34,669 research outputs found

    Berkeley's Three dialogues

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    A review from the book: Stefan Storrie (ed.) (2018). Berkeley’s Three Dialogues: New Essays. Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press. 240 pp

    Measuring Social carrying Capacity: An Exploratory Study

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    The tourist carrying capacity commands a growing interest given that it is closely linked with sustainable tourist development. The justification of the utility of this concept is given by means of a simple and efficient methodological proposal, by analysing the social carrying capacity. To this end, an empirical application is carried out in the Western Andalusia. In some of the cases analysed, the satisfaction of the tourist is found to decline when the levels of the tourist use are higher with respect to those attributes of the tourist destination supply. This mechanism can constitute a useful alarm signal for tourism planners.carrying capacity, tourist satisfaction, sustainable tourism, tourist destination.

    A social stigma model of child labor

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    This paper constructs a model in which a social norm is internalized. The social disapproval of people who violate the norm -stigmatization-- is incorporated as a reduction in their utility. That reduction in utility is lower as the proportion of the population that violates the norm increases. In the model, society disapproves of people sending their children to work and parents care about that “embarrassment”. An equilibrium is constructed in which the expected and realized stigma costs are the same; and the wages rates of child and adult labor are such as to equate demand and supply for each kind of labor.

    Asymptotic behaviour of the Urbanik semigroup

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    We revisit the product convolution semigroup of probability densities e_c(t),c>0 on the positive half-line with moments (n!)^c and determine the asymptotic behaviour of e_c(t) for large and small t>0. This shows that (n!)^c is indeterminate as Stieltjes moment sequence if and only if c>2Comment: 13 page

    Regular solutions to a supercritical elliptic problem in exterior domains

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    We consider the supercritical elliptic problem -\Delta u = \lambda e^u, \lambda > 0, in an exterior domain Ω=RND\Omega = \mathbb{R}^N \setminus D under zero Dirichlet condition, where D is smooth and bounded in \mathbb{R}^N, N greater or equal than 3. We prove that, for \lambda small, this problem admits infinitely many regular solutions

    El papel de la metáfora como eje vertebrador de los cinco últimos programas electorales del Partido Conservador británico y la conceptualización de sus políticas en las ilustraciones editoriales de la prensa conservadora británica

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, leída el 11/04/2019In the last decades there has been a growing interest in multimodality applied to specific discourses within Conceptual Metaphor Theory (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980). The present dissertation analyses metaphorical conceptualisation used by the British Conservative Party and the editorial cartoons in the British conservative press for the general elections in 1997, 2001, 2005, 2010, 2015. This is done in an integrative approach which combines cognitive approaches, Critical Discourse Analysis (Charteris- Black’s (2014) Critical Metaphor Analysis and Musolff’s (2016) scenario-based approach) and corpus techniques. For this dissertation, two corpora were collected: (1) the manifesto corpus of 136,817 words, made up of the last five general elections; and (2) a cartoon corpus made 246 editorial cartoons published in The Daily Telegraph and The Times in the election years. Each corpus was divided into four sections according to the general election, except for the fact that the 2001 and 2005 general election belong to the same section. This study focuses on four main areas: (1) leadership; (2) economic issues; (3) British national interest; and (4) domestic issues. For the analysis of the manifesto corpus, different tools included in Antconc 4.3.3. (Anthony, 2014) were used. The analysis offers quantitative and qualitative data which reveals that metaphorical conceptualisation is an essential tool in the ideological evolution of the Conservative Party, which, under Cameron, produced a change of conceptualisation strategy on certain issues covered by the study, such as the the economy and society. However, the alleged ideological evolution is not reflected in the relationship between the UK and the EU. The results obtained in each section are contrasted to the conceptualisation made by The Times and The Daily Telegraph about the same issues, in search for synchronic patterns of similarity and differences in the source domains used to portray the same issues. This dissertation intends to serve as a starting point of multi-national contrastive studies to improve political communication and the knowledge about national and social identities.En las últimas décadas ha habido un creciente interés en estudios de multimodalidad aplicados a discursos específicos en el marco de la Teoría de la Metáfora Conceptual (Lakoff y Johnson 1980). La presente tesis analiza la conceptualización metafórica del Partido Conservador británico y las ilustraciones editoriales de la prensa conservadora inglesa en las elecciones generales de 1997, 2001, 2005, 2010 y 2015. Esto se hace mediante un enfoque integrador que combina aproximaciones que combinan enfoques cognitivos y de Análisis Crítico del Discurso (Análisis Crítico de la Metáfora de Charteris-Black, 2014 y el enfoque basado en escenarios de Musolff, 2016) junto con técnicas de corpus. En esta tesis se han creado dos corpus: (1) un corpus de programas electorales hecho con los programas electorales de las últimas cinco elecciones generales, y (2) un corpus con 246 ilustraciones editoriales del The Daily Telegraph y The Times en los años de las elecciones. Cada corpus está dividido en 4 secciones, correspondientes a cada uno de los años en los que las elecciones tuvieron lugar con la salvedad de que las secciones de los años 2001 y 2005 se analizan conjuntamente. La investigación está centrada en 4 grandes áreas: (1) liderazgo; (2) economía; (3) interés nacional británico, y (4) política interior. El corpus de programas electorales ha sido analizado utilizando distintas herramientas del paquete de Antconc 4.3.3. (Anthony, 2014). El análisis ofrece datos cuantitativos y cualitativos que demuestran que la conceptualización metafórica es una herramienta esencial en la evolución del Partido Conservador británico que, bajo el liderazgo de Cameron, realizó un cambio en la estrategia de conceptualización en las áreas estudiadas, como la economía o la sociedad. Sin embargo, esta evolución no se refleja en otros aspectos como la conceptualización de la relación del Reino Unido con la UE. Los resultados obtenidos en cada sección se contrastan con la conceptualización realizada por The Daily Telegraph y The Times, de manera que se ofrecen patrones de similitudes y diferencias en la conceptualización realizada sobre los mismos asuntos. Esta tesis pretende ser un punto de partida para la profundización de estudios contrastivos sobre comunicación política y la creación de identidades nacionales.Fac. de FilologíaTRUEunpu

    Resource location based on precomputed partial random walks in dynamic networks

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    The problem of finding a resource residing in a network node (the \emph{resource location problem}) is a challenge in complex networks due to aspects as network size, unknown network topology, and network dynamics. The problem is especially difficult if no requirements on the resource placement strategy or the network structure are to be imposed, assuming of course that keeping centralized resource information is not feasible or appropriate. Under these conditions, random algorithms are useful to search the network. A possible strategy for static networks, proposed in previous work, uses short random walks precomputed at each network node as partial walks to construct longer random walks with associated resource information. In this work, we adapt the previous mechanisms to dynamic networks, where resource instances may appear in, and disappear from, network nodes, and the nodes themselves may leave and join the network, resembling realistic scenarios. We analyze the resulting resource location mechanisms, providing expressions that accurately predict average search lengths, which are validated using simulation experiments. Reduction of average search lengths compared to simple random walk searches are found to be very large, even in the face of high network volatility. We also study the cost of the mechanisms, focusing on the overhead implied by the periodic recomputation of partial walks to refresh the information on resources, concluding that the proposed mechanisms behave efficiently and robustly in dynamic networks.Comment: 39 pages, 25 figure

    The influence of social value and selfcongruity on interpersonal connections in virtual social networks by Gen-Y tourists

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    This research focuses on the relationship of self-congruity and perceived social value with the interpersonal connections established by Generation Y tourists in virtual social networks. A quantitative study was performed using a sample of young travelers from Spain. The methodologies of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Models (SEM) were used to analyze the results. The findings of the research show that self-congruity influences the perceived social value; the perceived social value leads to satisfaction and the creation of interpersonal connections in virtual social networks; and the interpersonal connections in virtual social networks influence the use of these tools by Generation Y travelers

    The Productivity Paradox and the New Economy: The Spanish Case

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    This paper studies the impact of the information and communication technologies (ICT) on economic growth in Spain using a dynamic general equilibrium approach. Contrary to previous works, we use a production function with six different capital inputs, three of them corresponding to ICT assets. Calibration of the model suggests that the contribution of ICT to Spanish productivity growth is very relevant, whereas the contribution of non-ICT capital has been even negative. Additionally, over the sample period 1995-2002, we find a negative TFP and productivity growth. These results together aim at the hypothesis that the Spanish economy could be placed within the productivity paradox.New economy, information and communication technologies, technological change, productivity paradox.