29 research outputs found

    Vegetation characterization through the use of precipitation-affected SAR signals

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    Current space-based SAR offers unique opportunities to classify vegetation types and to monitor vegetation growth due to its frequent acquisitions and its sensitivity to vegetation geometry. However, SAR signals also experience frequent temporal fluctuations caused by precipitation events, complicating the mapping and monitoring of vegetation. In this paper, we show that the influence of a priori known precipitation events on the signals can be used advantageously for the classification of vegetation conditions. For this, we exploit the change in Sentinel-1 backscatter response between consecutive acquisitions under varying wetness conditions, which we show is dependent on the state of vegetation. The performance further improves when a priori information on the soil type is taken into account.1010FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2013/50943-

    Detecting Earth-like Biosignatures on Rocky Exoplanets around Nearby Stars with Ground-based Extremely Large Telescopes

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    As we begin to discover rocky planets in the habitable zone of nearby stars with missions like TESS and CHEOPS, we will need quick advancements on instrumentation and observational techniques that will enable us to answer key science questions, such as What are the atmospheric characteristics of habitable zone rocky planets? How common are Earth-like biosignatures in rocky planets?} How similar or dissimilar are those planets to Earth? Over the next decade we expect to have discovered several Earth-analog candidates, but we will not have the tools to study the atmospheres of all of them in detail. Ground-based ELTs can identify biosignatures in the spectra of these candidate exo-Earths and understand how the planets' atmospheres compare to the Earth at different epochs. Transit spectroscopy, high-resolution spectroscopy, and reflected-light direct imaging on ELTs can identify multiple biosignatures for habitable zone, rocky planets around M stars at optical to near-infrared wavelengths. Thermal infrared direct imaging can detect habitable zone, rocky planets around AFGK stars, identifying ozone and motivating reflected-light follow-up observations with NASA missions like HabEx/LUVOIR. Therefore, we recommend that the Astro2020 Decadal Survey Committee support: (1) the search for Earth-like biosignatures on rocky planets around nearby stars as a key science case; (2) the construction over the next decade of ground-based Extremely Large Telecopes (ELTs), which will provide the large aperture and spatial resolution necessary to start revealing the atmospheres of Earth-analogues around nearby stars; (3) the development of instrumentation that optimizes the detection of biosignatures; and (4) the generation of accurate line lists for potential biosignature gases, which are needed as model templates to detect those molecules

    Academic stress in nursing undergraduates, a longitudinal cross-sectional study in covid-19 times

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    Introducción: el confinamiento vivido por el SARS-Cov2 ha modificado la forman en que el mundo funcionaba, sin embargo, el mayor impacto ha sido recibido en tres sectores, el sanitario, económico y educativo, siendo este último el punto de partida para la realización de la presente investigación. Objetivo: comparar la media de estrés académico en un grupo de alumnos de la licenciatura en enfermería en dos períodos durante la pandemia por Covid-19. Materiales y métodos: estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, comparativo y longitudinal, aplicando el Inventario SISCO-24, con un muestreo no probabilístico consecutivo. Resultados y discusión: 75.0% de la población pertenece al sexo femenino, 38.8% estudia y trabajan simultáneamente, la edad promedio es de 19.72± DE 1.43, los dominios que resultaron más afectados son los síntomas físicos y psicológicos (ME: 14.63± DE 4.38; ME: 15.99± DE 4.44) y a través de la prueba t de Student para muestras relacionadas se identificó que no existen diferencias significativas entre las medias de estrés académico (t= 0.13; Sig. Bilateral: .990). Conclusión: los métodos de educación virtuales manifiestan una incompatibilidad con el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, señalando que el aumento de factores estresores académicos es persistente y mantiene niveles peligrosamente elevados que amenazan a la salud mentalIntroduction: the confinement experienced by SARS-Cov2 has modified the way in which the world functioned; however, the greatest impact has been received in three sectors, health, economic and educational, the latter being the starting point for this research. Objective: to compare the mean academic stress in a group of nursing students in two periods during the Covid-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: quantitative, descriptive, comparative, and longitudinal study, applying the SISCO-24 Inventory, with non-probabilistic consecutive sampling. Results and discussion: 75.0% of the population was female, 38.8% studied and worked simultaneously, the mean age was 19.72 SD 1.43, the most affected domains were physical and psychological symptoms (ME: 14.63 SD 4.38; ME: 15.99 SD 4.44) and through the student’s t-test for related samples it was identified that there were no significant differences between the means of academic stress (t= 0.13; Bilateral Sig.: .990). Conclusion: virtual education methods manifest an incompatibility with the teaching-learning process, indicating that the increase of academic stressors is persistent and maintains dangerously high levels that threaten mental healt

    P. falciparum: Los péptidos de la proteína de superficie 8 de merezoito se unen específicamente a los eritrocitos humanos.

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    This work determined Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein-8 (MSP-8) regions specifically binding to membrane surface receptors on human erythrocytes. Five high activity binding peptides (HABPs), whose binding to erythrocytes became saturable and sensitive on being treated with neuraminidase and chymotrypsin were identified from the MSP-8 protein. Those amino acids directly involved in interaction with erythrocytes were also determined for each one of the HABPs. Some of them specifically recognized 28, 46, and 73 kDa erythrocyte membrane proteins. Some HABPs inhibited in vitro P. falciparum merozoite invasion of erythrocytes by up to 98%, suggesting the MSP-8 protein’s possible role in the invasion process

    Plasmodium vivax: polimorfismo en el gen de la proteína 1 de superficie de merozoitos de aislados colombianos silvestres

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    Gutierrez, A., Vicini, J., Patarroyo, M. E., Murillo, L. A., and Patarroyo, M. A. 2000. Plasmodium vivax: Polymorphism in the merozoite surface protein 1 gene from wild colombian isolates. Experimental Parasitology95, 215–219. The Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface protein-1 (PvMSP-1) has been considered a candidate for a malaria vaccine against erythrocytic stages. PvMSP-1 is immunogenic during natural infections and exhibits antigenic polymorphism. The extent of genetic polymorphism in a region between the so-called interspecies conserved blocks (ICBs) 2 and 4 of the PvMSP-1 was analyzed in 20 isolates taken from patients from two different areas in Colombia. Variation is unevenly distributed along this gene segment among the isolates. Comparative analysis of these sequences led to the definition of five sequence types (ST1 to 5). ST1 to ST4 exhibit a variation pattern associated with sequences present in the Salvador or Belem sequences. However, ST5 has clusters of sequence that have not been previously described. The changes found along the five variants confirm the important role of recombinational and/or gene conversion events in generating allelic diversity

    Vegetation Characterization through the Use of Precipitation-Affected SAR Signals

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    Current space-based SAR offers unique opportunities to classify vegetation types and to monitor vegetation growth due to its frequent acquisitions and its sensitivity to vegetation geometry. However, SAR signals also experience frequent temporal fluctuations caused by precipitation events, complicating the mapping and monitoring of vegetation. In this paper, we show that the influence of a priori known precipitation events on the signals can be used advantageously for the classification of vegetation conditions. For this, we exploit the change in Sentinel-1 backscatter response between consecutive acquisitions under varying wetness conditions, which we show is dependent on the state of vegetation. The performance further improves when a priori information on the soil type is taken into account

    Alternativa para generar bases de datos de pacientes post-infartados: electrocardiógrafo de alta resolución

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    Los Potenciales Tardíos Ventriculares (PTV) son componentes de señal electrocardiográfica (ECG), que aparecen en la parte Terminal del complejo QRS y/o al inicio del segmento ST. Estos suelen tener amplitudes del orden de los micro-voltios, los cuales con frecuencia son usados como marcadores no-invasivos en la prognosis de riesgo de muerte súbita cardiaca; sobre todo en aquellas personas que se recuperan de un infarto de miocardio. Para poder detectarlos, se requiere de registros ECG conocidos como de alta resolución (ECGAR). En el Internet se pueden encontrar algunas señales de este tipo, con el inconveniente de que o provienen de registros adquiridos con electrocardiografía ambulatoria (Holter) y/o fueron tomadas de personas con genética distinta a la hispanoamericana. Es necesario contar con bases de datos con esta clase de señales que permitan estudiar su prognosis de riesgo de muerte basada en los PTV que se detecten. Estas bases de datos de ECGAR propias, pudieran producirse de dos maneras: (1) Existen en el mercado algunos equipos especializados para generar señales ECGAR, pero suelen ser muy caros y por lo regular son sistemas cerrados; es decir, los ECGAR son generados en formatos que únicamente su sistema reconoce y no permite su manipulación con otro tipo de software, por ejemplo MatLab o LabView. La otra opción posible es mediante la construcción de un Electrocardiógrafo de Alta Resolución (EKGAR). En este trabajo se presenta la propuesta de construcción de un EKGAR, que se está desarrollando en apoyo a las necesidades de la línea de investigación en Potenciales Tardíos Ventriculares del Cuerpo Académico de Bioingeniería y Salud Ambiental de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC). El desarrollo de este EKGAR permitirá construir una base de datos para el estudio de pacientes post-infartados con riesgo de muerte cardiaca súbita de la localidad.

    Erratum: Ramses A.M. et al. Vegetation characterization through the use of precipitation-affected SAR signals. Remote sens. 2018, 10, 1647

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    After publication of the research paper [1], the authors wish to make the following correction. The link to the affiliation of Ramon F. Hanssen should have been (1). Hence, the affiliation of Ramon F. Hanssen is Geoscience and Remote Sensing at Delft University of Technology. The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused. The change does not affect the scientific results. The manuscript will be updated and the original will remain online on the article webpage, with a reference to this correction.101

    Primer registro de Amorphinopsis atlantica Carvalho, Hadju, Mothes & van Soest, 2004 (Familia: Halichondriidae) para un sistema lagunar del golfo de México

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    Pela primeira vez é registrada a presença de Amorphinopsis atlantica em um sistema lagunar do golfo do México. Esta esponja foi reportada no Brasil onde tem preferência por instalar-se sobre costas rochosas e em estuários. As observações e coleta de espécimes provêm da lagoa de Tampamachoco, localizada ao norte de Veracruz, México. Os exemplares registrados foram observados como epibiontes em bancos ostrícolas de Isognomon alatus, onde se destacaram por sua colocação amarela e sua forma incrustante massiva com ramificações prolongadas. Apresenta megascleras oxeas (331-774/7-16 μm; comprimento/largura) e estilos (138-205/5-9 μm; comprimento/largura). Com base nas observações realizadas de 2015 até hoje, considera-se que a A. atlantica é uma espécie estabelecida no sistema lagunar. O presente registro aumenta o âmbito de distribuição original da A. atlantica em direção às costas do golfo do México.Amorphinopsis atlantica is recorded for the first time in a lagoon system of the Gulf of Mexico. This sponge was reported in Brazil where it prefers to settle on rocky shores and estuaries. Specimens were observed and collected from the Tampamachoco lagoon in northern Veracruz, Mexico. Subjects observed were epibionts on Isognomon alatus oyster beds, standing out for their yellow coloration and massively encrusting form with prolonged branches. Megascleres both oxeas (331-774/7-16 μm; length/width) and styles (138-205/5-9 μm; length/width) were present. Based on the observations made from 2015 to date, A. atlantica is considered to be a species well established in the lagoon system. This record increases the original distribution range of A. atlantica towards the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico.Se registra por primera vez la presencia de Amorphinopsis atlantica en un sistema lagunar del golfo de México. Esta esponja fue reportada en Brasil donde prefiere asentarse sobre costas rocosas y en estuarios. Las observaciones y recolecta de especímenes provienen de la laguna de Tampamachoco, ubicada al norte de Veracruz, México. Los ejemplares registrados se contemplaron como epibiontes en bancos ostrícolas de Isognomon alatus, donde destacaron por su coloración amarilla, y su forma incrustante ahí masiva con ramificaciones prolongadas. Presenta megascleras oxeas (331-774/7-16 μm; largo/ancho) y estilos (138-205/5-9 μm; largo/ancho). Con base en los avistamientos realizados del 2015 a la fecha, se considera que A. atlantica es una especie establecida en el sistema lagunar. El presente registro aumenta el ámbito de distribución original de A. atlantica hacia las costas del golfo de México