4 research outputs found

    Dehydrohalogenation and dehydration reactions of i‑C3H7Br and i‑C3H7OH by sodium ions studied by guided ion beam techniques and quantum chemical methods

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    Dehydrohalogenation and dehydration reactions of gas-phase i-C3H7Br and i-C3H7OH molecules induced by collision with Na+, all participants being in their electronic ground state, were studied experimentally in our laboratory using a radiofrequency-guided ion beam apparatus and covering the 0.10-10.00 eV center of mass (CM) energy range. In Na+ + i-C3H7Br collisions the formation of [C3H6-Na]+ and [HBr-Na]+ by dehydrohalogenation was observed and quantified, as well as that of the ion-molecule adduct [Na-i-C3H7Br]+ together with its decomposition products C3H7+ and NaBr. In Na+ + i-C3H7OH collisions the dehydration product [H2O-Na]+ was also found, while [C3H6-Na]+ was hardly detected. Moreover, the [Na-i-C3H7OH]+ adduct formation as well as its decomposition into C3H7+ and NaOH were also quantified. For all these processes, absolute reaction cross sections were measured as a function of the CM collision energy. From measured excitation functions, rate constants for the formation of [C3H6-Na]+, [HBr-Na]+, and [H2O-Na]+ at 303 K were obtained. Complementing the experiments, exhaustive ab initio structure calculations at the MP2 level of theory were performed, giving information on the most relevant features of the potential energy surfaces (PESs) where the dehydrohalogenation, dehydration, and decomposition reactions take place adiabatically for both collision systems. On these PESs different stationary points associated with potential energy minima and transition state barriers were characterized, and their connectivity was ensured using the intrinsic-reaction-coordinate method. The main topology features of the ab initio calculated PESs allowed a qualitative interpretation of the experimental data also exposing the role of the sodium ion as a catalyst in elimination reaction

    Experimental and ab initio studies of the reactive processes in gas phase i-C3H7Br and i-C3H7OH collisions with potassium ions

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    Collisions between potassium ions and neutral i-C3H7Br and i-C3H7OH, all in their electronic ground state, have been studied in the 0.10 10.00 eV center of mass (CM) collision energy range, using the radiofrequency-guided ion beam technique. In K+ + i-C3H7Br collisions KHBr+ formation was observed and quantified, while the analogous KH2O+ formation in K+ + i-C3H7OH was hardly detected. Moreover, formation of the ion-molecule adducts and their decomposition leading to C3H7 + and either KBr or KOH, respectively, have been observed. For all these processes, absolute crosssections were measured as a function of the CM collision energy. Ab initio structure calculations at the MP2 level have given information about the potential energy surfaces (PESs) involved. In these, different stationary points have been characterized using the reaction coordinate method, their connectivity being ensured by using the intrinsic-reaction-coordinate method. From the measured excitation function for KHBr+ formation the corresponding thermal rate constant at 303 K has been calculated. The topology of the calculated PESs allows an interpretation of the main features of the reaction dynamics of both systems, and in particular evidence the important role played by the potential energy wells in controlling the reactivity for the different reaction channels

    The reactivity of cyclopropyl cyanide in titan's atmosphere: a possible pre-biotic mechanism

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    Cyclopropyl cyanide and other simple nitriles detected in Titan's atmosphere could be precursors leading to the formation of organic macromolecules in the atmosphere of Saturn's largest satellite. Proposing a thermodynamically possible mechanism that explains their formation and supports experimental results represents a difficult challenge. Experiments done in the Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory at the University of Trento (AMPL) have studied the ion-molecule reaction between cyclopropyl cyanide and its protonated form, with reaction products being characterized by mass spectrometry. In addition to the expected ion-molecule adduct stabilized by non-covalent long-range interactions, in this work we prove that another distinct species having the same mass to charge ratio (m/z) of 135 is also produced. Moreover, from a previous study of the neutral cyclopropyl cyanide potential energy surface (PES) which shows a partial biradical character it has been possible to characterize the formation through the bimolecular reaction of a new covalent cyclic organic molecule. Calculations have been carried out at the ab initio Møller-Plesset (MP2) level of theory, ensuring the connectivity of the stationary points by using the intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) procedure. In order to characterize the reaction transition state, multireference calculations were done using a complete active space involving six electrons and six molecular orbitals [CAS (6 e, 6 m.o.)]. This study opens the possibility of exploring the formation of new organic molecules by gaseous phase ion-molecule interaction schemes, with such molecules having relevance in interstellar space and in astrobiology (and may be involved in prebiotic molecular evolution)

    Col·lisions ió - molècula: reaccions químiques i agregats iònics

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    [cat] Aquesta Tesi tracta de les reaccions en fase gas generades per col•lisions entre ions i molècules neutres, estudiant per la vessant experimental i la teòric-computacional els processos plantejats. La memòria està dividida en dos grans blocs. El primer, dut a terme en el laboratori de Dinàmica de Reaccions Químiques de la UB, es centra en processos de deshidrohalogenació i deshidratació en molècules orgàniques (iso-C3H7Br, i iso-C3H7OH) induïts per els cations alcalins Li+, Na+ i I±; reaccions que són d'interès per a l'astroquímica i la química atmosfèrica. Amb un aparell de feixos d'ions guiats per ràdiofreqüència, el RF-GIB, i a pressions molt baixes, s'han detectat diversos productes en cadascun dels sistemes reaccionants. En la majoria d'ells, fins i tot ha estat possible determinar i quantificar la secció eficaç en front a l'energia de col•lisió del centre de masses (CM) per a l'adducte ió-molècula i per als productes de deshidratació i deshidrohalogenació, així com la d'altres canals reactius que hi coexisteixen, podent observar quin llindar energètic té cadascun i quin és el vàlor màxim de secció eficaç en cada cas, el qual estarà directament relacionat amb la reactivitat del canal en qüestió. La topologia de la Superfície d'Energia Potencial, determinada amb MP2 i la base 6-31g(d,p), la geometria dels punts estacionaris i el camí de reacció definit per la IRC, ens aporten una visió del sistema que no és possible d'obtenir amb les dades experimentals. Les dinàmiques directes (dinàmiques on the fly), realitzades amb el programa Venus/NwChem, també serveixen per justificar tant els mecanismes teòrics plantejats com les mesures de laboratori, donant una idea de l'evolució del procés punt a punt. Els resultats mostren diferents tendències en el cas de les molècules amb -Br i amb -OH, però també certes analogies entre els diversos sistemes. La formació de l'addcute s'observa en tots ells, però és només quantificada en termes de secció eficaç quan la intensitat del senyal és prou elevada. Les deshidrohalogenacions i deshidratacions són induïdes gràcies a l'acció dels cations alcalins que, gràcies a la interacció ió-molècula promouen l'allargament de certs enllaços i donen lloc a diferents canals reactius. També s'ha detectat un canal de dissociació adiabàtica accessible a energies una mica més elevades que la resta i afavorit per una major mida del catió incident. Tots aquests processos van precedits per la formació de l'adducte, el qual s'estabilitza per forces d'interacció de llarg abast. El segon bloc tracta de reaccions ió-molècula que poden tenir lloc en l'atmosfera de Tità, el satèl·lit més gran de Saturn, el qual està proveït d'una atmosfera que conté molècules altament reaccionants. Gràcies a la llum ultravioleta del Sol les espècies més abundants a Tità, N 2 i CH4, s'ionitzen convertint-se en molècules que també poden estar presents a la Terra (CH3CN, HCN, C6H6, etc...). L'estudi de l'atmosfera d'aquest satèl·lit té vàries fonts d'interès, com és conèixer l'evolució de la Terra en els seus inicis (ja que les condicions a Tità s'assemblen molt a les de la Terra primitiva), o estudiar l'inici de la vida a la Terra. Aquesta segona part de la Tesi està estretament lligada al creixement molecular i a la química prebiòtica, que tracta de la formació de molècules preparades per a la vida, partint de molècules orgàniques petites no biològiques. Al Laboratori de Física Atòmica i Molecular de Trento s'han dut a terme diferents reaccions entre diversos isòmers que contenen un àtom de N i que s'han detectat a l'atmosfera de Tità, els quals tenen una la fórmula molecular + C4H5N. Aquestes espècies, també detectades en la seva forma protonada (C 4H5NH ) a Tità, poden donar diferents adductes ió-molècula, el qual pot evolucionar donant diferents productes de reacció segons cada cas. S'ha estudiat detalladament la SEP de l'isòmer cyclopropile cyanide, trobant que existeix una certa predisposició d'aquest reactiu a trencar l'anell de 3 carbonis, el qual està molt tensionat per l'angle d'enllaç, i donar així una espècie birradical. S'ha determinat amb càlculs ab initio la geometria optimitzada de l'adducte format per la molècula neutra i la protonada. S'ha trobat que la tendència a trencar l'anell és representativa en el cas de l'espècie de cyclopropile cyanide neutra, però aquest comportament no té un pes important per al cas de la molècula protonada. Un estudi dels orbitals Homo i Lumo de les dues espècies amb trencament homolític de l'enllaç evidencia que en l'espècie neutra un dels electrons desparellats es deslocalitza per la molècula en diferents formes ressonants, mentre que en el cas de la protonada la deslocalització no és factible. Seguint la línia de la química pre-biòtica i el creixement molecular s'ha plantejat un mecanisme a partir de l'adducte ió-molècula estabilitzat, on l'obertura d'un dels cicles de tres carbonis presents generaria un birradical que podria atacar intramolecularment altres zones reactives de la molècula, com és un dels seus grups ciano -CN. L'estat de transició per a aquest procés s'ha optimitzat amb el mètode CASSCF/6-31g(d,p) i la corresponent IRC partint des d'aquest estat de transició ha portat per un cantó a l'adducte ió-molècula ja caracteritzat i per l'altre a un adducte covalent cíclic, més estable. Aquest nou adducte, que té la mateixa massa que el precursor, té una estructura cíclica que recorda l'estructura d'algunes bases nitrogenades presents en l'ADN humà.[eng] This thesis studies gas-phase reactions generated by collisions between ions and neutral molecules, in an experimental and theoretical approach. The report is divided into two blocks. The first, done in the laboratory of Dynamics of Chemical Reactions (UB), is focused on dehydrohalogenation and dehydration processes in organic molecules (iso-C3H7Br and iso-C3H7OH) induced by collisions with the Li+, Na+ and K+ alkaline cations in reactions interesting to astrochemistry and atmospheric chemistry. The measurements, done with a RF-GIB apparatus (Radio Frequency—Guided Ion Beams), at very low pressures, show the formation of several products in each of the reacting systems. It has been possible to determine and quantify the cross section in front of the collision energy of the center of mass (CM) for the adduct ion-molecule product and for the dehydration and dehydrohalogenation reactions as well as other reaction channels that coexist with them. Each one of them has a different energy threshold and different maximum value of the reaction cross section, which will be directly related to the reactivity. The topology of the potential energy surface, determined with MP2 and 6-31G (d, p) basis, the geometry of the stationary points found and the reaction path defined by the IRC approach provide an overview of the system that we cannot obtain only with the experimental data. Direct dynamics calculations (on the fly dynamics), made with the Venus / NwChem program also serve to justify both the theoretical mechanisms and the laboratory measurements, giving an idea of the process evolution point to point. The second part is focused in ion-molecule reactions that could take place in Titan's atmosphere, the largest moon of Saturn, which has an atmosphere containing highly reactive molecules. Due to ultraviolet light from the Sun the most abundant species in Titan, N2 and CH4, become ionized and react producing molecules that may also be present on Earth (CH3CN, HCN, C6H6, etc ...). The study of Titan's atmosphere is focused on knowing the beginning of life on Earth, and this second part of the thesis is closely linked to molecular growth and pre-biotic chemistry, related to the formation of biomolecules starting from small non-biological organic molecules. In the Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory of Trento have been carried out different reactions between different isomers with molecular formula C4H5N and C4H5NH±, present on Titan's atmosphere. The reactions gave different adducts ion-molecule, which can evolve to other reaction products. The PES has been studied in detail for the isomer cyclopropile cyanide, finding that there is a predisposition to break its 3-carbon ring, due the angle tension, and give a birradical specie. Ab initio calculations have determined the optimized geometry of the adduct + [C8H10N2H] , and has been observed that the tendency to break the ring is only representative in the case of neutral cyclopropile cyanide. A pre-biotic mechanism has been proposed starting from the adduct ion-molecule structure, where the opening of a 3-C cycle could generate a birradical intramolecular attack to other areas reactive areas in the molecule, as the -CN group. The transition state for this process has been optimized with the CASSCF method and the 6-31g(d,p) basis, and the corresponding IRC starting from this transition state conduce us, in one hand to the ion-molecule adduct, and in the other hand to a more stable covalent cyclic adduct. This new cyclic adduct, resembles the structure of certain nucleobases present in human DNA