitude and frequency) and flow curves were conducted. Moreover, the physical stability of the emulsions and the color were also studied. The increase in by-product concentration and the pH of the aqueous phase allowed development of HIPE gels with homogeneously distributed oil droplets of regular size and polyhedral structure. The data from the rheology tests showed a more stable structure at higher pH and higher by-product concentration. This study widens the possibilities of valorizing the brewing industry&rsquo;s by-products as stabilizers when designing emulsions

    Providing Stability to High Internal Phase Emulsion Gels Using Brewery Industry By-Products as Stabilizers

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    [EN] The modern brewing industry generates high amounts of solid wastes containing biopolymers-proteins and polysaccharides-with interesting technological and functional properties. The novelty of this study was to use raw by-product from the brewing industry in the development of high internal phase emulsion (HIPE) gels. Thus, the influence of the emulsion's aqueous phase pH and the by-product's concentration on structural and physical stability of the emulsions was studied. The microstructure was analyzed using cryo-field emission scanning electron microscopy. To evaluate the rheological behavior, oscillatory tests (amplitude and frequency) and flow curves were conducted. Moreover, the physical stability of the emulsions and the color were also studied. The increase in by-product concentration and the pH of the aqueous phase allowed development of HIPE gels with homogeneously distributed oil droplets of regular size and polyhedral structure. The data from the rheology tests showed a more stable structure at higher pH and higher by-product concentration. This study widens the possibilities of valorizing the brewing industry's by-products as stabilizers when designing emulsions.Grant RTI-2018-099738-B-C22 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and ERDF A way of making Europe.López-García, A.; Moraga Ballesteros, G.; Hernando Hernando, MI.; Quiles Chuliá, MD. (2021). Providing Stability to High Internal Phase Emulsion Gels Using Brewery Industry By-Products as Stabilizers. Gels. 7(4):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/gels7040245S1137

    Lectura y escritura a través de la música y el movimiento en niñas y niños

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    El proyecto propone la utilización de la música y el movimiento para lograr la adquisición de técnicas instrumentales que permitan al alumno el aprendizaje de la técnica lecto-escritora; adquirir la destreza grafo-motriz; e iniciar la lectura comprensiva. Para desarrollar la experiencia se han realizado ejercicios de psicomotricidad y lateralidad, juegos de equilibrio, coordinación oculo-manual, preescritura y prelectura. La valoración de la experiencia es positiva ya que se ha logrado una coordinación motriz adecuada a la edad de los alumnos y se ha conseguido una conciencia clara de la imagen corporal.Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Consejería de Educación y CulturaMadridMadrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Subdirección General de Formación del Profesorado. CRIF Las Acacias; General Ricardos 179 - 28025 Madrid; Tel. + 34915250893ES

    A la lectura y la escritura por la música y la psicomotricidad. A la lectura y la escritura por la música y el movimiento

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    Se pretende el desarrollo y adquisición de la capacidad de comunicación escrita por parte del alumno, es decir, de destrezas grafo-motrices, de forma que sea capaz de entender textos, reproducirlos, así como saber expresar ideas o vivencias. El aprendizaje de técnicas de lecto-escritura servirá para prevenir problemas de dislexia y de deficiencias de coordinación motriz. El desarrollo de la capacidad comunicativa implica enseñar a tener conciencia clara de la propia imagen corporal, de las nociones del espacio y el tiempo, y fomentar la relación interpersonal, el sentimiento de seguridad en sí mismo y determinados hábitos de trabajo, higiene y salud mental. La metodología se basará en la música y el movimiento, y respetará el ritmo individual. Se formarán grupos para preparar gráficas, juegos, canciones, cuentos y dramatizaciones, Se adjuntan gráficas de rendimiento referentes a niños de tres aulas que han realizado la experiencia..Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Consejería de Educación y CulturaMadridMadrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Subdirección General de Formación del Profesorado. CRIF Las Acacias; General Ricardos 179 - 28025 Madrid; Tel. + 34915250893ES