22 research outputs found

    Housing and building sector in Galicia: evolution and perspectives

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolA vivenda e o sector da construcción do cal forma parte teñen un indubidable protagonismo non só económico senón tamén social. Neste traballo analízase o papel da construcción na economía galega comezando pola súa importancia cuantitativa para continuar con aspectos relacionados coa súa estructura e coa evolución dos principais subsectores que o compoñen e dedicándolle unha atención especial ó da vivenda. Finalmente, realízase un breve esbozo do que pode supoñe-lo futuro da vivenda e a construcción en GaliciaLa vivienda y el sector de la construcción del cual forma parte tienen un indudable protagonismo no sólo económico sino también social. En este trabajo se analiza el papel de la construcción en la economía gallega comenzando por su importancia cuantitativa para continuar con aspectos relacionados con su estructura y con la evolución de los principales subsectores que lo componen y dedicando una atención especial al de la vivienda. Finalmente, se realiza un breve esbozo de lo que puede suponer el futuro de la vivienda y la construcción en GaliciaBoth housing and building have an unquestionable prominence not only at economic but also at social level. The role of building in Galician economy, beginning by its quantitative importance and continuing with aspects related to its structure and the evolution of its main subsectors, is analyzed devoting special attention to housing. Finally a brief outline of what the future of housing and building in Galicia may involve is carried outS


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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolBloque temático Sector inmobiliario e mercado hipotecarioS

    Securitization in Spain and the wealth effect for shareholders

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    This is an accepted manuscript of the article: López-Penabad, M., López-Andión, C., Iglesias-Casal, A., & Maside-Sanfiz, J. (2015). Securitization in Spain and the wealth effect for shareholders. International Review Of Economics & Finance, 37, 308-323. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.iref.2014.12.003. © 2015. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/This paper examines the relationship between securitization, the issuing bank's overall exposure to risk and the response of the shareholder. Spanish securitization transactions are analyzed using event study methodology which reveals that securitization drains banks' wealth, was most pernicious immediately prior to the subprime crisis and affects small and medium-sized banks most with respect to mortgage collateral transactions. The indirect effect of securitization on originator risk does not affect share value, while the direct effect gives a positive relationship. This effect becomes non-significant in the years prior to the crisis and the shareholders no longer perceive this risk transferS

    Securitization and financial solvency: empirical evidence from Portugal

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in The European Journal of Finance on 2018, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/1351847X.2018.1492948This paper analyses the effect of securitization issues on the solvency of Portuguese financial institutions. For this purpose, we use an unbalanced panel model estimated using GMM methods and find that securitization has a slightly positive impact on the soundness of the issuing entity. We study 35 financial entities and 60 traditional securitizations issued by 9 originators between 2001 and 2013. The analysis reveals that the financial entities’ soundness improved slightly, showing that securitization enhanced the quality of the originators’ portfolios and increased the regulatory capital requirements. We also found that efficiency and profitability improve the risk-adjusted ROAA and that efficiency increases regulatory capital requirements. The robustness analysis confirms the positive effect of securitization on solvency, where both credit quality and liquidity are shown to be significant variablesS

    Performance Evaluation of Sheltered Workshops. Does Legal Status Matter?

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    Social enterprise pursues both social and economic goals and is recognized as a formula for achieving sustainable development. Sheltered workshops (SWs) are a manifestation of this phenomenon, their main objective being the labor market integration of disabled people. In this paper, the efficiency of SWs has been studied taking into account the operational and the core social aspects, as well as their distinct nature, namely for-profit or non-profit status. Additionally, we have analyzed the relationship between the social efficiency and the economic returns of these entities. To do this, a semiparametric methodology, combining different data envelopment analysis (DEA) models with truncated regression estimation has been used. It is the non-profit and top-performing SWs that achieve the best social and economic efficiency. For-profit and low-performing SWs show further reductions in social efficiency as a result of the economic crisis and uncertainty in subsidy-related public policies. Their extensive social proactiveness and high economic strength in the crisis period positively influenced their social and economic efficiency. We have also proven that it is the most profitable SWs that have the greatest social efficiency. We consider that our results constitute a useful complement to other evaluation models for social enterpriseWe gratefully acknowledge financial support provided by the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade (Xunta de Galicia) with reference ED431C 2020/18, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) within the period 2020–2023S

    Mortgage securitization in Spain: a risk analysis for the issuing entities

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolBloque temático Sector inmobiliario e mercado hipotecarioO obxectivo de noso traballo é analizar o risco sistemático das entidades bancarias cotizadas orixinadoras de operacións de titulización hipotecaria no mercado español. Para iso utilizamos a metodoloxía do estudo de eventos que se centra nas datas de rexistro na Comisión Nacional do Mercado de Valores (CNMV) e de emisión dos bonos de titulización entre os anos 1993 e 2010. A evidencia empírica mostra que o risco sistemático das entidades orixinadoras aumenta nos días posteriores ao evento para ambas as dúas datasEl objetivo de nuestro trabajo es analizar el riesgo sistemático de las entidades bancarias cotizadas originadoras de operaciones de titulización hipotecaria en el mercado español. Para ello utilizamos la metodología del estudio de eventos que se centra en las fechas de registro en la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) y de emisión de los bonos de titulización entre los años 1993 y 2010. La evidencia empírica muestra que el riesgo sistemático de las entidades originadoras aumenta en los días posteriores al evento para ambas fechasThis paper examines the systemic risk reaction of banks’ stocks negotiated in the Spanish stock market to Mortgage Backed Securities. We use an event study methodology for securitization registration and issue dates from 1993 to 2010. The paper provides empirical evidence that securitization has a positive impact on the increase of Spanish bank’s systematic risk on the days following the registration and issue datesS

    REIT in Brazil: An opportunity of international diversification

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    Los beneficios de la diversificación internacional se han visto modificados por el cambio continuo de las correlaciones entre los mercados. La inversión inmobiliaria presenta un elevado potencial como activo diversificador en un portafolio. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la diversificación combinando la inversión en REIT con renta variable, para un inversor de Brasil. Para ello construimos carteras óptimas out-of-sample mediante predicciones de volatilidad, correlaciones y rendimientos utilizando los métodos DCC y VAR-DCC para el índice Ifix y los ETF BOVA11 y SPDR S&P500, durante el período de 1 de diciembre de 2014 a 30 de octubre de 2015. Nuestros resultados muestran que la aproximación VAR-DCC mejora ligeramente las aproximaciones Plug-in y DCC, y la cartera Naïve.Os benefícios da diversificação internacional estão sendo modificados pela mudança contínua das correlações entre os mercados. O investimento imobiliário apresenta um elevado potencial enquanto ativo diversificador de uma carteira. O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar a diversificação mediante o investimento em REITs e renda variável, para um investidor no Brasil. Então nós construímos carteiras ótimas out-of-sample mediante previsões da volatilidade, correlações e rendimentos utilizando os modelos (métodos) DCC e VAR-DCC para o índice Ifix, e os ETFs BOVA11 e SPDR S&P500, durante o período de 1 de dezembro de 2014 a 30 de outubro de 2015. Os nossos resultados mostram que a aproximação VAR-DCC melhora a aproximação Plug-in e a DCC, e a estratégia NaïveThe benefits of international diversification have been modified by the continuous change in the correlations between markets. Real estate investment has a high potential as a diversifying asset in a portfolio. The aim of this paper is to analyze the diversification by investing in REITs and equities for an investor from Brazil. We build optimal portfolios out-of-sample using predictions of volatility, correlations and yields following the DCC and VAR-DCC methods for the BOVA11, Ifix and SPDR S&P500 indices, during the period from December 1, 2014 to October 30, 2015. Our results show that the VAR-DCC approach slightly improves the DCC and Plug-in approaches, and the Naïve strategy.S

    Real estate mutual funds in Spain. Performance and persistence

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objeto el estudio de la eficiencia y persistencia de los rendimientos del total de fondos de inversión inmobiliaria españoles, desde el inicio de su actividad a finales de 1994 a agosto de 2012. Para este propósito se ha utilizado el alfa de Jensen, la ratio de Sharpe, y la aproximación propuesta por Carhart (1997). En cuanto a la eficiencia, la ratio de Sharpe presenta valores negativos en los tres primeros años de actividad de cada fondo y valores muy bajos o incluso negativos en los tres o cuatro últimos años. El indicador de Jensen muestra que la mayoría de los fondos presentan un rendimiento inferior al del mercado, aproximado mediante la rentabilidad de la vivienda y una media de la rentabilidad de todos los fondos inmobiliarios. Carteras de referencia vinculadas a los mercados de deuda o bolsa, no resultan significativas. En el análisis de la persistencia de los rendimientos se confirma su existencia a plazo de uno, dos, tres y cuatro años, para todos los fondos. La evidencia obtenida en nuestro trabajo para los fondos inmobiliarios en España, eficiencia inferior a la del mercado y persistencia en los rendimientos, nos permite confirmar la difícil situación que ha atravesado y en la que sigue inmersa este tipo de inversión colectiva, poniendo de manifiesto la necesidad y la urgencia de medidas impulsoras de su actividad.The purpose of the present paper is to study the performance and persistence of the returns of the spanish real estate mutual funds universe from the beginning of their activity, late 1994 until august 2012. We adopt the Jensen’s alpha model, Sharpe’s ratio and Carhart’s (1997) methodology. In terms of efficiency, Sharpe’s ratio shows negative values in the first three years of activity of each fund and very low or even negative values in the last three or four years. Jensen’s indicator shows that the overall funds have underperformed the market, which has been approximated by the housing profitability and a half of the profitability of all real estate funds. Benchmarks portfolios that reflect the behavior of the bond or equity markets, did not turn out to be significant variables. There is evidence of persistence for one, two, three and four years, for the universe of funds. The evidence obtained in our work for the real estate funds in Spain, efficiency lower than that of the market and persistence in performance, allows us to confirm the difficult situation that has gone through and which continues to suffer this type of collective investment, highlighting the need and the urgency of driving measures to boost their activity.S


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    En este trabajo se estudia el nivel de integración de los mercados hipotecarios de los estados miembros de la Unión Monetaria entre los años 2003 y 2010, mediante un análisis de cointegración con datos de panel de las series de tipos hipotecarios de cada país en comparación con su media. Se observa que son escasas las relaciones de cointegración, por tanto, en general, no encontramos un nivel de integración signi?cativo en el mercado hipotecario de los países de la Unión Monetaria

    Plan gallego de hospitalización a domicilio. Estrategia HADO 2019-2023

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    Documento estratéxico que pretende potenciar e consolidar a hospitalización a domicilio como un modelo asistencial do Servizo Galego de Saúde e garantir o seu desenvolvemento nos próximos seis anos, establecendo criterios homoxéneos de atención coa finalidade de normalizar os modelos asistenciais, carteira de servizos e fluxos de traballo para asegurar una asistencia sanitaria de calidadeDocumento estratégico que pretende potenciar y consolidar la hospitalización a domicilio como un modelo asistencial del Servicio Gallego de Salud y garantizar su desarrollo en los próximos seis años, estableciendo criterios homogéneos de atención con la finalidad de normalizar los modelos asistenciales, cartera de servicios y flujos de trabajo para asegurar una asistencia sanitaria de calida