283 research outputs found

    Blast Effects on Structural Elements

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    Blast loads can represent a great hazard to existing structures. Their effects on structural elements can be decisive for the integrity of both the structure itself and the people within it. The behaviour of the individual elements of a building is totally different due to the heterogeneity of the materials composing them. This fact makes it necessary to carry out tests on each type of structural element in order to correctly evaluate the response of the structure. In addition, the scale effect can produce inaccurate results, making it necessary for tests to be performed on a full scale to validate the results. In this work, the results of several tests with explosives are presented, in different constructive elements, all of them carried out at full scale. These elements range from the structural elements (beams and concrete slabs) to the weak elements of a building (masonry panels)

    Evaluation of the spatial patterns and risk factors, including backyard pigs, for classical swine fever occurrence in Bulgaria using a Bayesian model

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    The spatial pattern and epidemiology of backyard pig farming and other low bio-security pig production systems and their role in the occurrence of classical swine fever (CSF) is described and evaluated. A spatial Bayesian model was used to explore the risk factors, including human demographics, socioeconomic and environmental factors. The analyses were performed for Bulgaria, which has a large number of backyard farms (96% of all pig farms in the country are classified as backyard farms), and it is one of the countries for which both backyard pig and farm counts were available. Results reveal that the high-risk areas are typically concentrated in areas with small family farms, high numbers of outgoing pig shipments and low levels of personal consumption (i.e. economically deprived areas). Identification of risk factors and high-risk areas for CSF will allow to targeting risk-based surveillance strategies leading to prevention, control and, ultimately, elimination of the disease in Bulgaria and other countries with similar socio-epidemiological condition

    Context-Dependent Peer Victimization: Are physical and relational aggression tolerated differently in mixed-sex versus all-girl schools?

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    Contextual differences in the association between different forms of aggressive behavior and victimization were studied with a sample of 197 boys and 149 girls from mixed-sex schools and in 336 girls from all-girl schools (M = 10.21 years of age) in two cities in Colombia. Results showed that boys generally engage in more physical than relational aggression, whereas girls engage in more relational than physical aggression. Among boys, the association between aggression and victimization was significant only for the measure of relational aggression, whereas, for girls, victimization was significantly correlated only with physical aggression. This latter association was found to be significantly stronger for girls from the all-girl schools than for the girls from the mixed-sex schools. These findings are discussed in terms of how mixed-sex and same-sex groups, as different forms of peer context, affect the social dynamics related to the association between aggression and victimization

    Evaluation of the risk factors contributing to the African swine fever occurrence in Sardinia, Italy

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    This study assesses the relation between hypothesized risk factors and African swine fever virus (ASFV) distribution in Sardinia (Italy) after the beginning of the eradication program in 1993, using a Bayesian multivariable logistic regression mixed model. Results indicate that the probability of ASFV occurrence in Sardinia was associated to particular socio-cultural, productive and economical factors found in the region, particularly to large number of confined (i.e., closed) farms (most of them backyard), high road density, high mean altitude, large number of open fattening farms, and large number of pigs per commune. Conversely, large proportion of open farms with at least one census and large proportion of open farms per commune, were found to be protective factors for ASFV. Results suggest that basic preventive and control strategies, such as yearly census or registration of the pigs per farm and better control of the public lands where pigs are usually raised, together with endanced effords of outreach and communication with pig producers should help in the success of the eradication program for ASF in the Island. Methods and results presented here will inform decision making to better control and eradicate ASF in Sardinia and in all those areas with similar management and epidemiological conditions

    Seguro de salud y cobertura de vacunación en población infantil con y sin experiencia de desplazamiento forzado en colombia

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    Objetivo Determinar la cobertura de vacunación y su relación con el status de afiliación al seguro en niños y niñas menores de cinco años de edad, en condiciones de alta vulnerabilidad social.Material y métodos Estudio transversal en 514 familias residentes en asentamientos urbanos, receptores de población desplazada por conflicto armado, de 4 municipios del departamento de Santander, Colombia. A través de un muestreo probabilístico con afijación proporcional por municipio se seleccionaron los hogares y se aplicó una encuesta. Los datos de inmunización fueron obtenidos del carné de vacunación. La variable dependiente fue estar vacunado con esquema completo para la edad según los biológicos estipulados por el programa oficial del Ministerio de Protección Social. Mediante regresión logística se modeló la probabilidad de estar vacunado ajustando por las variables sociodemográficas.Resultados Se estudiaron 369 niños y niñas, de los cuales 48,8 % pertenecía a familias desplazadas por conflicto armado; 46,1 % de los entrevistados presentaroncarné de vacunación. Entre los que tenían carné, contrario a lo esperado, sólo 21,2 % estaba asegurado y 22,9 % estaba vacunado con esquema completo para la edad. La probabilidad de estar vacunado para la edad, dado que se está afiliado al sistema de salud mediante el régimen subsidiado, es 2,4 veces más, comparada con los no asegurados (p=0.042).Conclusión Las bajas coberturas de vacunación indican la existencia de barreras de acceso a los servicios y las bajas coberturas de afiliación al seguro sugieren fallas en las políticas de afiliación al seguro para poblaciones que viven en contextos de pobreza y desplazamiento

    Vegetative propagation of native fruit species of páramo iThibaudia floribunda/I and iCavendishia bracteata/i by cuttings

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    Cavendishia bracteata and Thibaudia floribunda (Ericaceae) are wild fruit shrubs native to the Andes region. This study aimed to characterize the rooting potential of basal and apical cuttings using naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) in different concentrations (0, 200, 500, or 1,000 mg L-1). In C. bracteata, the cutting position on the branch affected its sprouting and rooting, with apical cuttings presenting the best performance with auxin application. The rooting of cuttings was more successful in C. bracteata than in T. floribunda. NAA applications between 200 to 500 mg L-1 were more suitable for the propagation of C. bracteata due to the higher percentages of rooting and shoot production. For propagation of T. floribunda, the use of apical cuttings without the application of auxins is recommended. Adventitious roots in cuttings of both species were originated from parenchyma cells of the stem

    Sistematización de la experiencia en la finca Los Alpes (La Ceja- Antioquia-Colombia) : De lo simple a lo diverso

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    La Finca Los Alpes, propiedad de John Jairo Ríos Castro, está ubicada en el Municipio de La Ceja, Antioquia, Colombia. Surge como propuesta de cambio impulsada por la Escuela Regional Agroecológica Integral (ERAI), en el año 2007 y se implementa en esta finca a partir de experimentos exitosos realizados en la misma. Su objetivo es la producción y comercialización de productos Agroecológicos bajo la denominación de Comercio Justo para la distribución local (Medellín, Colombia). Este cambio ha tenido un impacto positivo en el productor ya que además de reducir los costos de producción, se desarrolla una Agricultura de alto impacto social y que es ambientalmente responsable. Estos cambios han generado también grandes expectativas, ya que durante los últimos años ha tomado fuerza, y se ha adquirido más conciencia de la importancia de conservar los diferentes ecosistemas, siendo las prácticas agroecológicas, una alternativa con alta factibilidad como sistema de producción.Eje: B1 Sistemas de producción de base agroecológica (Relatos de experiencias)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Evaluation of the spatial patterns and risk factors, including backyard pigs, for classical swine fever occurrence in Bulgaria using a Bayesian model

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    The spatial pattern and epidemiology of backyard pig farming and other low bio-security pig production systems and their role in the occurrence of classical swine fever (CSF) is described and evaluated. A spatial Bayesian model was used to explore the risk factors, including human demographics, socioeconomic and environmental factors. The analyses were performed for Bulgaria, which has a large number of backyard farms (96% of all pig farms in the country are classified as backyard farms), and it is one of the countries for which both backyard pig and farm counts were available. Results reveal that the high-risk areas are typically concentrated in areas with small family farms, high numbers of outgoing pig shipments and low levels of personal consumption (i.e. economically deprived areas). Identification of risk factors and high-risk areas for CSF will allow to targeting risk-based surveillance strategies leading to prevention, control and, ultimately, elimination of the disease in Bulgaria and other countries with similar socio-epidemiological conditions

    Indicadores de calidad en cardiología. Principales indicadores para medir la calidad de los resultados (indicadores de resultados) y parámetros de calidad relacionados con mejores resultados en la práctica clínica (indicadores de práctica asistencial). INCARDIO (Indicadores de Calidad en Unidades Asistenciales del Área del Corazón): Declaración de posicionamiento de consenso de SEC/SECTCV

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    ResumenLa práctica clínica cardiológica requiere una organización compleja que influya en los resultados globales y puede diferir sustancialmente entre distintos hospitales y comunidades. El objetivo de este documento de consenso es definir indicadores de calidad en cardiología, incluidos los indicadores para medir la calidad de los resultados (indicadores de resultados) y los parámetros de calidad relacionados con mejores resultados en la práctica clínica (indicadores de práctica asistencial). El documento está destinado principalmente al sistema de asistencia sanitaria de España y puede servir de base para documentos similares en otros países.AbstractCardiology practice requires complex organization that impacts overall outcomes and may differ substantially among hospitals and communities. The aim of this consensus document is to define quality markers in cardiology, including markers to measure the quality of results (outcomes metrics) and quality measures related to better results in clinical practice (performance metrics). The document is mainly intended for the Spanish health care system and may serve as a basis for similar documents in othe rcountries