28 research outputs found

    Investment Disputes \u3cem\u3eOltre lo Stato\u3c/em\u3e: On Global Administrative Law, and Fair and Equitable Treatment

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    Global Administrative Law is an academic project that attempts to describe the emergence of a regulatory space beyond the state and to prescribe solutions to the problems it diagnoses through certain normative principles like participation, transparency, reasoned decision-making, judicial review, accountability, proportionality, and legitimate expectations. In the case of investment treaty arbitration, the principles advanced by Global Administrative Law are akin to the constitutive elements of the fair and equitable treatment that international arbitral tribunals have identified in investor-state disputes. As classified by international law scholars, these constitutive elements of fair and equitable treatment include due process, arbitrariness, non-discrimination, vigilance, legitimate expectations, stability and predictability, transparency, good faith, and proportionality. Incidentally, some of these principles have found conventional support in state practice. This Essay answers the question of whether this dogmatic similarity is a mere coincidence or proof of the influence exerted by the tenets of Global Administrative Law over the way the fair and equitable treatment clause has been construed. For that purpose, it briefly explains Global Administrative Law, its approach to investment treaty arbitration, and the fair and equitable treatment standard of international investment law

    Indirect Expropriation in International Law

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    Los Principios de Par铆s y las instituciones nacionales de derechos humanos en Am茅rica Latina

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    The Paris Principles are the benchmark against which national human rights institutions are measured in the important accreditation process managed by the international network that groups them today. Because of their origin, these principles favour the human rights commission as institutional model over the ombudsman and the human rights institute, and focuses on the creation of these institutions, rather than in their subsequent operation. These two aspects constitute a limitation to such principles. Even though the first of these problems has been solved in practice, the second one remains a reality that requires identifying criteria of efficiency going beyond institutional design and guiding national human rights institutions in the effective fulfilment of their functions. In the case of Latin America, it is essential not to lose sight of the integration of these institutions to achieve this goal. Only with adequate personnel they can persuade and influence not only state organs, but also civil society, thus promoting and protecting the human rights of all.Los Principios de Par铆s proveen los par谩metros a trav茅s los cuales se miden las instituciones nacionales de derechos humanos, en el importante proceso de acreditaci贸n que administra la red internacional que hoy las agrupa. Por su origen, dichos principios privilegian como modelo institucional a la comisi贸n de derechos humanos sobre el ombudsman y el instituto de derechos humanos, y se centran en la creaci贸n de estas instituciones, m谩s que en su posterior funcionamiento. Estos dos aspectos constituyen una limitante de dichos principios. Aun cuando el primero de estos problemas ha sido superado en la pr谩ctica, el segundo se mantiene plenamente vigente, por lo que ser铆a conveniente identificar criterios de eficiencia que vayan m谩s all谩 del dise帽o institucional y orienten a las instituciones nacionales de derechos humanos en el cumplimiento efectivo de sus funciones. En el caso de Am茅rica Latina, es esencial velar por la integraci贸n de estas instituciones para el logro de dicho objetivo. Solo contando con un personal adecuado pueden estas persuadir e influir no solo a los 贸rganos estatales, sino tambi茅n a la sociedad civil, promoviendo y protegiendo as铆 los derechos humanos de todos

    Contextualizando el derecho administrativo global

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    Varias son las denominaciones que se han propuesto para reemplazar a la de derecho internacional. Entre estas, se pueden mencionar los as铆 llamados derecho cosmopolita, derecho transnacional, derecho mundial y derecho global. Desde esta perspectiva, un proyecto acad茅mico ha planteado ciertas herramientas de an谩lisis que giran en torno a lo que se ha denominado como derecho administrativo global. Las premisas de esta aproximaci贸n parecen novedosas, pero el examen contextualizado de estas permite concluir que se acercan no solo a las de los derechos antes se帽alados, sino tambi茅n a las de otras iniciativas acad茅micas que han reflexionado sobre el problema del derecho m谩s all谩 del Estado, como la escuela de New Haven, el constitucionalismo o los recientes proyectos sobre el ejercicio del poder p煤blico internacional y sobre la creaci贸n jur铆dica informal internacional, del Instituto Max Planck de Heidelberg y del Instituto de La Haya para la Internacionalizaci贸n del Derecho, respectivamente. El presente art铆culo busca estudiar cr铆ticamente el derecho administrativo global, relacion谩ndolo con estas otras aproximaciones que han discurrido sobre la sociedad internacional y el derecho que la regul

    M谩s all谩 del efecto y de la intenci贸n: la proporcionalidad en los arbitrajes de inversiones

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    Indirect expropriation is the prevailing form of expropriation today, and its determination constitutes one of the main problems in international investment law. Doctrine and case-law has identified two possible solutions centered, respectively, in the effects or in the intention of the measures adopted by the host state. Of late, a third alternative has appeared that finds possible support in certain last-generation investment treaties. Deriving from the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights on the protection of property, it applies the principle of proportionality to determine the expropriatory nature of those measures judicially challenged by foreign investors in international arbitrations. This possible solution, however, also presents some issues of implementation. The purpose of this work is to study the application of proportionality in these disputes. Through the analysis of the relevant case-law, and the use of the dogmatic and comparative methods, the present article examines the emergence of this principle in international investment law, highlighting the differences in its application in the fora in which it has been used, to conclude that in order to become a useful instrument for solving claims of indirect expropriation it must have a clear normative basis, allowing for its employment, in tandem with the margin of appreciation, to determine the lawfulness of the respective measures, not their expropriatory nature.La forma de expropiaci贸n que prevalece hoy es la indirecta, cuya determinaci贸n constituye uno de los principales problemas a resolver en el derecho internacional de la inversi贸n. La doctrina y jurisprudencia han identificado dos posibles soluciones centradas, respectivamente, en el efecto o en la intenci贸n de las medidas estatales. En el 煤ltimo tiempo, ha aparecido una tercera alternativa que cuenta con un aparente apoyo en ciertos tratados de inversi贸n de nueva generaci贸n. Esta proviene de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Europea de Derechos Humanos relativa a la protecci贸n de la propiedad, y consiste en la aplicaci贸n del principio de proporcionalidad para determinar la naturaleza expropiatoria de las medidas judicialmente impugnadas por inversionistas extranjeros en arbitrajes internacionales. Esta posible soluci贸n, sin embargo, tambi茅n presenta algunas dificultades de implementaci贸n. El prop贸sito de este trabajo es estudiar la aplicaci贸n de la proporcionalidad en dichos arbitrajes. A trav茅s del an谩lisis de la jurisprudencia relevante, y la utilizaci贸n de los m茅todos dogm谩tico y comparativo, se examina la aparici贸n de este principio en el derecho internacional de la inversi贸n, destacando las diferencias en su aplicaci贸n en los foros en los que se la ha utilizado, para concluir que este solo podr谩 constituir un instrumento 煤til para solucionar demandas de expropiaci贸n indirecta en la medida que cuente con una clara base normativa, que le permita ser empleado, en conjunto con el margen de apreciaci贸n, para determinar la legalidad de las medidas respectivas, no su naturaleza expropiatoria

    The International Law of Discovery, Indigenous Peoples, and Chile

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    law in force at the time they were asserted.11 We hope that our effort will add to the work that has already been completed, and to that which is currently under way, to erase the Doctrine from international and national laws and to help reverse some of its pernicious effects on indigenous peoples. In Part II, we describe what the Doctrine of Discovery is, how it was developed in Europe, and how it was applied by Spain in the New World. Part III examines Chilean history and law to investigate whether Spanish and Chilean governments applied the Doctrine to the indigenous peoples that inhabited that region. We conclude in Part IV that Chile, just as all colonizing settler countries, must first recognize their use of the feudal, ethnocentric, racial, and religiously inspired international law of Discovery against indigenous peoples. Any attempt to redress past wrongs, and to create a more positive and equal future for all Chileans, must begin with recognition of this truth. From there, serious efforts should be made to eradicate the vestiges of Discovery from Chilean law and culture

    The International Law of Discovery, Indigenous Peoples, and Chile

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    law in force at the time they were asserted.11 We hope that our effort will add to the work that has already been completed, and to that which is currently under way, to erase the Doctrine from international and national laws and to help reverse some of its pernicious effects on indigenous peoples. In Part II, we describe what the Doctrine of Discovery is, how it was developed in Europe, and how it was applied by Spain in the New World. Part III examines Chilean history and law to investigate whether Spanish and Chilean governments applied the Doctrine to the indigenous peoples that inhabited that region. We conclude in Part IV that Chile, just as all colonizing settler countries, must first recognize their use of the feudal, ethnocentric, racial, and religiously inspired international law of Discovery against indigenous peoples. Any attempt to redress past wrongs, and to create a more positive and equal future for all Chileans, must begin with recognition of this truth. From there, serious efforts should be made to eradicate the vestiges of Discovery from Chilean law and culture


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    El asunto de la obligaci贸n de negociar un acceso al Oc茅ano Pac铆fico: Comentario de la sentencia de la Corte Internacional de Justicia, de fecha 1 de octubre de 2018

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    La sentencia de fondo en el asunto de la obligaci贸n de negociar un acceso al Oc茅ano Pac铆fico le puso fin a una aventura judicial que Bolivia comenzara cinco a帽os antes en contra de Chile. Esta no solo resume m谩s de un siglo y medio de intercambios diplom谩ticos entre ambos estados, sino que los analiza desde la perspectiva del derecho internacional. Poco se innov贸 en este fallo respecto de tratados, actos unilaterales y comportamientos rec铆procos de los estados. M谩s interesante es la reiteraci贸n que hizo el tribunal de las obligaciones de medios y de resultado, por un lado, y de los acuerdos t谩citos, por otro. Esta sentencia, sin embargo, marca un antes y un despu茅s en las relaciones boliviano-chilenas, y pasa a constituir un verdadero tour de force de su evaluaci贸n jur铆dica