1,632 research outputs found

    Convergence and public investment: Regional policies revisited

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    The aim of this paper is to add new arguments to the debate on the redesign of regional policies. An endogenous growth model is presented with two regions where the crucial issue for the removal of regional disparities is public investment. When testing the model using data obtained from Spanish regions, evidence of convergence is not found, in spite of the redistribution pattern of regional allocation of public investment during the 80's and 90's and a high degree of private capital mobility. After analyzing other factors potentially affecting regional convergence, a number of recommendations are supplied in order to redefine European and Spanish regional policies.Infrastructures, convergence, growth

    Matemáticas aplicadas a las Ciencias Sociales II [En línea]

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    Le Pseudo-Turpin en Espagne

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    Le Pseudo-Turpin a joui en Espagne d’un succès plus discret que dans les autres pays européens, tant au sein de la couronne de Castille que sur le territoire aragonais, du fait que les pages épiques espagnoles sont en nombre réduit – les rares allusions turpiniennes devenant ainsi précieuses – et que la chronique contient un discours francophile. En effet, confronté au Moyen Âge à des contextes historiques, culturels et idéologiques opposés, le texte turpinien a surtout été employé par l’historiographie castillane en latin dans le but de contester la matière rolandienne et d’élaborer un discours national. Cette tendance semble néanmoins disparaître dans l’œuvre historiographique de l’aragonais Fernández de Heredia, lequel connaît indirectement le document. Seul le contexte politique du début du XVIe siècle permettra une nouvelle lecture de la chronique par la traduction du Fierabras de Jean Bagnyon.The Pseudo-Turpin enjoyed a more nuanced success in Spain than in other European countries, both in Castile and in Aragon, because Spanish epic production is more reduced– rare Turpinian references become therefore all the more valuable– and also because the Chronicle embodies a Francophile discourse. In fact, in the Middle Ages, facing opposing historical, cultural and ideological contexts, the Turpinian text was used primarily by Castilian historiography in Latin with the goal of challenging Rolandian material and elaborating a national discourse. This tendency seems nonetheless to disappear in the historiographical work of the Aragonese Fernández de Heredia, who knew the document indirectly. Only the political context of the beginning of the sixteenth century will bring a new reading of the Chronicle through the translation of Jean Bagnyon’s Fierabras

    Ferragut, defender of Nájera

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    Ferragut, the giant Saracen defender of Nájera, was a leading character in one of the key chapters of the Pseudo Turpin for the consecration of Roland as a Christian warrior. Nevertheless, the Latin chronicle does not simply reproduce such a warrior’s characteristic behaviour and morphology as expressed in other epic poems: it also provides him with various innovative features which certain vernacular texts qualify or modify in depth, even enriching them with episodes that are not to be found in the Latin source, and by creating additional characters

    David Aubert, innovador: a propósito de un itinerario épico en las "Croniques et conquestes de Charlemaine"

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    En este trabajo se analiza el proceso de adaptación de la materia turpiniana en una parte del escenario bélico de la guerra de España descrito por David Aubert en sus Croniques et conquestes de Charlemaine, en particular en los episodios previos a la derrota de Roncesvalles. Además, se muestra la voluntad de innovación del compilador borgoñón en esta reformulación de la materia épica anterior, que afecta incluso a la que procede de textos aislados independientes de la crónica de Turpín.This paper deals with an analysis of the process of adaptation of the Turpin matter as part of the scenario of the Spanish war described by David Aubert in his Croniques et conquestes de Charlemaine. More specifically, we will focus on Aubert’s description of the episodes previous to the defeat at Roncesvalles. Moreover, we will also prove that the Burgundian compiler adopted an innovative approach in both his reformulation of the aforementioned epic matter and other isolated texts which are independent of the Turpin Chronicle

    Hercule à Bruges (1468) :théâtre, politique et cérémonial bourguignons

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    L’historien bourguignon Olivier de la Marche, fidèle serviteur des Ducs de Bourgogne, reproduit en détail dans ses Mémoires — qui retracent les événements politiques du duché pendant une longue période du xve siècle — les fêtes célébrées en 1468 à Bruges à l’occasion du mariage entre Charles le Téméraire et Marguerite d’York, sœur du roi d’Angleterre, Édouard IV. La situation de 1468, encore très éloignée des fatidiques journées de 1477, est en tout point favorable à la Bourgogne et, plus dir..

    Maximum likelihood inference for a class of discrete-time Markov-switching time series models with multiple delays

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    Autoregressive Markov switching (ARMS) time series models are used to represent real-world signals whose dynamics may change over time. They have found application in many areas of the natural and social sciences, as well as in engineering. In general, inference in this kind of systems involves two problems: (a) detecting the number of distinct dynamical models that the signal may adopt and (b) estimating any unknown parameters in these models. In this paper, we introduce a class of ARMS time series models that includes many systems resulting from the discretisation of stochastic delay differential equations (DDEs). Remarkably, this class includes cases in which the discretisation time grid is not necessarily aligned with the delays of the DDE, resulting in discrete-time ARMS models with real (non-integer) delays. We describe methods for the maximum likelihood detection of the number of dynamical modes and the estimation of unknown parameters (including the possibly non-integer delays) and illustrate their application with an ARMS model of El Ni\~no--southern oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon