6 research outputs found

    Elaboración de un test para evaluar competencias prácticas de estudiantes de enfermería en reanimación cardiopulmonar avanzada

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    [SPA]En una parada cardiorrespiratoria existe un riesgo vital para el paciente, y el enfermero que se enfrente a ella debe tener una formación sólida en su manejo. La simulación de casos clínicos es una metodología docente eficaz en la enseñanza de habilidades prácticas como la Reanimación Cardiopulmonar Avanzada (RCP-A). Sin embargo la evaluación de competencias prácticas es compleja por la dificultad de evaluar una actividad mientras se ejecuta y por la posible variabilidad en los criterios de evaluación del profesor. Objetivo: Elaborar un test de evaluación de compentencias prácticas de estudiantes de enfermería en RCP-A para su utilización en entornos de aprendizaje de simulación. Método: Diseño para la validación de constructo, contenido y validez facial de un test. Primera fase: búsqueda en las principales bases de datos biomédicas de artículos que evaluaran la realización práctica de la RCP. Tras el ánalisis de los instrumentos hallados se elaboró una primera versión con 34 ítems. Segunda fase: revisión, modificación de ítems y elaboración del test definitivo por consenso entre expertos en la enseñanza de RCP (6), y en el diseño y elaboración de cuestionarios (2). Resultados: El test consta de 51 ítems agrupados en 8 dimensiones con 4 posibles respuestas: 4) Correcta, 3) Parcialmente correcta, 2) Incorrecta y 1) No realizada; además presenta una descripción de los criterios de evaluación de cada item. Conclusiones: El test ha sido elaborado a partir de estudios anteriores, siguiendo los criterios aprobados por el European Resuscitation Council en 2010 y por consenso de expertos. Ofrece pruebas suficientes de validez de constructo, contenido y facial. En un segundo estudio se comprobará su fiabilidad mediante pruebas test-retest y consistencia inter e 1712 intra-evaluador, propiedades de uso y apliación del mismo. [ENG]There is a vital risk for a patient after suffering a cardio respiratory arrest. To manage and solve this situation nurses should have a strong education in this area. Clinical case simulation is an effective teaching methodology to learn practical skills in Advanced Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (A-CPR). Nevertheless the evaluation of practical competences has high difficulties because of the complexity to evaluate an activity during its performance and the possible variability of the teacher evaluation criteria. Objective: To create a practical competences evaluation test in A-CPR for nursing students to be used in simulation teaching environments. Method: The creation of this test has a design to demonstrate construct, content and facial validity. First phase: bibliographic research in the main biomedical data bases to find articles evaluating A-CPR practical training. After analyzing the instrument found a first version of the questionnaire was elaborate with 34 items. Second phase: a group of 6 experts in teaching A-CPR and 2 experts in questionnaire elaboration made a item revision and modification obtaining the definitive test. Results: The test has 51 items grouped in 8 dimensions with 4 possible answers: 4) correct, 3) partially correct, 2) wrong, 1)Not done. Conclusions: This test has been created from previous studies, following the European Resuscitation Council 2010 criteria and experts consensus. It offers enough construct, content and facial validity proofs. In later studies the reliability of the questionnaire will be test with the test-retest proofs, the inter and intraobserver consistency and its use and application properties.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci

    Effectiveness of an evidence-based practice (EBP) course on the EBPcompetence of undergraduate nursing students: Aquasi-experimental study

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    ©2015. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Nurse Education Today. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.nedt.2015.12.012Background:International nursing institutions and experts recommend evidence-based practice (EBP) as a corecomponent of the curriculum for nurses. However, the impact of EBP training on the competence of undergrad-uate nursing students remains unclear.Objectives:To evaluate the effectiveness of an EBP course on theEBP competence undergraduate nursing students'.Method:Design: Quasi-experimental study carried out in non-randomized intervention and control groups.Settings: The study was conducted in a Spanish public university in 2010.Participants: Out of 420 second- and third-year nursingstudents, 75 were enrolled in the EBP course, forming theintervention group, and 73 were not enrolled in this course were recruited as controls.Procedure: The educational intervention was a 15-week course designed to teach EBP competence. The EBP Com-petence Questionnaire (EBP-COQ) was administered before and after the intervention. Repeated-measure ANOVAwas used to compare intervention and control group scores before and at two months after the 15-week interven-tion period.Results:At 2 months after the EBP course, mean EBP-COQ scores of the intervention group were significantly im-proved versus baseline in attitude (4.28 vs. 3.33), knowledge (3.92 vs. 2.82)and skills (4.01 vs. 2.75) dimensions,whereas little change was observed in control group scores over the same time period. Repeated-measuresANOVA revealed a significant effect of Time × Group interaction on global competence and all three EBP-COQ di-mensions.Discussions:Undergraduate nursing students experience positive changes in EBP competence, knowledge, skills, andattitude as the result of a 15-week educational intervention on EBP. This EBP course may provide nursing school ed-ucators and policymakers with a useful model for integrating EBP teaching within the nursing curriculu

    Material formativo y validación experimental de un sistema móvil de respuesta inmediata para la enseñanza de las habilidades directivas y gestión de la calidad en enfermería.

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    [SPA] Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una experiencia piloto que propone una herramienta de respuesta inmediata en el proceso de aprendizaje de la materia Gestión de la Calidad en Enfermería de una titulación universitaria del Grado de Enfermería en la Universidad de Murcia. Con la finalidad de alcanzar este objetivo se ha preparado material digital para el aprendizaje de la materia de “Habilidades Directivas y Gestión de la Calidad en Enfermería”, utilizando dispositivos de respuesta automática, también conocidos como clickers. El nuevo material es más dinámico que las tradicionales transparencias en PowerPoint, a la vez que estimula la participación de los alumnos. El material se ha preparado empleando la herramienta SIDRA (SIstema De Respuesta inmediata de la Audiencia), implementada por miembros del Grupo de Investigación de Ingeniería del Software de la Universidad de Murcia. Como resultado de esta innovación docente, se ha publicado un artículo con la primera parte del proyecto, donde presenta una revisión bibliográfica de estudios empíricos que emplean dispositivos inalámbricos en educación universitaria de enfermería. Otro artículo científico presenta la experiencia de SIDRA en un curso universitario que enseña las habilidades directivas y gestión de la calidad en enfermería. [ENG] This paper presents an empirical study on the effectiveness of the use of an Audience Response System (ARS) called SIstema De Respuesta inmediata de la Audiencia (SIDRA) in a nursing administration and management course at the University of Murcia. With this aim in view, instructional material was prepared to teach the course “Habilidades Directivas y Gestión de la Calidad en Enfermería”, by using automatic response devices known as clickers. This instrument is more dynamic than the traditional slides in PowerPoint, thus promoting the students’ participation. The software tool SIDRA (SIstema De Respuesta inmediata de la Audiencia), designed and implemented by members of the Software Engineering Research Group at the University of Murcia, was used to carry out the proposal. As a result, a mapping study which explores the adoption of wireless devices in university nursing teaching and addresses their repercussion on future professionals was published in a research journal. Another research paper submitted to a research journal describes our experience on the use of SIDRA in a nursing administration and management course.Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto PEGASO-PANGEA (TIN2009-13718-C02-02) financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, y del proyecto GEODAS-REQ (TIN2012-37493-C03-02) financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y con fondos europeos FEDE

    Evaluación de la autopercepción de la adquisición de competencias para la aplicación de la práctica basada en la evidencia en estudiantes de enfermería / María del Lidón López Iborra; directora, María Ruzafa Martínez.

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    Tesis-Universidad de Murcia.Consulte la tesis en: BCA. GENERAL. ARCHIVO UNIVERSITARIO. TM 4387

    Analysis of performance and stress caused by a simulation of a mass casualty incident

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    Objective: To determine the stress that is potentially produced in professional health workers due to a mass casualty incident (MCI) simulated exercise, and its relation to prior academic training and the role played in the simulation. Methods: Observational study of stress in a MCI. For this work, two MCI drills comprised of 40 victims each were conducted. Two randomized groups of 36 students each were created: Master's Students Group (MSG) and Undergraduate Student Group (USG). The role performed by each student (triage or sectorization) was assessed. The stress level was determined by prior and subsequent measurements of alpha-amylase (αA), HR, SBP and DBP. Results: The percentage of victims that were correctly triaged was 88.6%, 91.84% for MSG and 83.76% for the USG (p = 0.004). The basal αA was 97,107.50 ± 72,182.67 IU/L and the subsequent αA was 136,195.55 ± 90,176.46 ± IU/L (p < 0.001). The baseline HR was 78.74 ± 14.92 beats/min and the sub- sequent HR was 95.65 ± 23.59 beats/min (p = 0.000). We found significant differences in the αA between students who performed the triage and those who performed sectorization but there were no differences between undergraduate and Masters' students. Conclusion: Conducting a simulated exercise caused stress in personnel involved in the MCI, with a greater impact on participants who performed triage, although it was not influenced by their prior academic level. The stress level in our case did not affect or determine the performance of acquired skills.Enfermerí